The invisible sledgehammer was shattered by the swinging arm, and the distance quickly narrowed, and Empat's forward speed was even better.

The twisting waist drove the uppercut, and the heavy punch was like a burst shell. The left fist that almost knocked De Billon out of balance was raised immediately, directly blocking the laser light with the red wrist.

There is no energy limit, consciousness is completely manipulated, and Karl, who ignores the side effects, has almost unlimited physical strength. As long as the people on this planet still exist, negative energy will continue to replenish his body.

The smooth rhythm was interrupted, at this moment, Nangong continued to express his thoughts telepathically:

'There must be someone manipulating behind this battle, I can still handle it now, you are there to prevent possible emergencies. '

Strange beings from the universe appeared one after another. If it wasn't for something on this planet that attracted them, there was a man behind the scenes targeting the earth.

Telling Dagu not to act rashly, Nangong controlled his body to confront the other two huge beings.

If he does not attack, the enemy will not attack either.

Seeing how tricky the giant named 'Empat' was, De Biron was not so stupid as to think that pressing together would give him an advantage.

In that case, how should we fight?

He has no advantage in frontal combat, nor is he good at it. Controlling others through their negative emotions is what he is good at.

Here is the problem, no gaps can be found.

You can clearly feel negative emotions, but you can't find a gap. How can this be?

'Calm anger? '

Like a flame burning inside an iceberg, is there such a thing in this universe?

De Billon tried to give orders to the motionless Feiyan EX-J over there, but unfortunately they still didn't respond, and their thoughts were wrapped tightly like invisible spider webs.

Moving sideways, Karl also moved under orders.

The two formed a pincer attack, and they did not appear in the field of vision at the same time.

This is the correct choice, but Empat is estimating the distance.

Left, right, one step, two steps, he stood in the original position.

When the opponents took the fifth step, the target was locked, and there was no doubt that it was the monster that seemed to be covered with a swamp.

Karl immediately aimed at the enemy's back, trying to combine his arms into an L shape.

It's just that no matter what, they couldn't splice smoothly, and the huge force of thought was all exerted on him at this time, preventing his movements.

It was a good distance and a good angle for Empat, and the Jebi EX-J of the Europe and America branch couldn't attack right away.

Moreover, in the previous battle, an illusion was created that 'my mind can't bind another giant'.

In fact, it can be done, just use it at the right time, such as now.

Empat has two seconds and he strides forward, the prelude to the sprint.

The next moment, the dust all over the ruins of the city was raised due to its movement, and the feet did not stick to it, and directly used the anti-gravity ability to cooperate with the strength of the legs to 'slide' forward

De Billon didn't have time to retreat, and raised his arm as a shield to defend.

However, his physical level seems not enough.

The purple light blade slashed across, it was a palm knife dyed with color.

The first time was a slash, and the second time was a thrust. The left arm pushed out towards the enemy along the swinging body. The straight palm was a sharp blade that could cut steel and iron.

Penetrates, but doesn't have enough feel.

De Billon in front of Empat suddenly became blurred. At the same time, the controlled pilots woke up like a dream, and their chaotic brains had not been able to sort out the situation at this time.

Concentrating all his control on one point, Debiron passed Empat and rushed towards the existence of the same origin as him.

Negative energy monsters collide with negative energy monsters, blending in, possessing, unimpeded.

The two were originally born from the same energy source, and at this time they are even more attached to each other.

In the dark world, inside the closed consciousness, someone is speaking:

"What do you want to become?"

Yeah, what do you want to be like?

From the day I saw that giant...maybe I began to yearn for it.

Want to be 'Ultraman'


In front of Empat, dark negative energy gushes out like a flame and spreads like a storm. What emerges from it is not the gray-white-black mixed giant before.

His body is made of red and silver, with a blue timer hanging on his chest, but the shape is completely different.

The pattern becomes zigzag, with sharp edges and corners on the limbs, and the proportion is even more out of balance.

There are more grooves on the head, and while the eyes and mouth look fierce, the body that seems to be swollen by muscles moves.


The roar of the beast was released from its throat, and even the appearance of Ultraman had been lost, and the impression of a monster was even stronger.

'very good. '

This is Debiron at this time, the negative energy monster is possessed by the negative energy monster, and the two form a more powerful existence.

The body is a combination, and the consciousness is dominated by him. Karl made a mistake that is not a mistake to him.

De Billon, who fully accepts negative energy and that crazy will, and he who does not accept it and fights in the process of using it, the gap between the two is so obvious, and it has led to the current result.

In an instant, De Billon disappeared in place.

Faster and more powerful, the silver monster sliding on the ground chased Empat back, as if to retaliate.

Arm and arm, the moment they collided with each other, the two separated from their original positions, and it was hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Pulling, bouncing, slashing purple stopped by gushing blue.

Empat's palm knife collided with Debiron's arm blade, swiped and swung out, and the blue-eyed giant flew out backwards.

It's completely different from before. In turn, Debiron is better in pure strength.

He pursued immediately, and the environment was completely indifferent to the existence of this alien.

Swinging the arm blade forward, it just cut through several mountains.

Empat evaded somersaults before, but was not affected by gravity.

Turning around, the kick to the back of the neck exploded.

In the explosion of power, the mountain that was cut apart was knocked away again.

De Billon stood still, hugged his hands, and turned around.

The hill dropped gravel and green trees, and finally crumbled as it hit the ground.

Empat, who jumped back, was firmly grasped in the face, and Debiron, who was getting closer, pressed him to the ground and pulled him.

At the same moment, a powerful kick broke out in De Billon's face.

Instinctively, he let go of his palm, and his knee hit him directly in the face.

Empat rose for a short distance, then dropped his clenched fists and hit the top of his head.

De Billon slammed into the ground directly, and the twisted movement exposed his back.

So, Empat stepped forward on the ground, moving his shoulders, waist and legs, and his straight side kick was like a spear, stabbing fiercely at the enemy's back.

That force directly kicked the huge body away.

The pain caused by this blow is quite obvious, but...

After stabbing his hands into the ground and pulling out a gully of more than ten meters, De Billon stood up again.

"What's the matter, don't you fight with all your strength?"

Compared with the previous attack, it was too 'gentle'.

For example, with the blow just now, if he had used "cut" instead of 'kick', the body would have been cut into two.


Sure enough, it is an existence with clear intelligence.

"If you don't call..."

De Billon pulled back with his right hand, and the spinning blue light completely formed a sharp halo.

It was thrown out, split, and in an instant, eight light wheels attacked Empat.

He immediately jumped up to avoid it, but just like the moves he used before, under the control of his thoughts, the light wheel became a tracking flying blade, cutting from different angles.

A radar formed in Empat's brain.

On the radar, there is a long thread behind the eight light spots.

When the silk thread was cut, the light wheel, which was still extremely sensitive before, drifted away to nowhere.

He raised his right arm, and the impact caused the position to change.

The clenched left fist swung out with all its strength, and the dull collision sound resounded through the sky.

De Billon, whose head was thrown back, moved forward again, and this action became a power accumulation instead, and the head hammer hit the top of the opponent's head.

He rushed forward quickly, but the bottom-up kick went straight to the jaw.

Empat didn't just lean back, but reversed 360°

He bullied himself forward, and smashed his elbow from above towards the enemy's chest, and was blocked by his strong arm.

The two giants were entangled in the air, one hit missed, and another blow was struck, and the clenched left fist hit De Billon's cheek from the side, and the blow flew out.

First the resulting 50 meters and then 25 meters.

Empat climbed up suddenly, and the blue light mixed with the red thunder struck from the front.

Debiron's arms form a cross shape, and the negative energy light for a higher level is strafed along with his movements, chasing the opponent flying in the air.

'How to do? '

Draw an arc, avoiding the continuous streamer that even cuts through the clouds.

Nangong feels troublesome about the current situation. The possessed person not only strengthens the enemy's strength, but even becomes the enemy's hostage.

Do you want to kill "him" together?

Even if the possessed person is really killed, how can it be guaranteed that the person will not leave quickly and look for the next carrier?



Acceleration, faster than ray tracing.

Turn back and charge towards the alien giant.

When the light hit, Empat's body shattered into spots of light.


Particles and wind brushed over the body, and at this moment, the figures of the two giants overlapped.


Unable to even maintain flight, the fallen giant fell from a height of nearly a thousand meters in embarrassment.

"This guy actually——"

A struggling alien giant, Debiron was shaking his head and arms frantically.

The quiet blue-eyed giant, Empat crossed his hands on his chest, as if he was guarding something.

Countless emotions poured into the brain, which was a long-lost feeling.

Nangong was not dazzled by it, because he was well prepared, and also because he had experience in fighting the Imperial Stars, and the erosion of negative energy was firmly withstood.

Trinity, the sudden action constitutes the eerie situation at this time.

"What the hell is going on then?"

At this time, the TPC team was late, and the battle between the two giants constantly changing positions made it difficult for them to catch up.

The giant covering his head, the giant with his arms crossed, and the giant waving his hands, all seem to be real, and all seem to be false.

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