However, without waiting for everyone to think about it, the night sky was suddenly torn apart by a blue ball of light.


The sphere quickly reached the ground, and when the light dissipated, there was a roaring monster inside.

It has a dark yellow body and four red eyes.

"That is---"

Once Empat, to be precise, was the assassination monster Gurale that was defeated by Empat recently.

Why is it here?

All these questions can be thought about later, Dagu immediately held the spark prism, and transformed it into a new posture with his own will.

The golden Thunderbolt collapsed just before it was launched, and the falling flying kick defeated its aim, and the blow that was originally aimed at Empat burned the ground black.

Tiga, who landed on the ground, changed his shape in the blooming red light, and the powerful physical ability immediately played a role.

Before Gulalei got up, his feet left the ground.

The left leg is firmly bound, and the body rotates in mid-air.

Tiga didn't miss any chance after the surprise attack, and pursued it before the enemy reacted.

One lap, two laps, three laps, a storm was set off due to the maneuver, four laps, five laps, the sky was once again infested with blue.


One, two, three, four, five.

Before the last ball of light fell, Dijia stood still with all his strength, his upper body leaned forward, and the Gulalei in his hand fell to the ground after drawing an arc.

What kind of scene was that?

The roar resounded through the sky, setting off a nearly [-]-meter earth wave, and the ground was directly split in the vibration. The strong earthquake made it difficult to stand still.

The next moment, Dijia gathered orange light energy from bottom to top with his hands, and finally stored it in his clenched fists.

Aiming at the first Gulalei that was smashed to pieces, the heavy punches caused electric arcs and sparks to explode, and in the flickering of the strong light, that's head was directly blasted to pieces.


The scarlet giant stood up immediately, and his actions seemed to provoke some reaction. The one who appeared in the blue light ball was still Guralei.

As mass-produced monster weapons, they aim at the most threatening targets for them.

The violent thunder blasted towards Dijia, and the battle resumed.

190 The Black Hand Appearing in Chapter Four

The scene of destruction appeared in front of my eyes, the scene before the destruction of the planet appeared before my eyes, and the surface of the earth was completely destroyed... This is not right.

It would be better to say that the surface of the entire planet has been dug out, the nature that should have been completely burned, the ocean that should have been completely evaporated, and the exposed land has been completely destroyed, leaving nothing left.

What actually caused the present situation?

The distant army has left, and this is the fate of the rebels, there is no existence that can disobey the empire.

The overlapping of the three, the three of them mixed together, Nangong naturally saw this scene.

"Have you started to hate the rest of existence because of the destruction of your homeland?"

He has completely understood the enemy's thinking.



Is it hateful?


Turning his head away, the stabbed palm brushed his cheek.

His arms were held, and an over-the-shoulder throw sent the attacker down toward the dead ground.

It was no longer an alien giant, but the pure, muddy monster Debiron I saw at first.

When the opponent made contact with the ground and was about to be injured, the hand feeling suddenly disappeared, leaving only empty hands.

Suddenly, dark negative energy surged from all directions.

Empat immediately jumped up, as if to cover up the destroyed continent, the negative energy formed a black current, which became a strange 'sea water'

The sky, the sea, and the world suddenly went dark.

Where is this place?

This is the body of the negative energy monster, a small world filled with the negative energy that constitutes Debiron and Karl, not only that.

"Stupid idiot, he jumped into my world on his own initiative."

The black sky forms a rotting face, that is Debiron, and a steady stream of negative energy is being extracted into this world from the inhabitants of the planet Earth.

The light of one person, and the darkness of thousands, which side is stronger?

"Abhorrent brilliance, disappear for me!"

With Debiron's movements, the sky seemed to turn into a giant monster.

That has surpassed the size of any monster that Empat has ever seen, even Tyrant, who is a collection of resentment, is not as good as the existence in front of him.

Huge negative energy constitutes this world, and he is like a drop of water dripping into the ocean current.

Thousands of black lines entangled in the pitch-black world, and the moment they quickly left behind, they discovered that countless tentacles also emerged behind.

How do you fight when everything in this world is an enemy?

Invoking the power in his body, a soft blue light was released from the timer in his chest.

"This is?!"

The timer beam, this light blooms in this world full of negative energy, Empat seems to have turned into a blue sun, spreading the light again.

The black negative energy product disappeared like sand the moment it touched the light, but soon, more pitch black formed different shapes.

Crazy like a wild beast biting, weird like a palm pulling, emerging from the face like the wailing of the dead.

The water and the sky are separated by light, where does this faint blue light shine?Could it be that he intends to purify the huge resentment with his own light?

At the same time, on the side of the overlapping giants, Gu Lalei, who was rushing towards them, was kicked away fiercely.

The power of the powerful Tiga exploded completely, and electric arcs and sparks exploded from the staggering back monster.

The scarlet giant didn't have time to chase after him, so he immediately threw another palm light arrow to the side, and before confirming whether it hit, he turned around and deployed his shield.

With one against five, he is facing a difficult situation at this time. There are nine thunderbolts in total, and the simultaneous attack of three Gulalei is pressing on the barrier, consuming his energy.

Facing him like this, except for the Gulalei that was kicked away before, the remaining Gulalei opened its mouth.

The scorching fireball spit out, but was hit by a light blue beam halfway.

Two, four, six, freezing beams intercepted the scorching heat. Before the Gulalei could react, the melting light was directed at its head, using fire to fire, piercing through the skin, causing a roar.

Half a second later, one of the three Gulares that put pressure on Tiga found that it could no longer release lightning.

The freezing beams of several beta fighters neutralized the current and then fixed the ice on its corners.

Gathered here are excellent flight teams from three bases in the Far East, the Americas, and Europe. The Feiyan EX-J alone has 12 aircraft, and the α fighter and β fighter separately have 24 aircraft.

Emerald green, orange red, light blue, and the light scatter wildly, which interfered extremely effectively with the Gulares.

There was a roar, and then the sound stopped abruptly. The heavy punch on its face caused the explosion of the arc. It was Di Jia who forcibly resisted the lightning with a barrier.

"it is good!"

Who couldn't help applauding, but they were full of anger.

He just saw the monster, and he was controlled immediately before he could do anything, and was rescued by Ultraman in turn.

What a joke, they didn't get on the newest fighter plane to be saved, but to work so hard to fly in the sky together.

Turning anger into concentration, the light that cuts through the night sky crazily interferes with the monsters, causing effective damage to the monsters.

At this time, I saw Di Jia raised his right hand high, and slashed down with the knife in his palm.

Sparks flew everywhere, and a Guralei's head was sliced ​​open in the middle.

Saving energy also depends on the situation. The faster you reduce the number of enemies now, the more you will consider saving energy in the future.

Dijia's legs were slightly bent, and while jumping up on the spot, he added his own strength and flying ability, spinning and sweeping, and the roundabout kick directly kicked the second Gulalei who raised his hand to defend and tried to break through the attack to the ground.

His left hand and right hand were facing each other on the palms of his waist, and the light arrows in his palms shot out continuously. Gulare, who was trying to attack Empat on the other side before, was repelled again.

And before that, Gu Lalei, who was kicked to the ground by him, was attacked continuously by 8 machines, and the light shot at it crazily, suppressing it and preventing it from getting up.

The rescue was timely, but after all, Dijia was fighting more with less.

Another Gulale quickly approached the distance, and the sharp claws of its right hand drew out a vague afterimage. The shots aimed at it by the fighters were blocked by another companion with it.

Dijia turned his head and body, and the next moment, he hit directly with a full blow without hindrance.

The sharp claws didn't make any exaggerated sounds, they just heard the indistinct sound of breaking wind and saw the sparks lighting up the night.

Gulalei's blow was a complete hit, and immediately after, it suffered a severe blow to the head.

Tiga's heavy punch hit the enemy's face, and his timely adjustments would minimize the movement, and the golden breastplate blocked most of the damage.

The remaining damage is endured by the increased defense under the powerful type.

Without saving energy, he took a step forward, supported by his left foot, and swept his right foot towards his head.

Before the explosion disappeared, the rotating body kicked for the second time, switching to the right foot for support, and the left foot kicked back.

The series of kicks brought about two consecutive explosions at almost the same moment. This time, Gulalei's body fell to the ground due to the remaining strength, leaving only the headless corpse.

Convinced of the situation here, the Feiyan Flying Team turned to attack the enemy on that side.

One-on-one, Dijia stepped forward without hesitation, fists, claws, and confronted head-on, but it was the claws that were crushed.

Gulalei's red pupils reflected flickering electric arcs. This powerful boxing did not rely solely on physical strength. The released light energy further superimposed and amplified the power.

The wrist that had lost its sharp claws was beaten out of shape, and it was still aimed at the weak point of the head. Di Jia's right foot stepped forward and fell into the ground due to strength, and his swinging body was exerting force like a baseball pitcher throwing a ball.

Hit the head straight to shatter it.

'There are two more... this is it? ! '

The blue ball of light fell again, and five monsters reinforced it.

They roared in unison, and the new Guralei were thrown into the battlefield again.

Without even the slightest hesitation, they fired a salvo of fireballs at Empat, who was in a strange state.

On the ray, Dijia, who jumped up and down, stretched his hands up and down at 45 degrees, which was a light network woven by dense lavender rays.

Five fireballs hit at the same time, and the heat was transformed into pure energy, which was radiated from the center of the merged arms.

The ejected light wave is like a giant arrow of light, it directly hits the two gulalei that can't dodge, blowing them into pieces.

But what about the rest?

There were two left in the first batch, three left in the second batch, and still five.

In addition to the roar of the monster, Dijia could still hear the ringing of the timer, not him, but the comrades guarding the rear.

Clenching his fists, he faced the monster in front of him.

The battle is getting more and more difficult. The power source of Feiyan EX-J is not a perpetual motion machine, and it is constantly consumed in the battle. If their combat effectiveness decreases, the pressure on Tijia will also increase.

There was a sound of physical collision, and an arc of lightning exploded in front of the fist that was swung.

In the tight defense, he was hit by the passing claws from time to time.

The fierceness of the outside world seems unable to affect the inner world. The blue sun shines in the darkness, but it is mixed with flashes of red from time to time.

"What's wrong? Can't hold it anymore?"

De Billon laughed at the other party's useless work. The purified negative energy was only a small part, which had just disappeared, and was filled with the power from the outside world.


Empat didn't speak, he still released his own light, in order for anyone to see it.

It's just that the energy in the body, as the other party said, is getting less and less.

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