"How long are you going to sleep!"

The sound echoed in the world of negative energy, and the surging black tide was as intense as ever, even more intense.

More intense?

It was at this moment that Kuroshio turned into a gray and black giant, his red eyes only showing danger.


Before De Billon could respond, the pulling palms tore his body apart.

The turbid sky and the turbulent ocean are connected to form a spectacular picture.

"You still want to play tricks with my body, it's time to give it back to me!"

In the bottomless darkness, Karl saw the light.

Why on earth did I become the way I am today?

Do you need to ask?

"How can I let you run wild everywhere on our planet and wantonly take the lives of others!"

Pulling, devouring, not enough!

Strength is not enough!

Give me more power!

'Angry' - this is the most basic reason for Karl to join the project. As a soldier who should protect the world and human beings, he can't even control his own life.

The tragic situation after the tragic victory can only rely on Ultraman's unwillingness, and he is annoyed at his inability to help.

This anger was ignited again. In the American branch, obeying the emotion, the red crystal flashed again, frantically absorbing the negative energy on the earth.

In an instant, in the world of negative energy, the huge negative energy lost to the even bigger negative energy.

"Impossible, why you——"

De Billon yelled in disbelief, the other party was doing this consciously, why didn't he swallow it?

Break up, pull, eat, fuse, and the power soars.

Finally, Empat half-kneeled on the ground, the timer on his chest flickered non-stop, and on the other side, the alien giant that popped up shattered and turned into the original Karl.

Reach out, use the ability, teleport to send the unconscious soldier away.

The attacking sharp claw was about to hit, and the next moment, Jian Rui stopped only one centimeter away from the left eye, and then sent the first blow to knock Gu Lalei back.

At this moment, Di Jia, who was pulling the enemy with both hands, turned his body and threw the monster towards his comrades.

Empat's waist drives the kick, and the purple covering the calf cuts through the enemy, evaporating the blood on the cut surface together.

He stepped on his right foot, jumped up, passed Dijia from above, and kicked away Gulalei who was about to take the opportunity to attack.

Back to back, Di Jia swung his hands forward horizontally, and the cutting blade cut off the second Gulalei in the middle.

Assault in opposite directions, punches and palms, thumps and cuts, arcs and light trails rip through the night sky.

It was completely suppressing the basic ability. Empat's hook kick and double kick cut off the arms of the third Gulalei, and while he jumped up, his left leg was lifted diagonally and cut off from the upper right corner, dividing it into two parts. two.

"Not as strong as the one I first saw."

He commented in this way, and Dijia's fists on the other side struck out at the same time, crushing the wrists of the third Gulalei head-on, and stepped forward, and the two fists closed at the waist bombarded the enemy's body for the second time. broken.

The last Gulalei was hit by blue, purple, and green three-color, two palm light arrows and light rays composed of 24 fighter jets at the same time.

All the monsters are defeated, is this the end?

No, not so.

The blue sphere fell again, this time two Guralei.

They roared, attracting the attention of the two Ultramans.

He stepped forward to meet him, but at this moment, Empat suddenly raised his head, and then jumped back with Di Jia who also felt something.

There was no scene that could cause flames in sight, but the harsh heat was felt.

As demonstrated by this feeling, the two pushed their hands forward at the same time, and a giant white barrier was formed to block the sudden heat wave.

The front is an exaggerated view, as if looking directly at the surface of the sun from a close distance.

Nothing could be seen but orange-red, and the fire was pressing on them now.

Again, Empat sensed something.

He invoked his mental power, and the fighters present were pulled and pushed out at the same time.

The next moment, behind the flames was the strong wind, and the fire tornado formed by the combination of fire and wind instantly swallowed the giants into it.

That is a range of kilometers in diameter. Before continuing to expand, it shrinks further, concentrating the heat to a high degree.

The flames made it impossible to look directly at, and the existence that controlled everything fell from the sky, supported by blue wings to fly, and the third eye on the forehead emitted a strange blue light.

190 Chapter Five Ultimate Evolution Emperor

The eye-catching concentrated flame pillar was torn apart, and the dirashum beam of light blasted from the inside directly hit the enemies descending from the air.

At a short distance from the body, the orange-red color dispersed and disappeared the moment it hit, and the invisible shield offset the damage.

At the same time, at an altitude of a thousand meters, Empat, whose body was blurred by the high temperature, fell towards the enemy, and the deep purple light attached to his flying kick turned him into a sharp spear.

Half a second later, a full kick exploded.

The ripples oscillated in all directions, and the demon-like enemies remained unscathed.

Realizing that his attack had been caught, Empat spun around and swept his other leg towards his opponent's head.

The calf, the palm, the monster locked the blow.

At this moment, one is in the upper corner, the other is in the center, and there is enough space below.

Stretching out, jumping up, Dijia's clenched right fist exploded with all its strength, hitting the devil's abdomen directly, and electric arcs and sparks bloomed at the same time.

Was there any harm done?

I saw the pair of blue wings waved, and the gale that set off the shock wave hit the two giants fiercely.

It was more fierce than the gust of wind that Huranos had set off back then, and the two of them were blown out irresistibly.

Forcibly stopping the body, the wings in front waved again.

Empat combined his arms, and the uncharged Zapelio light burned the air, pierced through the strong wind, and hit the enemy directly again.

But the blue-black particles were flying everywhere, and the demon was still flapping its wings leisurely.

'What the hell is that guy—'

Invoke the power in your body and explode it in one breath.

As the shadow surged, an undercurrent that instantly expanded to a height of tens of meters bombarded the enemy.

It is no longer the usual arm height, but almost the same height as Empat, and the needle-shaped particle beam pierces the opponent who is taking damage from the front.

This time, the demon was no longer as leisurely as before, his body was slightly tilted, and Zapelio's light flashed from the side.

Empat pulled with his right hand and dragged the remaining light along with it, but failed to attack the opponent after all.

But that was enough, the enemy's gale had ceased.

The crimson giant appeared, and Di Jia clasped his fists in both hands, and he did not know when he had intercepted in front of the opponent.

The heavy hammer fell, and all the power of the powerful type erupted.

With one blow, the roar resounded through the sky, and the wind pressure danced wildly.

He immediately chased down, caught up with the falling enemy, his fist collided with his arm, and then there was a vibration caused by the impact on the ground, dozens of cracks spread wildly to the surroundings, and the ground floated up due to the impact.

In the dusty atmosphere, Dijia was thrown into the distance.

The pursuit continued before the demon took to the air again on troubled wings.

I saw that the head with the sharp angle on the top of the head was deflected, and easily dodged the flying kick.

Empat turned around quickly, his left elbow cut through the air, and slashed at the enemy like a blade.

It's a pity that he still failed to hit, his right arm was quickly dyed purple, and he slashed forward with all his strength.

However, this cut was avoided for the third time.

I saw the devil's claws were straight, facing him head-on.

Swinging and slashing with all their strength, the knives and claws of both sides collided, and a strong flash erupted.

The next moment, they swung from different angles and slashed from different angles. They fought continuously, and every time they collided, purple particles would always scatter.

Empat's attack didn't really touch the enemy's body, but hit something else.

'Is it something like the shield from before? '

Before the last purple track disappeared, a second purple track was added immediately. The movement was unimaginably fast, and the force of the collision was also displayed by vibration.

Suddenly, a crack opened between the demon's forehead, and the third eye released its unique ability at a very close range.

The cyan light hit Empat before he could react.


The movement stopped in the middle, and the power scurrying in the body fixed the body and caused damage.

Only one person stopped.

The demon struck forward with all his strength, and at the same moment, Di Jia, who was thrown out, jumped from above.

The kick hit the first step, and the enemy whose face had been blasted took a step back irresistibly.

Dijia landed on both feet, quickly stepped forward and punched, and another heavy blow exploded the arc.

However, before the second punch was thrown, he was counterattacked first.

A fist hard on his chest knocked him back.

Just when he stood still and wanted to do something, the demon attacked at a faster speed and suppressed by speed.

I saw Dijia kept swinging his arms, treating them as shields that kept blocking the opponent's sharp claws.

There is no opportunity to counterattack, and the speed sacrificed by the powerful type becomes the biggest shortcoming at this time.

Towards his head, the demon's right fist turned into a vague shadow.

The power exploded, and Di Jia's crossed hands blocked this force that was even stronger than him.

Both feet left the ground, at this moment, the third eye of the devil appeared again, and the same blue light as before shot out.

Tiga in the powerful state cannot be avoided, so what about the air type?

The crossed arms moved away, blue light bloomed from the forehead, and the red pattern turned into purple.

His body became blurred in an instant and disappeared from its original position.

Immediately afterwards, blue and white light bullets were fired continuously.

Lampal's light bullet saves the action of accumulating power and uses it in the form of continuous shooting.

At this moment, there seemed to be more than a dozen Tijias attacking at the same time.

Palm Light Arrow, Lampar Light Bomb, Grip Light, Freeze Beam.

Dancing rapidly in mid-air, arrows, light bombs, spirals, white mist, bursts of similar colors exploded on the enemy's body continuously.

Layer after layer of freezing fog that binds the enemy, even the ground is covered by ice, the spiral light continuously strikes, trying to pierce through the protective cover, light arrows and light bullets explode at different positions, disrupting the enemy's vision .

Tiga used the speed that the aerial type is good at to the limit, and by this means firmly suppressed the opponent in place.

At the same moment, Empat's body trembled and erupted, and the energy that bound him was directly dispelled.

Seize this opportunity, aim at the place covered by the light blue light, exuding a chill, put your fists at your waist and then pull them left and right, the black lines and surging dark energy are all sucked into the timer.

The arms are close and crossed in front, the energy in the body is strengthened to the limit, and the strength is exerted to [-]%.

The same is true for Di Jia in the air. After pulling his arms apart, he put his strength in his left waist.

Lampal's light bomb, Zapelio's light, two forces burst out at the same time, and the two streams of light bombarded the target enemy.

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