At this moment, the attack enough to crush a third of the earth hit the demon who didn't know why.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, frantically surging lights and shadows mixed together.

Is it about to decide the winner?

It's time to decide the winner.

Suddenly, neither Empat nor Tiga noticed it first.

The flame covered the whole body at this moment, igniting them.



Without warning, just like the previous attacks, more subtle and more sinister than before, this flame was fueled by the power that made up their bodies.

Suffering heavy injuries, there are different types of pain, and the pain caused by continuous burns made it difficult for the two of them to react for a while.

However, he already saw the enemy coming out of the cold air.

The structure of the eyes is similar to that of a human, and the fangs inside the mouth seem to still be tinged with red blood, and the ferocious face has not changed.

Most importantly...he didn't seem to be hurt at all.

He ate the attacks of Zapelio's light and Lanpal's light bullets head-on, but he didn't take any damage.

Calling the energy in the body, one side is white light, the other side is black darkness, the giants tear apart the entangled flames and bounce them apart.

Amidst the beeping of the timer, the palm knife and heavy fist were swung out.

Immediately afterwards, the claws exploded.

The second attack came first, and the demon's attack sent Tiga and Empat flying into the distance, and the strong force directly blasted the two of them hundreds of meters away.

He was only a little short of losing consciousness, and the energy consumption of continuous fighting and the attacks he received were all on his body.

Empat clenched his fists, supporting himself in a panic, trying to stand up as hard as he could.

But at this time, the cyan brilliance attracted his attention.

That was the fierce energy gathered in the demon's hands, and the beating lightning seemed to show its danger.

He didn't even intend to communicate at all, and he didn't have any compassion.

At this moment, it was just an instinctive reaction.

Empat pushed his right hand, and the remaining power came into contact with Di Jia, and he moved and released instantly.

'You and I can't both die here. '

Before Dagu could react, his body and spirit, which had reached the limit, fell into a dormant state.

But at this time, the two crimson rays of light hit Empat directly at the same time because there was only one enemy left.

The strong body is also unbearable, the light that penetrates the body directly hits the mountains behind, in an instant, even a blow that has been consumed instantly evaporates everything within two hundred kilometers, and the strong light that rises tens of thousands of meters is like a scorching sun .

The entire Earth shook, clouds evaporated, and atmospheric disturbances spread throughout the American continent.


The timer stopped beating and turned into gray silence.

Empat's body swayed, and the mountain-like giant was pushed by the wind blowing from the atmospheric disturbance.

It seemed that he had turned into a light paper, swaying and falling backwards, and the last bit of light in his green pupils was also extinguished.


The demon's right hand moved forward, and the crimson light hit Empat's body. The red light pulled the weak body, forming a transparent crystal.

Pulling his arms horizontally, the giant at this time is like the tortured Jesus, tightly bound in this sharp cross with four corners.

"That is------"

Standing erect on the ground, the demon's gaze turned to the insignificant little reptile.

The crystal cross was the first thing the flight team who had been sent away saw when they returned to the scene.

They can clearly see the existence inside, no matter when, no matter when, they can always defeat the monster in the end, and the Ultraman who defeated the invader remains motionless.

His cyan pupils and the timer turned into dead black.

This is not a game, not animation, not a movie, but reality.

In reality, there are no unspoken rules that can definitely defeat the aggressors. What is shown in front of everyone is such a scene.

The hideous demon defeated the guardian, nature turned into red scorched earth, and the city turned into disorderly ruins. How many things can happen in one night?


The light attacked the demon, and the flames, ice, and attacks on the body were completely ignored, without even the slightest reaction.

But he didn't fight back, his will was dissipated along with the diffusion of mental power.

"I am the ultimate evolutionary emperor, Mansheheit."

Its words cover the entire earth, whether it is a city or a desert, whether it is an ocean or a forest.

The third eye of the self-proclaimed Manshel Height opened again, and in the next moment, every planet would exist, and the negative energy pervading the universe would be invoked by him.

It turned into darkness, into a pitch-black mist, enveloping the entire earth.

The whole process is only two seconds, the stars and the moon at night are covered, and the sun and clouds in the daytime also disappear.

The previous earthquake, and the planet turning into eternal night, people's brains have not even been able to deal with the sudden abnormalities.

"what happened?"

After leaving the cafe, Kyoko and the guests looked up at the sunny sky just a few seconds ago.

People who work, go to school, and work during the day are frightened by the sudden darkness.

People who sleep peacefully at night are awakened by voices ringing inside their brains.

What is this darkness all about?

Under the hidden sea, in the weakened enchantment, the dark giants can feel the piercing darkness.

That is the existence from outside the domain, and the environment of this planet has become more... special, close to the period 3000 million years ago.


Camila looked in one of the directions, the barrier formed by the light was almost unable to support, and the evil god was about to wake up from the dream, just like this, the darkness it leaked was enough to flood the sea.

In a corner of the city near the sea, the Yabo people turned their heads to look at the distance of the sea.

As a person of another dimension, he can feel the abnormality even more. Just now, he felt another space that is different from this earth and different from another dimension.

what is that?

At this moment, voices all over the world spoke again:

"Your guardian, Ultraman, has been defeated by me. One died and the other fled. Choose, surrender to me or accept destruction? I only give you 24 hours of earth time."

"What a joke!"

Feiyan EX-J shoots, and all the remaining energy turns into light to attack.

However, as shown before, the Manshel Height rises towards the sky, and so does the transparent crystal cross, which is carried away, and the inner Empat, is the one used to manifest its own power.

That speed is unimaginably fast, and it is beyond the reach of Feiyan EX-J.

People were uneasy and puzzled, and the journalists moved quickly, carrying cameras and microphones, and walked onto the street.

Then, an exclamation was heard.

Following the people's screams, I raised my head, and what I saw inside the camera was a flying demon and a dead giant.

190 Chapter Six Given

What time is it now?

No, after all what time does it matter?

Whether it is day or night, the planet has been surrounded by complete darkness.

If you look down from the universe, there is no longer a blue water star, but closer to a black mist star.

It's not enough to just transmit it through the camera. From Mexico to the United States, over Washington, the blue-winged demon showed its own power, and summoned the black mist that covered everything by itself.

Behind him, the crystal cross, or the crystal cross coffin, was pulled. Inside the coffin was the silent Empat.

Even though it was night, but being able to see the scenery clearly, engraving fear in people's hearts was exactly what demons did.


The camera locked on that scene firmly, and it is meaningless for TPC to block the news now, the original record has been leaked and handed over to thousands of households.

What's more, how are they going to cover up the news that the entire earth is locked in black mist?

What the self-proclaimed 'Ultimate Evolutionary Emperor' did was bad things, showing off the 'dead body' as a trophy, just like hanging the heads of enemy generals in ancient wars was so brutal and barbaric.

Can this also count as 'evolution'?

The flying teams of each branch have already returned to their respective bases, but the two branches of the Far East and the Americas are even more noisy.

If you want to ask why, neither Dagu nor Karl is seen.

On the earth, there are three giants who can really be regarded as combat power. One is sealed inside the crystal coffin, and the other two are missing. Where are they?

People in the know began to search, and in the Far East Base, Director Sawai nodded without even thinking.

"Start searching for Dagu team members immediately, and you can call them whatever you want."

"Thank you!"

Everything was kept silent, and the intermediary captain instantly understood that the other party already knew that Dagu was Dijia.

Splitting up, Director Sawai walked into the meeting room for liaison.

At this juncture of human extinction, they need to conduct careful discussions.

'Human extinction...'

Thinking of this, the haze on Director Sawai's face became even worse.

This is not a joke. If the previous dangers were not so obvious because of Ultraman's victory, then this time, it was fully demonstrated.

The city of Juárez in Mexico was razed to the ground, the surrounding mountains disappeared completely, and the earthquake and sudden typhoon that spread to the entire earth were only the aftermath of the monster's attack.

Mansheheit conservatively estimates that it can turn the surface of the earth upside down. What kind of creature is this?

Since the appearance of Ultraman, human beings have refreshed their common sense again and again. Just one creature can destroy a planet, not a weapon, but just a creature.

With the use of communication waves, soon, piece after piece of translucent light curtains emerged, more than before.

How many years ago was the last time the branch heads of the TPC branches, as well as national leaders from all over the world, gathered like this?

"I'm sure you all know this is not the time to blame each other."

Sawai's words made everyone nod. In so many incidents, they have long known that it is meaningless to blame each other. The establishment of TPC stems from the discovery of alien creatures, and it is also the most correct decision in modern times.

Only in this way can mankind join hands to cross the wave of this era.

"According to the data records of the TPC Americas branch——"

Before Jack could speak, harsh noises echoed in everyone's ears.

It was a precursor to forcible intervention, and the next moment, the image model generated was in the center, where Manshel Height stood.


Impossible, how did he get involved in the communication?

"Hello, Earthlings."

On the contrary, Mansheheit greeted him as if he was very friendly.

"There are only 23 hours and 30 minutes left before the deadline I announced. Although this planet is beautiful, it is much smaller than I expected. It will not take long to cover every corner of the earth."

He said so, and...

"Your patron saint has been defeated by me, so why don't we make things easier?"

Politeness is nothing more than salutation first and then soldiers, Mansheheit showed his fangs.

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