"If this continues, the human race on Earth will surely be destroyed at this time."

Camila didn't answer immediately, but said words that Dagu couldn't ignore.

"The same goes for you who guard them, but I don't want you to be destroyed."

She reached out and stroked him beside him.

Holding that cheek in both hands, it is exactly the same as it was 3000 million years ago. There is always an incomprehensible melancholy in his eyes, but at certain moments, it is full of unshakable will.

For example... the day you sealed the three of us in the ruins, you also had sadness written in your eyes.

"It's still too late to come back to our side."

back to our side?

What does this mean?

Dagu's brain was very confused, and he couldn't sort out the clues.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that he wants to reject the proposal.

"You mean to ask to give up protecting human beings and join you?"

There was already resistance in the tone, noticing this, Camilla's eyes became cold.

"Why are you still so stupid after 3000 million years, unable to evolve to a higher stage, facing a little bit of temptation without stopping to degenerate, because some trivial things can show malice to others, how are they worth you guard?"

Incomprehensible, what did he see, what did he notice?

"Could it be that you pity that bitch's thoughts are still bewitching you?"

"Because human beings are worthy of protection, even in the dark, they can also burst out with great light."

In the darkness, the light is released.


In the long-destroyed ruins, Camilla was repelled by this flickering brightness.

Dagu took out a golden spark prism from the inside of his jacket, and the sword grid unfolded, and a strong light burst out.

In an instant, the giant with white eyes disappeared from here.


Has nothing changed even after 3000 million years?

Dagu, you...

Before that, Camilla temporarily interrupted her thoughts.

"After 3000 million years, there will be guests visiting."

"Hey...not light, but dark, dark giant?"

Invaders from another dimension, the Yapo people, passed through the hidden sea water and arrived at this different space separated from the earth.

There are still 12 hours before the deadline mentioned by Mansheheit.

Unknowingly, such a long half day has passed, but no matter for which hemisphere, it is darker than night.

On the streets of Kumamoto City, the reconstruction project itself has been suspended. Under such circumstances, who can afford to do such a thing?

What if all the light shining on the earth is blocked?

It was clearly spring, but it was as cold as a winter night.

On the sparsely populated street, Ryo looked up at the dark mist, where there were no stars, no moon, no sun, and no giants to disperse it.

Ultraman was dead, and when the crystal cross coffin flew across the sky with the demon ten hours ago, things had become clear.

Is he dead?

Just like that time, the people around him suddenly disappeared.

"I do not believe."

Liang whispered, the person who is serious no matter what he does, with a silly poker face from time to time; There is no one who has made an appointment with him alone.

Is he going to die like this?

"I do not believe."

Whether it's unwillingness to accept the reality, or stubbornness, Liang doesn't believe in Empat, and doesn't believe that Nangong will die like this.

At this moment, a faint blue light shone on his face.


Blue, like those eyes.

But the next moment, inside the blue ball of light, the assassination monster Guralei roared under the order of its creator, a roar that everyone could notice.

If it is a single-wheel city, that is too exaggerated.

If it is a one-wheel country, that is enough.

At almost the same instant, hundreds of monsters descended from the sky all over the world. They didn't know which one was the main city, but only knew that they descended here.

"Hey! Just kidding!"

Someone shouted in despair, the black mist covered the sun, but did not block the signal.

The Internet is spreading panic, and hundreds of monsters appear all over the world at the same time?

Wouldn't that be the same as the end of the world?

The dead Ultraman, the escaped Ultraman, this time is really at the end of the road, there is no possibility of victory.

In that case, how about begging for mercy?

"Just hand over Tiga!"

"What nonsense! Do you believe in the enemy's agreement!"

"Then what should I do? Is it just waiting to die like this? I don't want to die yet!"

The Gulares created by Mansheheit are so terrifying, what is even more frightening is the existence of Mansheheite.

He was able to create so many monsters in a short period of time, as he claims to be, the king of monsters.

Finally, he appeared on TV.

"Please trust us and wait for us."

Director Sawai will naturally cause dissatisfaction if he said the same thing as if he didn't say it. What should we do?

Why dare not tell people?

The reason is actually very simple. TPC is completely unable to understand how Mansheheit intruded into the network, nor what the other party is doing.

What would happen if TPC announced that they would fight at this time?

Will he directly kill Empat in the crystal?

Neither of the two Ultramans can defeat each other. If they lose another one, there is really no chance of winning.

There is the same program on the TV as always, but who is in the mood to watch it?

"There's really nothing you can do."

Kyoko's mood was barely sorted out, and her words made the special guest in the closed coffee shop put down the coffee cup in his hand.

The clothes on his body were already in tatters, and he no longer had any scruples, and he casually leaned the sheathed sword to one side.

Suddenly, there was a fierce sound from the rolling shutter door, which was the harsh sound of the fire ax cutting above.

Someone is planning to break in the door, one second, two seconds, after the rolling door is cut through, it becomes an ordinary revolving door.

The man who broke in from there had madness written on his face, three beautiful beauties, the world is going to be destroyed anyway, so what is there to worry about?

In an instant, a cold feeling hit his throat.

What needs to be scrupled is death.

The sharp point of the knife was on the throat, and besides that, there was a chill down the spine.

It was not the young man in sight, but Yan Luo holding a weapon.


Before even taking the fire ax in time, the man whose consciousness was completely occupied by fear fled out rolling and crawling.

"People under high pressure really tend to go crazy."

Zamxia who put the knife back into its sheath said casually.

Similar situations happen repeatedly.

Just before that, someone stopped them with a gun.

Well-trained police officers, TPC staff, and anyone who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to mess around was stopped.

"Then I'm off."

Saluting his wife and only child, the man left his home.

The head of the family set out for the responsibility entrusted by the police uniform and the police badge, and Uniform accompanied his mother.

'Are you really dead?Nangong? '

There is always a moment when a beautiful fairy tale ends, and people fall into panic.

I can't count how many times the patron saint who has saved human beings has failed, so is there any hope for human beings to exist?

'As long as Ultraman is with us, we will be fine'

Such naive and irresponsible thinking has led to the current situation. There are many people who give up, and of course there are many people who have not given up.

"Don't run away!"

Dash forward, wrap around, lock it down, press it to the ground.

Nakano, acting as a volunteer, restrained the perpetrator.

"Let go! Let go! Anyway, everyone won't live long!"

The man who forcibly broke into the store and tried to steal the money was tightly controlled.

"Anyone here with handcuffs!"

Ignoring the other party's words, he used a trained technique to prevent the other party from escaping.

At this moment, two people running from both sides took out the handcuffs they were assigned.


"Give you!"

Suddenly, the two felt that each other's voices were familiar.

Looking up at the same time, Yagyu, the former bully, and Uesugi, the former bullied, found out in a strange way that the other was doing volunteer work.


Nakano's words made the two of them react, and a few seconds later, the perpetrator was handcuffed.

"I don't know if everyone can live for a long time, but I know that you will spend a long time in prison, and you will be crowded with many people and enjoy it."

The situation at this time is so tricky, and the word dog jumping over the wall is no problem at all when it is used on some people.

TPC, police, fire brigade, volunteers, these kinds of staff all gathered together to maintain the order of the collapse.

People have a peculiar herd mentality. For example, if the goods in the vehicle fall in an accident, the first person to go up will snatch them away, and then the subsequent people will also snatch them away, but the first person to go up will put them back, and the subsequent people will Also put back.

Therefore, when the first person starts doing irrational wrong things, someone will do it thinking 'someone else did it anyway', and this kind of behavior spreads to ten, ten to hundreds, and finally leads to riots.

On the web, unique posts are posted.

That person called everyone not to give up hope, but to cheer for Ultraman.

What's the point of that?

Kyoko didn't know, she just issued such a call, because at that time, that guy once said:

"I believe that heartfelt words and sincere feelings can be passed on to them and turned into their strength."

At the bottom of this post, there are either persuasion, ridicule, or telling of giving up.

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