Soon, I suddenly saw such a 'famous' account.

Here's what she said:

"Ultraman risked his life to fight the enemy, and they gave up immediately after they failed. How ruthless, are human beings such unbearable creatures?"

Ridiculous, but not afraid of being targeted.

Because she has already suffered from online violence, why should she be afraid?

Fujiwara's ten fingers quickly jumped on the keyboard, what can they do?

Maybe you can't do anything, but you can always use your mouth, right?

Can you cheer for Ultraman?Can you believe they can win?Can they know that humans are on their side?

Could it be that everyone can't even do such a thing and is unwilling to respond to them?

The text was passed on to the network, and someone watched it all.


Wei Wei clenches her phone tightly, in the face of the crisis of human destruction, a singer is nothing at all.

Maya dialed the broker's phone.

'Don't be stupid, Maya, come back with me. '

In his head was his brother's voice, which he probably still couldn't understand.

'I'm sorry, brother, but now I am also an earthling. As an earthling, I want to respond to the existence that has always protected us. '

As time passed by every minute and every second, Mansheheite stood on the flat land and stared at the continuous mountains.

The location is the plateau named 'Qinghai-Tibet', where the greenery of spring has gradually grown.

On the other side, Empat in the crystal coffin was still lifeless.

He waited here for the moment when he got the answer. At the same time, the sound of the helicopter's rotation echoed in his ears, and there was a long distance, and the camera shot there.

"Look, everyone, this is the existence that calls itself Mansheheit."

In this regard, Mansheheit was not angry, and did not intend to stop it.

After such a long time, he has basically been able to guess what TPC intends to resist to the end.

But so what?

To completely destroy their resistance in front of human beings, the despair in it must be transformed into a better warrior.

What would happen if you injected this negative energy into this corpse?

Turning Ultraman into a loyal subordinate is fun just thinking about it.

190 Eight Chapters Wake Up With Light


Light particle conversion, Magus power, the founders of the two technologies are geniuses. When they work hard for the same thing, the understanding of their own technology greatly reduces the time it takes.

Convert all the output of the Magus power system into pure light energy, and then input it into Empat's body to wake him up.

Parameter modification, ship modification, the upper part of the Yagdis of the Far East Headquarters was dismantled before, and now it is restored.

The crux of the problem is how to give Empat the light under the nose of the enemy.

"Still can't find any trace of Dagu?"

Director Sawai asked the captain of the search team worriedly. It has been more than 23 hours, and no one knows what happened at the end of the battle with Manshin Height to become the current situation.

However, what he got was shaking his head as usual, and Dagu still didn't know where he was doing.

There is only a little time left before the time given by Mansheheit. If you don't act quickly, you don't know what the other party will do.

Two hours ago, hundreds more monsters fell from the sky, and more occupied the city, engraving the impression of despair and invincibility in people's hearts.

Ready to strike, there is one last thing to prepare.

Sawai stepped onto the podium. Apart from him, different branch ministers from different countries are also in charge of their own regions and informed people about the choice of TPC.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry for speaking at this time."

The fighter planes and motherships to be attacked inside the hangar are being transported to the front of the ejection port.

'Dagu, although I don't know where you are, I believe you must still be alive. '

Lina took a deep breath and waited for the moment to be seated.

She didn't have any basis, she just believed so.

'If you are still here, come back quickly and fight with us. '

After a long absence, the exit was opened, and then the Yagdis was dispatched.

Under the activation of the Magus power system, the heavy and huge battleship overcame the influence of gravity and floated in this dark sky.

There are no high altitudes that people want to try to see, and no clouds that people want to crash into.

From the Far East Headquarters, head to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

At this time, TPC's synchronous speeches continued.

"After serious discussions, we decided to start this Ultraman rescue plan. I still remember that when they first appeared on the earth, we didn't know them, and we didn't know whether they were friends or foes, but it's different now. "

The silent giants have proved themselves with their actions.

"They use their own power to protect mankind, what can we humans give back to them? Neither the history of mankind nor the history of Ultraman will end here, and we will surely win the final victory."

The picture on the TV ended like this. The young man holding the Taidao was flanked by the Shiba Inu who had rested enough, and they walked out of the coffee shop.

From different locations around the world, the forces possessed by TPC rushed to the final battlefield.

The black mist just blocked all the light, and the falling water droplets hit the ground and hit the body, and the feeling of coldness was conveyed.

Slowly, the dim consciousness became clear again.

The city that had just rained before ushered in new rain, waking up from the black stagnant water.

Supporting his tired body, Dagu shook his head and sorted out the situation.


In an instant, the scenery in memory completely filled the brain.

They lost, there is no such thing as despicable or despicable, a loss is a loss.

What happened at the end?

What about after he was sent out?

He got up quickly and wanted to act, but his uncontrollable legs softened quickly.

Dagu held on to the wall in time to avoid the tragedy of falling down again. His severely injured body needed to rest, and this short period of time was not enough at all.

Worst of all, there is no 'light' in this darkness

The basic energy cannot be replenished, not to mention healing, not even the power to transform.

He walked out from the inside of the alley, surrounded by darkness.

The only thing that shines is a certain store, and the light that shoots out flickers because of the change of the picture.

Dagu walked towards that side along the light, and what appeared in front of him was a variety of TV sets of different models with clearly marked prices.

What you can see on the screen is the latest news report, saying that TPC will start a rescue operation for Empat.

Salvation, what do you mean?

The assembled TPC elite marched towards the destination, and the advance of the army carried an momentum that could not be ignored.

It's a pity that momentum is just momentum, and Dagu knows exactly what will happen next.

In less than a second, the army will be wiped out.

The gale blown by Mansheheit is basically the nemesis of fighter jets, and the gale that even Ultraman can fly is not something that can be dealt with by Feiyan EX-J or Jagdis.

Not to mention the supernatural ability to ignite opponents spontaneously.


It doesn't matter if you don't know anything, Dagu rushed out to the other side.

His movements were greatly affected, and the shadow passing by the corner of his eye attracted the shopkeeper's attention.

If today was the end of the world, what would you do?

Do whatever you want, free yourself?

Accompany relatives and friends, experience feelings?

Keep pace, naturally?

The shopkeeper blinked, was it a mistake?

The rain on the outside was dripping non-stop, and the accumulated water was crushed by someone's feet.

Dagu took out the spark prism from his arms.

Are the scenes seen in the dream real?

As Camilla said, is the world about to end?

He used to feel confused about his own power, but not now.

Light, light!

The raised spark prism shines together with the rainy night, and that figure is wrapped in light, turning into the brightest night star.

At the same moment, on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the demon with wings outstretched turned around, and he had already noticed the existence attacking him.

What is the human army going to do?

Little things like this don't really matter at all.

In the scene shown by the camera, the floating Manshel Height is reminiscent of a god, but that posture instantly reverses people's impression of him as a 'demon'

His wings didn't flap, but a controlled gust of wind instantly blew up.

This pair of wings does not rely on pure strength to fly.

The grass was blowing along with the wind, and in an instant, the individual creatures constituted a terrifying power, surpassing the calculation level of human wind power, and the scenery that could not be seen clearly due to the darkness became even more chaotic.

This wind will continue to ferment after smashing the TPC fighter jets, and finally turn into a typhoon disaster that swallows the city.

Provided that 'is not blocked'

The energy attached to this sharp blade can even cut through invisible objects.

From the center, it is impossible to see, the wind is completely divided from the center by a knife in two sections.

The typhoon that was supposed to be moving forward was divided into two sections on the left and right, and turned into a disorderly turbulent flow, interfering with each other and disappearing.

Even so, it's pointless.

"Who is coming?"

"It's just a swordsman!"

The sounding thin blade was swung out along with the sprint, and it slashed across, as if it had hit something, but it seemed that it hadn't hit anything.

"It really hits people!"

Zamxia said words that only he could understand. At this moment, the space in front of him was filled with countless silver lights, which was an illusion caused by the super-high-speed sword strike.

It's a pity that to knock him back, only one blow is enough.

Mansheheit ignored all the attacks on his body and just punched forward.

Strength, speed, defense, the overwhelming superiority of the three unreasonably destroyed the 'sword skills'

With the sharp blades in both hands placed in front of him, Zamsha's weapon vibrated due to the impact, and he had to retreat while defending against the next blow. At the same time, the enemy's third eye opened and a blue light was released.

The sharp blade slashed, and the silver light flashed.

The special light that completely stopped the enemy's movement was cut into two by Zamsha.


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