This, on the contrary, surprised Mansheheit.

Seizing this opportunity, the particles of light materialized, and his powerful hands swept forward left and right, without even needing to block, Gedi's attack directly hit the enemy's protective shield.

The mouth is opened, the light energy is concentrated, and the constricted breath is like a blue laser, and the penetrating blow hits completely.

Then, as he had done before, Mansheheit interrupted Geddy's attack with a single blow.

Even with a body as thick as armor, it is difficult to bear this force.

The next moment, Zamxia crossed Gedi, held the knife in both hands, and slashed with all his strength, colliding with the opponent's raised arm.

The wrist twisted, and the horizontally drawn blade sliced ​​across its face.

Swinging the knife from different angles, as if provoking him, every defense of Mansheheit received the attack from the same position.

When the tenth conflict was about to happen, the fixed blue light broke out again.

Zamsha twisted the blade in time to bounce off the light, and the sharp claws swung up directly knocked the weapon in his hand away.

Mansheheit took a step forward, and the target of the claws at a closer distance was the chest.

Then Zamsha swung the knife.

The energy turns into an invisible sword, which is wind.

The gale of both does no harm, and he rides the wind.

At the original position, the laser spewed out of Gedi's mouth hit Mensheheit's chest again.

In mid-air, Zamxia remembered the conversation he had with Mephilas before practicing.

'Do you want to practice fencing or killing? '

'Is there a difference? '

'very good. '

To put it bluntly, they are all techniques for killing enemies, and there is no need to stick to the form of 'sword'.

Can't cut people without a sword?How could a sword be such an inconvenience!

The high-pressure water gun is enough to cut steel and iron, the wind sword in one hand turns into power, and the water sword in the other hand chops down.

The sprinting Geddy lowered his body and slid past from the other side avoiding swinging his claws.

Located on both sides, the giant beast strikes with its body, and the swordsman slashes it with a water sword.

Their full blows exploded entirely on the foe, but the demons merely threw their punches belatedly.

Suddenly, the sword of water turned into completely soft water, completely enveloping Mansheheit's arm.

Zamxia cut again, and the frost adhered, completely turning his arm into a block of ice.

This is a life and death struggle, not a competition.

Clenching his fist tightly, he hit the ice hard, and it shattered layer by layer.

"Tips for carving insects."

Mansheheit issued such a statement, as he said, there is no damage to the inner arm.

The third eye opens and two flames ignite.



The supernatural explosive power without warning instantly ignited Zamsha and Gedi.

Ignoring the two, Manshheit looked at the approaching TPC combat power.

They would be crushed if they couldn't hold out for even half a second, and Zamsha understood this, as evidenced by the flames on his body.

The light blasted towards the demon, and at the end, the Yagdis of the Far East Headquarters aimed at Empat on the other side.

The fighter jets in front are just human shields, they are very clear and ready.

However, there are beings who do not want them to die.

Before the thought force could touch it, the pure white stream of light pierced through the darkness, and shattered the invisible force as well, directly hitting Mansheheit from this angle.

The arms were connected, and the state of the fallen Tiga was not complete, and the timer kept flashing red.

The sequelae of forced transformation are reflected in the lack of energy.

At this moment, blue flames spewed out from Gedi's mouth, and Zamsha stabbed forward with the compressed energy blade.

Manshin Height, who was located in the center, withstood the attacks of the three and was submerged in the torrent of energy.

"It's now!"

The power of Magus was transformed into pure light, and the gorgeous rainbow turned into a light cluster, moving towards the crystal cross coffin.

"Don't you think I didn't notice?"

At this time, a slightly mocking voice was heard.

Left, right, the crimson rays of light pushed Gedi's breath back, and Tiga's Zapelio was directly pushed back, without even the slightest stalemate, and the heavy damage knocked them down.

A muffled hum sounded, and the beeps of the two timers echoed continuously. Finally, Di Jia's body became blurred and finally disappeared.

Mansheheit's figure appeared and disappeared, Zamsha seemed to be hit by an invisible force, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

He mobilized the power of his body again, and blasted towards the group of colored particles with a dark energy beam.

At this moment, the swirling silver light streaked across the cluster of particles.


There is a rainbow light attached to the blade, and a fuzzy lightning rope is connected to Zamsha's hand.

That is the simplest, electromagnetism.

A sharp blade is like a boomerang. Even if you look at the universe, it is a precious sword that is second to none. It is not only sharp, but most importantly, it is a medium that can accommodate different forces.

Glide across, cut through, infuse, colored lights come into contact with extinguished timers.


The blade stopped after being embedded in the ground. It seemed that the force of the blow was too heavy, and cracks began to spread from the crack in the crystal coffin.

Suddenly, a red light lit up.

Once, twice, powerless fists clenched tightly, the crystal coffin full of cracks was broken free and shattered, and Empat's eyes glowed blue again.


I just want to cheer, and people all over the world are watching this scene.

That was a scene deliberately created by Mansheheit, and half of the hope that had just been ignited in people's hearts was extinguished in an instant.

If you want to ask why, Empat's first movement when he broke free from the crystal coffin was to half-kneel on the ground as if he had lost his strength.

The timer on his chest flickered clearly, which was a symbol of lack of energy.

"The guy who can't die."

It was beyond his expectation that Mansheheit made such an evaluation.

The reason to stop that rainbow light is just to let human beings experience the feeling of failure after trying so hard, but think about it carefully...

It seems even more ironic to waste effort after a successful plan.

"So what if I tried my best to wake you up again?"

He waved his right hand, and before the TPC fighters could react, the burst of thought force blown them all away.

"I'll just kill you one more time."

190 Nine Chapters of True Light

In the bottomless darkness, everything completely disappeared.

In the end is alive, or dead, or alive, but to bear the invasion of "nothing"?

I don't know how much time has passed, but I saw the light shining in from the outside world.

The moment you hold that rainbow, you will dispel the darkness all over you.

Nangong half-kneeled on the ground, he was still transforming, or in the original posture.

He was so injured that he couldn't even imitate it, there was no brilliance, he couldn't feel any light to replenish energy, and the blade beside him also became dim.

"The guy who can't die."

A strange voice came from his ear, the ultimate evolution emperor from the universe was very sure of his victory.

"So what if I tried my best to wake you up again?"

It's just that the defeated general didn't even heal his injuries.

"I'll just kill you one more time."

Poor guy who only shows up to get killed one more time.

It was indeed so, listening to that arrogant words, Nangong completely understood what the other party was saying.

The energy in the body is only one-third... No, it is less, even in a complete state, it may not be able to win, let alone now.

So, holding the blade that pierced into the ground, he stood up with his body supported.

The situation at this time has been fully understood.

Draw the knife, throw it, and the sound of the spinning blade breaking through the air.

However, the blow with full strength 'slid' away the moment it touched Mansheheit.

Nothing in the world can hurt the 'God'

It's like declaring it like this.

When the blade deflected, the flying kick had arrived.

Don't dodge, don't dodge, the bombardment explodes in the chest.

The spinning blade was able to cut through even a huge monster, but it stopped because someone grabbed the 'handle' for human use

Compression, compression, continuous compression, in a world without brilliance, the blade is stained with silver.

Towards the waist, Zamsha swung his slash with all his strength, aiming to cut it in two.

Difficult to see, the camera cannot capture the process, only the final result.

Mansheheit received two attacks head-on, and the third eye between his foreheads opened.

The cyan light flickered, and at this moment, it seemed that the scenery on the battlefield twisted a bit.

Is it an illusion?

Of course not an illusion.

When you get angry supernaturally, you always have to 'think' that there is a fire somewhere before it can ignite.

It was the thought power generated by this "thinking" that was captured. Empat had no eyes on his forehead, only a crystal, and the crystal was shining with blue light at this time.

The power of thought and the power of thought cancel each other out, and in the blurred field of vision, the light of Emelim shoots out like a stabbing sword.

On the other side, Zamxia, who retreated in time, swung his knife in a movement that others could not understand, and cut open together with Nianli.

I saw Mansheheit's eyes flickering, and the blue Aimelium light hit the barrier without causing any damage at all.

And behind him, the high-pressure water gun with the sword as the carrier was stabbing at the center of his body.

Suddenly, the wind picked up.


The unforeseen force made it impossible for people to react immediately, so Zamsha retreated a distance, and Empat rode the wind.

Manshheit swung his left hand back, and several red light bullets were thrown out. His wings did not move at all, but he flew against the wind.

The silver blade quickly cut through the light bullet. Zamxia looked up at the sky, and just took a step forward when he noticed something was wrong.


The gushing wall of fire rises hundreds of meters, and the radiance completely illuminates the surrounding scenery. If it can't be directly ignited on the enemy's body, then it is also good to ignite it around him.

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