Manshheit clasped his hands tightly, and the emerald green light turned into a crimson beam.

Compared to that sword, the being who wields it is unimaginably weak.

"Go to hell!"

In an instant, red and white, when the long sword swung, the ever-extending light blade cut off the existence in front with Empat's movements.


Empat kept swinging his sword, and this blow cut through Mansheheit and Gulare, which he could touch, but it didn't cut through nature or the city.

"what is this?"

What he wielded was not a sword, but light.

"The Light of Humanity."

"Is there still this... light?"

It turns out that what living things bred is not just negative darkness.

Mansheheit's body turned into pure white particles and disappeared, Empat swung his sword towards the sky, the pure white rain of light dispelled the black mist, and the falling 'drops' hit the destructive Gulalei, They gradually turned into black smoke and disappeared with the light.


Empat knelt on the ground as if he had lost his strength

"Big, everyone! Do you see that!"

Win, win!

In the spring of April, darkness strikes.

In the spring of April, the glory blooms.

In the spring of April, destruction is only the beginning.

"Is this the world 3000 million years from now? It's really interesting."


Is it obvious that Ultraman has fallen into darkness?

No, it can't be called Ultraman.


'The monster that sullied the name of Ultra. '

Two hundred chapters after the fierce battle


I always feel a little heavy in my chest, what's the matter?

Rather, why am I lying down, why am I unconscious?

Remember... fighting a dark monster?

Then, then...

Instinctively opened his eyes, the sun was shining on his face, and on his chest was the little King Aire who was jumping and jumping out of joy.

"I am..."

Glancing around, it was a very familiar room.

You're back, why are you back?

Remember right after that...

"Did you come back here instinctively?"

It's like the homing consciousness, why do you want to talk about yourself like an animal?

"Thanks, I'm fine now."

He patted Little King Aire's head and put it on his shoulder.

Nangong stood up from the bed, moved a bit and still had some tired body.

After changing into the normal clothes I usually wear, I started to run the train as soon as I relaxed my mind.

'By the way, who changed my clothes for me? '

It should be Liang, but it can't be Wu and Ye.


Why is it so hard to take it lightly even though it's cool?

Because of that neutral face and hairstyle?


King Aire rubbed his cheek, only then did Nangong realize that he had been standing in front of the gate in a daze for a while.

"Sorry, I'm fine."

Holding the doorknob and turning it down, he walked to the aisle on the second floor and quickly walked down to the first floor.

One step, two steps, the sound was undisguised, the moment he arrived at the living room, there was only one person here.


"Wake up, I can really sleep, it's been three days."

The heart was relieved, and after the giant disappeared from the screen, the young man fell to the corridor with a bang.

They couldn't send each other to the hospital, and they couldn't make a diagnosis. He didn't even have a heartbeat. If he didn't have a warm body temperature, he would be no different from a corpse.

"Three days?"

Surprised at the time I slept, three days is enough for a lot of things to happen.

After 10 minutes, Nangong walked out of the house after understanding a general idea from the old man.

He has other things to confirm.

The sun shines on the body, bringing a warm feeling.

In the hood of his clothes was little King Aire, and he thought he should have no more to hide.

After all, to use a very funny description, the man Nangong Lan said he wanted to go to the toilet and then disappeared in the toilet for several days.

People are not stupid.


Heads up, what is the tallest and grandest modern building in Kumamoto?

It was the Saitek Group headquarters opened by Zhengmu, but now that building seems to have disappeared.

The rampage of monsters once again caused damage to the city.

Walking slowly to the street, apart from people coming and going, you can also see many trucks delivering construction materials.

Not only this city, this country, almost all countries on the planet are doing the same thing.

If Gulalei wants to destroy the city, he just needs to shoot with Thunderbolt.

The result is the serious damage today. If you want to compare it, it is the original Osaka. There is no way to recover within half a year.

This period of time will probably be very difficult, life problems, economic problems, unemployment rate, these are all indirect damages in addition to direct damage.

"Come on, big brother."

"Thank you!"

Hearing such a conversation, Nangong turned his head and looked. The child thanked the man in the TPC overalls, but the TPC staff could only nod and respond with words because they were carrying things with their hands.

Everything seemed to be moving in pace and full of hope.

In a certain coffee shop, a certain Shiba Inu enjoys smoothing its hair with a relaxed face.

"I just said why you go to the toilet by yourself every time, no matter what you play with, your hair will not fall out, and you don't even need to worry about it, so you are not a dog."

Ryoko couldn't help sighing. In the past three days, since Gedi was exposed, he has completely stopped pretending.

For example, it doesn’t even need to go to the toilet after eating happily every day. For example, if you touch it now, you find that it really has no heartbeat. For example, the weighing this time is completely wrong.

"In that case, how much does your master actually weigh?"

Thinking of someone who was said to be still lying down, Ryoko blinked.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Walking in from there was a wet young man.

"You bastard!"

He walked in with a face full of anger, glaring at Geddy.

And Kyoko was thinking about whether to give the other party a mop, so that he could clean up the ground she had soiled.

"You left me alone and left!"

Zamsha was furious and felt betrayed.

After the battle, one person and one dog turned into lights and disappeared, and he was the only one lying unconscious, but was recovered by TPC.

what do you mean?

After I get it done, sell me when I'm useless?


No, who didn't lose consciousness?

"I do not understand!"

Do you think I am tenth in dog language?


Then you still ask a hammer!

"Okay, okay, the picture of arguing with a dog doesn't look good."

Ryoko smiled and told about the situation at this time, and Zamsha, who noticed her useless efforts, also drooped her shoulders as if exhausted.

"Also, is there a dryer or hair dryer or something?"

He looked at Kyoko, causing her to raise her eyebrows.

"How did you get so wet?"

"Oh, I swam all the way from that Far East base."

Not being able to fly is really a big sin.


Kyoko and Ryoko realize again that Zamsha is not human.

At this moment, the wind chime jingled again.

This time, the person who walked in was right.

He stepped on the wet trace with a patter, and then looked at Zamxia who was wet all over in confusion.

"How do you..."

"Do not ask."

The question is to swim back to Japan from the Pacific Ocean.


Asked where is the dryer, there is indeed a dryer in the toilet, just for drying hands.

When Zamxia entered the toilet, Ryoko who was holding Gedi came over.


At this time, what should I say?

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