Nangong was thinking about it, and Kyoko was also thinking about it.

No wonder this guy always disappears suddenly at strange times, it turned out to be like this.

Rather, it should have been thought of long ago.

It's just that the existence of 'Ultraman' is too huge and far away to make people think of 'human beings'

Just when the two were about to stare at each other, they heard a sentence and a dog barking.

"Nangong, continue."


Nangong immediately turned around and saw Gedi who was thrown towards him.

The Shiba Inu, who didn't feel scared at all, opened its limbs happily, and was about to hug it.

He caught Gedi firmly, and the next moment, Ryoko approached.

"There is a flaw!"

"Wait, what?"

When the body is light, what kind of wonderful situation is that?

Ryoko of 165 casually picked up Nangong and Gaidi of 184.

"I'm a wrestler too!"

Lux Ryoko is here!


After such a fuss, the strange atmosphere before completely disappeared.

As soon as Nangong was released, Liangzi hugged her shoulders with both hands.

"Come here with me."

Under her guidance, the two came to the front of the demon's weighing scale.


One stop up, as expected, 24KG.

Good guy.

"Hit, hit..."

As a woman, she completely loses weight to a man.

Ryoko clapped her hands left and right, then left and right again, from her shoulders to her waist.

"Unscientific, unscientific."

It's so huge that it's shrunk down to this, and the weight is still so light, it's unscientific, unscientific, and doesn't conform to biology.

"How did you do it?"

"This point, I am not very clear."

Nangong answered honestly, probably because I thought I could do it, so I did it.


Ryoko raised her head and suddenly noticed the spinning black horn.

Soon, there were dogs whimpering on one side and strange whimpering on the other.


I said I smelled a vixen smell!The stink of vixen!

Half a second later, Nangong was holding Gedi in his left hand and King Ailei in his right hand, and his limbs on both sides were flailing wildly.

Crackling, it's lightning.

The light is lasing, it is the beam hitting the body.

Both sides are hurting each other.

"Unexpectedly cute, but where are the eyes?"

Ryoko poked King Airi's little face.

"This point, I am not very clear."

Probably does not have eyes in the traditional sense.

"Why don't you know anything?"

"Ahem, be careful what you say."

Standing in front of you now is the guardian of mankind, the giant of light and dark Empat!

"Master Nangong?"


His body couldn't help shaking, and even his expression changed.


Ryoko snapped his fingers quickly.

"If it's not that material, don't try it."

"You said..."

Nangong gave up, it seems that he is indeed the type who is easy to be led away by others.

"Hey, why did you put me aside and have a conversation with Le Rongrong without authorization?"

Kyoko couldn't help but speak, how long are you going to flirt?

"Oh, isn't it Kyoko that you can't let go?"

So I can only open my mouth to disrupt the situation.


After glaring at her sister, Kyoko turned her gaze back to Nangong who was sitting down.

Sitting on their laps, King Airi and Gedi showed completely different fighting movements from their original race, swinging their hands frantically forward, probably only they themselves knew whether they hit or not.

"Anyway... what do you want?"

" cocoa?"

Just like last time.



Surprised, a little overwhelmed, right?

Getting along day and night, I thought I was a simple guy, but in fact it was more than that.

Kyoko has played different roles and personalities in front of many people, but she never thought about what kind of role she should play in front of Ultraman.

So, as it should be, let it be.

"Leaving early and disappearing, missing work for four days, this month has just begun, you are really brave."


"If you don't work hard in the future, all the remaining money will be deducted from you."


So is this the result of my hard work?

"The world is not worth it. I am desperate for this ruthless world. Let everything be destroyed."

"But considering you have a special reason, let's forget it this time."

"Shop manager, what work do you have to tell me!"

Good guy, it's like talking about cross talk.


The swordsman who came out of the toilet saw such a scene, he recalled it, not only did he get nothing, but his love knife was also smashed into two pieces.

"Be less in front of me..."

Tolerable or unbearable.


His veins twitched violently, and his face looked angry.

"Shop manager, give him a drink too, I'll treat him."

Nangong pointed to Zamxia who was refreshed all over.


Zam Xia performed a unique face-changing skill.

"Thank you this time."

After he sat on the chair, Nangong said seriously without joking.

Realizing this, Zamsha smiled.

"You haven't paid back the battle you owed me, how can I let you die."

Thanks to this, he was about to go out to fight before he finished his training, and he was still facing that monster.

'What's the matter with the declaration of affection that the male number two of the boy comic often sends out to the first male number? '

Kyoko complained in her heart, who is the flirt?

"Speaking of which, what kind of disaster has the earth caused? Unreasonable monsters are popping up one after another."

I have never heard of such a strong person before. Could it be that Ultraman is a signal of some kind of turmoil?

"Even if you ask me..."

If I knew where the crux of the problem was, wouldn't I have solved it long ago?

Yeah, why are the enemies popping up one after another?

Is the reason really the 'darkness' that Camilla mentioned?

Where is that 'darkness' hiding?

No clue about this, no premonition of what was to come.

On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the place where Mansheheit died, something is growing in it.

The roots are intertwined, extremely complicated, and the speed is unimaginable. It is obviously a plant, but it is bigger than any existing plant.

It sucked not only the nutrients in the land, but also the dark essence that survived the death of Mansheheit.

The foundations are tightly connected to the ground, and spread toward the connected continents.

The flowers that grow quickly from the ground blow out the seeds, and the seeds float with the wind, across the oceans, and descend to different continents to take root.

Just like that 3000 million years ago, unconsciously, this planet has become an environment that can allow that flower to grow.

"Zigella is about to bloom."

The man on the street waved his hand and caught the slowly falling seeds.


The Yabo people frowned tightly, what is that?

"The harbinger of destruction 3000 million years ago, people will fall into a beautiful dream, fighting each other for a little bit of pollen, and finally give up even the light."

The ultra-ancient dark giant, Hitler looked up at the sky, and seemed to be able to see the pole star that left the earth that day.

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