The role of Zijra, the meaning of Zijra, and the final darkness.

What choice should human beings make at this time?

Is it like facing destruction in a beautiful dream like super ancient times?

"Everyone, please listen to me. This flower named Qijiela also appeared 3000 million years ago. It was its appearance that announced the destruction of the super ancient civilization."

Backlines invade every signal, whether it's the TV at home or the advertising screen in the mall, for the person who puts flowers in his mouth, or loses his mind, or tries to get rid of hear.

Director Sawai, as well as branch leaders in other regions, told the world about the brilliant civilization that existed on this planet 3000 million years ago, and their destruction.

Human beings cannot repeat the same mistakes, and human beings can no longer indulge in Zijra's dreams.

The night is dispelled by the lights, and there are people who listen, and there are people who don't listen at all.

How will they react?

Hitler walked and listened, and at the same time recalled in his mind what happened 3000 million years ago.

So, as someone who has experienced it firsthand, he whistled.

Is there something missing from the narrative?

For example, the body of the giant was taken by the super ancient people, for example, the giant incarnated by the super ancient people started the war, for example, in the end, they failed to defeat the darkness.

"It's really boring, but fortunately I came out."

Passing by those humans who still wanted to dream again, Hitler felt that he seemed to have returned to the super ancient times before the destruction.

After all, human beings will still suffer from regrets and regrets, and suffer from an unsatisfactory reality. Qijiela just magnifies that pain.

"Fortunately, I was already prepared."

He sneered and walked towards the meeting place.

While director Sawai was telling the truth, the victory team also gathered in the TPC Far East headquarters.

"Will the citizens accept it?"

There was a little cowardice in Lina's tone, people like her were no longer in the minority.

"It's hard."

Xincheng squeezed his brows hard, as if he wanted to use this to confirm the reality he was in.

"The timing of Zijla's appearance is really good. In the past six months or so, both we and all mankind have faced too many challenges."

The tone of Zong Fang's command was heavy. Although TPCs did their duty every time, it didn't mean they were emotionless robots.

If you don't talk about it, the pressure will not be less.

In half a year, how many times have you encountered crises that could destroy mankind?

The original huge metal robot, a whole huge space fleet, the conspiracy of the Kyriairods, different-dimensional demons and monster weapons, and this time the ultimate evolution emperor.

Different cities around the world have different injuries. After passing through the danger of life, the economic crisis is the most serious problem. According to the estimates of TPC these days, at least 3 million people around the world are facing unemployment, not to mention the direct economic loss.

When the unemployment rate rises, the economic level falls, and the crime rate will increase accordingly.

After a pause, Commander Zongfang continued:

"Monsters and cosmic invaders that keep appearing, real difficulties, accumulated pressure, and unpredictable future, Qijiela's pollen allows people to enter a dream where all troubles can be forgotten."

These two gaps are so terrible.

"To be honest, I can understand people's feelings. Compared with the painful reality, the perfect reality is better."

A future full of crises, a dream that is almost indistinguishable from reality, which side should we choose?Which side will you choose?

After Zong Fang finished speaking, the intermediary captain took a deep breath, and this time he took a deep breath, as if he wanted to let out his hesitation.

"So, tonight we will decide the outcome."

Her face was serious, and although everyone was saying some dejected words, the purpose was the same.

Qijiela will be removed tonight. If it continues, it will probably not be able to arouse the strength to resist.

Sometimes when meeting a friend who is on a detour, someone needs to go up and give him a slap.

TPC is responsible for such a task.

"Everyone, thank you."

Da Gu sincerely thanked him, as You Lian said, if human beings cannot overcome that temptation with their own strength, the ending will not change in any way.

His teammates have already made a choice, and the next step is to remove Qi Jiela. According to You Lian, there should be some time before the appearance of the "evil god".

"Fool, you are planning to fuck yourself alone, how can we watch from the sidelines."

Horei stretched out his hand and grabbed Dagu's hair. This silly boy has not changed since then, and even if no one knows, he still intends to fight to the end.

Dagu's head dangled back and forth, and Dijia, who was 53 meters tall after transformation, was now being shaken by someone's head. There is always a wonderful sense of humor.

Before everyone could laugh, the picture on the screen suddenly changed.


What appeared there was a young man whose clothes were completely inconsistent with modern times.

"Okay, okay, everyone who has worked so hard in this era has said so much, but it is not a complete mobilization at all."

Who is he?


Ultra-ancient memories revived in Dagu's mind. Junmin's warrior Hitler was once defeated by Tiga, but became stronger because of the appearance of Gatanjae.

Why is he outside?

Before everyone could react, the young man on the screen changed his posture.

Its chest and arms are covered with rock-like armor, and its mouth seems to be wearing a mask.

Silver base color and asymmetric purple pattern, plus a light blue timer on the chest, and light blue eyes that match the color of the timer.

In an instant, everyone understood his identity.

"Needless to say too much gossip, I don't plan to correct all the messy things before, but there is one thing I want to tell you."

Hitler sneered.

"Tiga, Empat, no matter who it is, it's best to come to the Tokyo headquarters of this Japanese TV station quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to the hostages here."

Nippon TV Station, referred to as NTV, is the first TV station established and launched in Japan, and now it has a history of decades.

Hitler is at the headquarters of that TV station, but that TV station is a private TV station after all, it is impossible to intercept the TPC signal and send the signal to the whole world at the same time.

But in Luluye, which has long been destroyed, there are no tools that can be used.

In other words, a trap, someone assisting Hitler.


In a coffee shop in Kumamoto City, a young man put down his empty coffee.

"Are you going?"

The store manager asked the other party, and what he got was a quiet nod.

"...Tsk, it feels really weird."

Kyoko smacked her lips, isn't that what the so-called 'friend with a high-risk occupation' is all about?

When he was about to set off, he always felt uncomfortable.

"In that case, prepare me a cup of hot cocoa and drink it when I get back."

Nangong said calmly, then turned and left the shop.

Looking up, is it because of Zijra?

I always feel that the sky tonight is a little blurry.

It wasn't just him who looked up at the sky.

Standing at the highest point of the TV station headquarters, Hitler stared at the feasting and colorful street scene.

"Will they come?"

"Will do."

"Why can you be so sure?"

"Because I was also a Warrior of Light for a short time."

Hitler's left index finger met his thumb, and the Yapo raised an eyebrow.

"Then you become a monster that tarnishes Ultra's name?"

"Heh, who has defiled whom?"

Suddenly, Hitler felt the energy.

"It's so fast."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Dagu, can you not go over there?"

Sitting inside the Feiyan EX-J, the Victory Team marched towards the location where Qijiela's body was located, which is where Manshohite died, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

"If we don't eradicate Zijla tonight, it will be too late."

Let Chigerard exist for a day, then people will rely on him more, and the chances of breaking free will be lower.

"In that case, solve it quickly, and then go back to support Empat."

Horii stared at the image on the virtual screen, which was the real shot at the scene.

Like most plants, Zigera fell into a state of silence at night, without any response.

This battle will be carried out by the Chinese branch and the Far East branch at the same time, as long as it is burned down before it wakes up.

"Don't forget it's not just the flowers above, it's meaningless without burning the roots."

Lina reminded that this is also the information told by You Lian in the time machine.

Gradually, across the sea, Feiyan EX-J entered the territory of China and moved towards the destination.

The surrounding scenery was pulling away quickly, and finally, they saw the huge flower with their own eyes.

"Looking closer like this, it looks more like a flower growing on the monster's body..."

Xincheng sighed, and then returned to a serious state.

Because people have been waiting for a long time, except for the six-machine Feiyan EX-J, even the Yagdis of the Chinese branch has already hovered here.

I have to sigh that it is good to have a large land and abundant resources, and even the number of armed forces is enough.

The battle plan is very simple, divert the energy to the melta beam of the α fighter, burn the flowers above it, and then bombard the roots of Zigera with the mags of the Yagdis.

The distance can be closer, because the other party has no movement.

The plan has been discussed long ago, and there is only one more implementation left.

Then, the power furnace energy is invoked, and the melting light is ready.

Aiming at the bright yellow flower, the crimson beam blasted towards it.

Using flames to deal with the plants was perfect, the darkness was pierced, and the crimson radiance dyed Zigera in color.

The heat twisted the air, and when it was about to touch, only one person present heard the sound.

Like thousands of snakes crawling, at this moment, Dagu instinctively held the spark prism.

Its figure appeared under Feiyan EX-J, and the hands were quickly joined together, and the pure white light blasted to the ground, and began to shoot.

In the next instant, the 'tentacles' gushing out from the cracked earth were directly burned off.


It was clearly a plant, but it roared like a monster.

The melting ray dealt damage, which healed extremely quickly.


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