Although it was a bit late, TPC also realized that something was wrong.

At the moment the fighter plane rose, Tiga also left together.

Immediately afterwards, an abnormality appeared in this grassland.

The original green grass turned yellow and eventually withered. In just two seconds, everyone saw how the green color disappeared.

In contrast, the scene where Zigera's burns are healed.

"Is that guy absorbing the life force of the earth?!"

Not only that, under the cracked and dry ground, green vines broke out one after another, like countless shaking tentacles.

There is no such information in the information provided by You Lian, why?

Because after 3000 million years, the newborn Qijiela overcomes his own weakness.

Di Jia fell slightly, and when his right foot touched the ground, he felt the shock instantly.

Accelerating, rising, the chasing vines swayed wildly, following his flight path.

At this time, it was 870 three meters away from where Qijiela was.

"How deep and wide is that guy's roots?"

Xincheng was stunned, and the so-called 'monster' refreshed his cognition again and again.

After the black cloud Tyrant occupying the sky, there appeared the Qijiela rooted in the earth. How deep and how far did it extend its roots?

Different from their shock, Di Jia was flying at full speed, swinging his body to avoid those fluttering vines.

One after another, dozens of tentacles chased from below, easily extending for hundreds of meters, and it was green at a glance.

The Qijela in the center is like a king sitting on his throne, and those swaying vines smashed the ground, tens of hundreds, and even increasing.

Di Jia clenched his fists around his waist, then quickly crossed forward, the light energy in his body was released, and he seemed to become a morning star surrounded by white light.

Pull it left and right, the purple-white line is cut, and all the energy that can be absorbed around it is turned into light, sucked into the body from the timer like quicksand and amplified.

During this process, he swiftly dodged those tentacles that were merely numerous.

Even if the strength is enough and the speed is enough, it will go straight after all, as long as it passes through the gap.

Moving, dodging, turning sideways, the inverted body brushed against the thrown vines, and the connected arms released their strength.

Zapelio's light burst out, instantly breaking the tentacles in front, one, five, ten, a huge emerald green fell from mid-air, and a pure white streamer fell.

Is it unstoppable?

The tentacles around Qijiela were quickly intertwined, overlapping layers.

The strong light expanded in all directions, and the shaking of the earth was unknown whether it was because of the activities of Qijiela's roots or because Tiga's attack was too strong.

The two stalemate, and on the other side, the Yagdis opens fire, and Mags shells the seemingly unsuspecting enemy.

At this moment, the earth shattered.


It has already reached 2000 meters away, even so, the vines pulled out from under the ground still appear.

Unlike the large ones that attacked Tiga, the small ones are like spears, stabbing fiercely at the battleship above.

Vibration, impact, the hard hull withstood the attack, it was just out of balance.

But this situation successfully attracted Di Jia's attention.

A little distracted, the huge vines he drew made him give up continuing to attack with Zapelio light, and the energy detonated directly when it did not continue.

Leaning back, descending, and dodging the attack, the exploding white light source burned many vines, was it successful?

When the giant vine split open, Tija knew the result.

The sudden small vines wrapped around his body densely.

Di Jia immediately clenched his fist, and the rising heat burned the vines.

As charred debris fell from the explosion, Zijra's figure reappeared, the lost vines were replenished, and the dryness of the land expanded.

Going down is asking for death, and there is no better way to cause damage in the sky, what should I do?

Dijia crossed his arms, and the high temperature rose in his body, dyeing his figure light red.

He already knew one thing, as long as Qijiela was still in the land, it would be difficult to cause enough damage, the more it was hurt, the more it would suppress the land.

If so, kill it in one go.

The reddish Earth Star pierced through the clouds and reached above the sky.

The red meteor rubbed against the air and fell from the universe.

The light energy turns into high heat, and the heat rises further, and the speed is so exaggerated that there are bursts of sonic booms. Before it reaches it, the layer after layer of ** spreads into a ring one step at a time.

At this time, Dijia fell like a meteorite, extremely bright.

Sensing the danger, Zigera wove layers of vines into a shield to protect him again.

The thickness continues to increase, becoming a huge green city wall.

50 meters, 100 meters, 500 meters, in just ten seconds, the defense was formed.

The moment the new layer was about to touch, it was ignited by high temperature.

Hitting, penetrating, Tiga just shattered Zijla's 'city wall' like an armor-piercing projectile

One second, two seconds, the burning fireball smashed the huge yellow flower directly, and when the feet touched the ground, a strong vibration was transmitted from here.

And that's just the beginning.

The upper part of Zijla has completely disappeared, and there are scorched black marks below.

Dijia turned around immediately, and stepped forward to grab the remaining part that wanted to sneak into the ground.

A red light flashed, red and silver, the powerful type erupted with the strongest force so far, and the earth shook for the second time.

Down, down, until you get hold of that stem.

Tiga roared, and the earth began to shake again.

The already scarred ground cracked again, and before the smoke and dust dispersed, the cracks began to spread crazily.

In the center of the scene, the red giant twisted its waist, bursting out with greater strength before the slender green ones wrapped around their legs completely.

For the third shock, the entire plateau could feel the shaking. Qijiela was pulled out from the ground. Compared with the huge body, the vines below were small, but it was scary.

If you want to ask why, because I don't know how many green vines are below, and they are still tightly connected with the upper and lower.

Is it because you can't bear Tiga's strong power?

Or is it simply a tail-docking escape?

The rhizome below Zijra broke off, and at this moment, Tiga made an action.

Ultra-ancient memories reverberated in Dagu's mind. His hands first faced each other in front of him, and then he kept diagonally tilting to the left and pulled them apart symmetrically up and down. The orange-red lines formed by energy finally converged on the suddenly raised right hand.

The light energy inhaled from the surroundings is also injected into it, and the strongest stunt of the strong warrior Durham is used by Tiga's hand at this moment.

The fist hit Qijiela's shrunken roots directly, and the scorching energy spread and exploded. The next moment, the ground that was originally full of cracks was lifted by the high heat of the explosion.

In the strong light, the Giant of Light stood up, because he noticed something?

He suddenly raised his head, and in the brilliance caused by the trick, the magic bird piercing the night sky came.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

The time is exactly when Tiga and Chijera are fighting fiercely. Nangong, who has arrived at the TV Tokyo headquarters, is not in the form of a human being, but is advancing directly as data.

He didn't even go through the gate, but arrived directly through a special route.

It all started when that color burst out of the electronics.

Aiming at Hitler, Empat punched him.

One hit, hit, but didn't directly knock the enemy out of this floor as expected, my strength and speed were more than a little slower.

Not only that, but what was caught by it was the right arm covered with the sleeve.


"Is it strange?"

The blow hit by Hitler was blocked by Nangong with both arms, but the force made him fall back uncontrollably.

The wall was shattered in an instant, the desk was turned into wreckage, and the hostage staff watched in horror as a black shadow of smoke and dust was pulled out.

It's just a momentary confrontation, and I can't see too many details.

Hitler casually picked up the camera on one side, quickly passed through the crumbling wall, and entered another workplace.

Inside the camera, except for the people hiding, is the young man standing up.

That face, that person, the existence of Nangong Lan was exposed to the whole world.

"Look, everyone, this is your patron saint, Empat. Under that huge body, there is an existence similar to yours!"


In the end what happened?

At the moment of materialization, the strength in the body seems to be suddenly reduced, so that it can only become an essentially incomplete state.

'Is the identity completely exposed? '

If this is the live broadcast around the world...

"The power of giants can be used for their own use. Isn't it interesting that even small humans can become Ultraman?"

Hitler said in an incendiary tone, this is his purpose.

"If you don't believe it..."

The power condensed in his right hand forms a blue-white light.

At the same moment, Nangong mobilized his body again, this time without the slightest delay.

The light called Hugaras Gale blasted towards the ordinary people on the side, and in the deep blue lightning, the crossed arms blocked the attack for everyone.

Among the floating particles, Hitler increased his strength again, and the spreading waves shattered the surrounding windows, and the glass fell towards the downstairs.

Empat mobilized the energy, and the crystal on the forehead released the Aimelium light.

As if it was too late to dodge, Hitler tilted his head back, and the power in his hands dissipated without a trace.

It was a young man before, but at this time he disappeared and was replaced by Ultraman with blue eyes.

"Is that your purpose?"

Nangong asked this enemy to expose his identity to the whole world, so as to attack him?

"I want to know how other people will treat a person when they know that they have extraordinary power. Are they jealous? Hate? Or want to replace him?"

People will definitely be jealous, and in the end only killing can solve the problem.

"But these words are meaningless."

Hitler laughed, his shape constantly changing, expanding, twisting.


Hidden under that figure is the demon bird that summons destruction.

The small Zoga pounced on Empat, and just as Empat assumed a fighting stance, his attention was drawn.

Grasping this gap, a huge red hole suddenly appeared under his feet. Zoga jumped into the air and looked around, as if he was wondering where the enemy disappeared to.

But that sort of thing doesn't matter anymore because there's so much food here.

Screams of fear sounded, and Zorga jumped at the humans who were still here, and the chaotic footsteps were reflected in the camera lying on the ground, and suddenly, red covered the camera.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"How, how is it possible!"

The long night has not yet dawned, will it be eternal night in the future?

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