Hitting, exploding, the brilliance was completely burned even the energy filled with different dimensions on the way of spreading.

This brief effort stopped, and when the ace killer turned around, its raised arm blocked the chopped arm.

The blurry figure became clear, and Empatra, who dodged the attack at the last moment by teleportation, got closer.

The golden light blade cuts horizontally, while the purple light flow builds.

What collided with the light blade was the guillotine condensed between the palms of Empat's slit.

Which side is sharper?

Heavy kicks exploded in the waist of the Aces Killer before the winner was decided.

Kicking it out directly, Empat sprinted in pursuit.

He can't win with light skills, and he clearly recognizes this.

This is a different-dimensional space, the home field of the enemy, and the release of light seems to require no energy.

The distance between the two sides is 30 meters.

Again, draw the knife.

Empat's right hand was drawn from his waist, and the purple solid light blade slashed at the enemy in the process.

The particles scattered, and the ace killer defended with a golden blade of light.

Hold it high, cut it down.

Hold high, defend.

The double slash didn't cause any damage, but it succeeded in pinning it down.

From 30 meters to eight meters.

At this distance, will the enemy slash or stab?

Empat's blue eyes watched the movement of the arm, and he prepared himself.

Seven meters, six meters, five meters, when the blade stabbed at him, the palm knife also stabbed out.

The lightsaber of King Card Killer is not held in the hand, but extends from a special device on the wrist.

Therefore, Empat's arm and the blade of the ace killer are close to each other, the purple one is on the inside, and the golden one is on the outside. The blazing lightsaber and the energy covering the arm cancel each other out.

The moment the palm knife slid in completely, the fingers covered with dark gold armor were pierced through in a fierce conflict.

One side is a retreating passive attack, and the other is an accelerated active attack. Even if the basic forces are equal, the situation will lead to a gap.

Therefore, Ace Killer's fist was pushed backwards, and when its sharp claws wanted to attack, Empat's hard head was directly used as a heavy hammer, and it was directly smashed into its face.

He leaned back and was grabbed again.

Empat withdrew his left hand, and clasped the enemy's shoulder with his right.

Seizing the opportunity to win, he thrust his left hand towards the opponent's abdomen again. The sharp palm knife pierced through the dark golden armor, and the mechanical parts inside were completely smashed.


The two were almost face to face, and the next moment, Empat pulled upwards, and when the purple light pointed upward, the ace killer was cut in half.

"You can't escape this time."

Empat could see the Yabos pouring from within the shattered mecha-giant.

Use the power of thought to lock his soul and the current body together.

The pitch-black Zapelio hit directly, and the dark energy spread wildly, destroying both the ace killer and the soul existing inside.

"The results beyond the numbers...this is—"

Losing again, the Yabo people felt this feeling again.

The data of Altman's existence seem to never be accurate enough, and they can always get results that exceed the data.

In the explosion of energy, the remaining body also completely disappeared.


Empat was floating in a different dimension. After a battle, the timer on his chest was glowing red.

He moved his hands forward, opening a passage to another world based on the principle of building a wormhole.

There is endless darkness.


Taking a deep breath, he walked through the hole.

Below is the surging sea, and in the sky is the dancing Zoga.

Amidst the thunder, ancient memories revived in the brain.

Even without a heart, he still felt the pressure that was hard to ignore.

The first thing to rise from the sea is the broken spire.

The ultra-ancient city Luluye rises from the ocean, and a corner of this city, which hides the ultra-ancient darkness and past, is gradually revealed.

The land that once floated on this sea slowly reappeared its posture, and the huge palace had long been damaged.

In the turbulence of the sea, something appeared, and the whole picture of the city was gradually revealed in the eyes.

"Come on, Empat, as stupid as you were 3000 million years ago."


Appearing at the top of the tower at unknown times, Camila held a transforming device somewhat similar to the spark prism.

When the thunder that symbolizes darkness blooms, someone rushes over.

Get pulled down before you know it, that's Hitler.

The two fell out of balance, and the moment they hit the ruins, there was a burst of fluctuations in the land as if it were illusory.

They just disappeared from above Luluye.

Still in the air, Empat clenched his fists and slammed his elbows towards Hitler.

The enemy, who had been expected for a long time, immediately let go and opened the distance, and the two fell towards the ground together.

The yellow sand rose up amidst the vibrations, and the wind blew past.

'Luluye rose from the bottom of the sea'

'The inside of Luluye is a piece of yellow sand'

Two chaotic feelings were displayed here. Empat stood up, and the surrounding feelings made him very uncomfortable.

Words to say...the light dimmed, and when the wind blew, the yellow sand drifted away into the distance.

And what is hidden below is thus revealed, which is a head.


What will become of a giant that completely loses its light?

It will turn into the original stone statue.

"3000 million years, long time no see."

Hearing that voice, Empat immediately turned around vigilantly.

Purple, silver, handsome warrior Hitler.

The red, black, and rigid warrior Durham.

Gold, gray, love-hate warrior Camilla.

The ultra-ancient giant of darkness just stood here, spent time here...

"For 3000 million years, you just sealed us here and let us spend such a long time."

Camilla looked around, then raised her hand.

"It's time for you to pay."

'This is? ! '

The surrounding scenery changed in an instant, and the huge darkness covered the sky and the sun.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zorga, Gatanjah, the coming of destruction is menacing, just as unstoppable as a tsunami.

The TPC Far East Headquarters closest to Luluye's ruins was the first to be swallowed, and the remaining staff members gathered towards the Yagdis. The black fog that seemed to spread infinitely in the sky did not only exist there.

From the lowest level, all the way to the top, most of the staff at the lowest level were immediately swallowed up by the mist as soon as they saw it.

The wall that isolates the seawater can't play any role at all, and the emergency isolation door can't play a role either. The fog can play a role just after it touches the human body, and the black can be mixed into the device in the base and it will immediately erode.

Humans, machines...

"It's almost like the enemy of everything that exists..."

Director Sawai gritted his teeth, the death of a person is the cessation of life activities, so can the damage of a machine also be regarded as the cessation of life activities?

What the black mist did was such a thing, not only humans, but even the tools made by humans stopped all activities.

Is this the last darkness?

He wants to swallow everything into eternal silence.

The surviving crew completes the evacuation, but overwhelmingly few in number, and the Yagdis launches.

The attack port on the upper floor of the base is very slow, and there is no time to hesitate in an emergency.

The victory team dispatched to burn Zijra, and at this time it was the logistics staff who controlled the huge battleship.

"Blow the door open!"

Director Yoshioka issued an order, and the gun ports equipped on the battleship aimed forward, and the Mags power system was activated at the same time.

The red light completely penetrated and dissolved the gate, and the accelerated Yagdis rushed forward and escaped from the base through the attack port.

People instinctively turned their heads to look at the Far East Base where they had put all their efforts. There was no sign of damage there, but everyone knew what the interior looked like.

Soon, it seemed that the internal capacity had finally reached its limit, and the overflowing black mist swallowed the entire pyramid-shaped base inside.


There was not even time to be sad, the anti-aircraft guns fired at the attacking Zoga.

It seemed that they didn't bother to deal with them at all. The large Zoga didn't move, but the small Zoga attacked one after another.

The Yagedis anti-aircraft gun fired wildly and set off an explosion. With a single round of firepower, it only takes one shot to penetrate an enemy, but the disadvantage in numbers is inevitable.

"Turn! Down!"

The warships moved while meeting them. Human beings first conquered the earth and then marched into the universe.

Today, however, that effort seems pointless.

The sky has become the enemy's stage.

Yes, the sky has become the stage of the enemy.

Neither the Feiyan EX-J nor the Yagdis can fight against this overwhelming flock of birds. China, America, Europe, and the whole world are shooting Zoga with weapons on the ground. Will be targeted, and will be shot down before long.

Rays, shelling, and missiles, they tried their best to use conventional weapons that could be used on the earth, and pieces of Zoga disappeared in the violent explosion.

But why did the number not decrease at all?

The black mist that completely envelops the earth continuously splits into new Zoga, endlessly.

Being sealed inside Luluye for 3000 million years, the darkness did not disappear, but increased further, and was released at this moment.

Even without seeing the so-called evil god, the world is already in a miserable state.

All the colorful colors that should have existed in the night disappeared, leaving only the sky full of flames, and Zijra's pollen could not save anyone.

"This is a dream, this must be a dream! It's a dream!"

Someone yelled in despair, took the meaningless Qijielafen flower, pressed it on the tip of his nose, and wanted to enter the illusion again.

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