What did humans do wrong?

Why go through so much suffering?

The pollen floating in the air had already disappeared due to the scorching heat, and the earth was shaking.

"What are you doing!"

The rushing man was wearing a fire suit, although he didn't know how much effect this would have.

He pulled up the collapsed person who had given up and wanted to escape.

"Escape quickly!"

Almost pulling him away, to the city, this is just a trivial matter that doesn't seem to matter.

As long as the perspective is zoomed out, you can see the giant who was knocked into the building.

Quantity, too much.

Karl held a sharp light wheel in his hand, and before he could cut it down, five consecutive fireballs bent and covered his right hand.

His head was sideways, and the bitten Zoga peck shattered the wreckage.

Abandoning the attack with the light wheel, Karl exploded his thoughts upwards.

The large Zoga that jumped down was shaken away, and adjusted his posture in the air.

He grabbed the enemy's head that he wanted to bite off with both hands, and the force he exerted directly twisted his neck into a strange shape.

But this was not enough, the time he gained allowed him to kick out with his right leg aimed at the enemy's abdomen, and threw the Zorga with its twisted head out.

The left hand releases the light forward, smashing the enemies who are about to stand up and fight even if the head is turned 180 degrees.

The influence of thought power has ended, the bolides that originally shot randomly towards the city concentrated their targets, and the falling fireballs hit Karl, causing violent explosions and vibrations.


The fleeing people fell down because of this, and then got up without any regard for their image.

Compared with before, they became a little safer, because Zoga's attention was focused on the giant who looked like a giant, but was not a giant.

The blue light exploded towards the sky, tearing apart the scorching flame, Karl tried hard to support it.

He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what to do to be the best choice.

But here is what he has to do. As a TPC soldier, his task is to protect the safety of the citizens.

He staggered forward amid the explosion, a fireball blasting his back.

At this time, there were no more than ten or twenty Zoga surrounding him. Before the old explosion disappeared, a new explosion was generated inside the city.

It is such a scene, no matter how much you fight, it will be futile.

Endless darkness will end all light and life.

Fighting on this earth is Zamsha, whose armor is constantly being shattered, and Gedi, whose chest timer is constantly flashing.


The front end of the broken sword is an extended energy blade, which slices down and cuts through the flesh.

Slashing, whipping, elbowing, stabbing, the next moment, the way forward is interrupted, the more you fight, the less power you have in your body, and the more you fight, the more the number of enemies will increase.

Zamxia, who was directly pushed back, stepped on his left foot. Was it calculated?Or is it a mere coincidence?

The fireball that fell from the sky shattered that foothold, and there was pain and loss of balance at the same time.

As soon as the body tilted, it was immediately overwhelmed.

Half a second later, he was submerged by several Zorgas. These bloodthirsty birds lowered their beaks frantically, trying to tear something off his body.

The discarded fragments were still stained with blood.

On the other side, Gedi's breath continued to intensify, and the blue light beam penetrated the fireball and shot into the sky, sweeping away the small Zoga that fell entwined with the flames.

Aiming at it like this, Zoga attacked from different directions.

He swiped his claws to slap one, flicked his tail to fly one, and before he could continue, his feet left the ground.


Gedi roared and waved his claws, but it was too late, even if one was shot down, there would be another attack, just holding it hostage, the Zoga kept climbing.

A hundred meters, a thousand meters, or even crashing directly into the thick black fog.

The light of life is suppressed by the darkness of death, and this should be the case for such a living body of light.


Silver sword energy erupted, and Zamxia, who was covered in blood, had only taken a step before he had to deal with those Zoga who pounced on him.

The sky is the enemy, the enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere, and the city is destroyed and the flames, he swings the broken sword.

Not only planets, but this scene reminds me of the destruction of the world.

It is not at the level of a mere planet, but at the level of the entire world, the entire universe.

Before the birth of life, the universe was a silent emptiness and darkness. Could it be that the sleeping thing on this planet is that kind of thing?

Will all life end up in endless darkness and death?

'How could we usher in such an ending! '

The purple that pierces the sky is the concentrated Tiga.

His speed was unimaginable, and no Zorga could touch him.

Did he realize that he couldn't be stopped?

Or is there some other reason?

The road ahead is unobstructed, and the eyes have already seen the buildings floating on the sea. The land is still covered by sea water, but the wet and severely damaged buildings are here.

The ultra-ancient city Luluye is the last ultra-ancient city where the evil god Gatanjae is sealed.

But where is the ruler of darkness?

It has led the planet to its demise without even showing itself.

Di Jia landed downward, and the next moment, he couldn't react.


The sea exploded and splashed, and the roads of the city cracked and shattered.

At this time, apart from the pain, there was another feeling, that is, something was entangled in the right foot.

Pulled out from the sea, the whole body turned upside down, staring at the front face.

It has red eyes, a pitch-black body, and a huge spiral shell with black holes all over it.

The evil god Gatange, at this moment, Dagu realized this.

Gravity tore him down before he could make his next move.

The head hits the ground, but is not restrained.

Di Jia controlled his body, and quickly rolled in the opposite direction to the enemy to distance himself.


With a cry like an elephant, Tiga, who quickly got up on guard, stared at the huge evil existence.

What you see when you are upside down is the front face, so what you see at this time is naturally the reverse face.

The mouth is located above the red eyes, and the confusion is hard to ignore.

Standing still at this moment, I realized that there was such a gap between the two bodies.

Just the height of 200 meters has already made Dijia look like a dwarf in front of him.

'Why let me go? '

Dagu couldn't help but feel puzzled, just now he couldn't even react and was dragged into the sea.

And along with the doubts, there is also a strange sense of horror.

Gatanjehe's size is so huge, and his sense of presence will never be ignored.

So, why didn't I see it before?

Where did he appear from?

Why is it the same as it existed there?

An indescribable strange feeling rose from his heart, at this moment, Gatanjeh let out a strange cry again.


Di Jia took a step back subconsciously, but in the rush of the sea, the other party did not make any moves.

The crystal on his forehead flashed white light, and he quickly switched back to the composite model.

The fists were collected at the waist, and then the palms were crossed forward, and the pure white light dispelled the surrounding darkness.

When the two hands were pulled apart, purple and white lines and sand-like particles were formed together, and the light energy in the body completed the amplification and convergence.

Faced with this movement, Gatanjeh stood in his original position as if he hadn't seen it.

What is he thinking?

What is the meaning of the call?

Is it because you think it's boring, so you don't defend yourself?

Tiga took a step forward, joined his arms together, and Zapelio's light burst out, aiming at the center of the huge body, the inverted head.

Even the air seemed to vibrate, and a full blow hit the enemy's face.

After confirming the hit of the attack, Dijia immediately increased his strength, and the white light mixed with a little lavender expanded even more, cutting into Gatanjae from the center like a sword blade.

The 50-meter-high Zapelio Ray, the evil gods and giants standing above the city, shake the whole city.

It's not over yet, Tiga gathers the light energy in his body and outputs it again, and the light that expands to 80 meters again cuts the road ahead and the sea water, and there is no wreckage, because it has been evaporated before that.

Just like Moses divided the sea, there is no sea water within ten meters on the left and right sides of the ray.

The strongest Zapelio ray so far, the first time so far on the earth without considering any force, the attack enough to penetrate the planet just hit Gatanjaer's face.

With the will to fight and the determination to win, finally, the enemy moved.

Not because of the pain, or because it's unbearable, just because...boring.

In an instant, sparks flew.


With a muffled grunt, Di Jia's movements completely collapsed, and the tentacles on his chest moved forward again, entangled, pulled, and tightened before he fell down.

His body was suspended in the air, and he was pulled into the air with just one tentacle.

Looking down, Gatanjeh, who had received Zapelio's light, opened his mouth again. He made an elephant-like cry, shaking the tentacle that pulled Tiga into the sky.

At the same moment, inside the Luluye ruins under the sea surface, inside the seal of light, was overflowing darkness.

"You will live here forever with this 3000 million years of darkness."

Camilla said cruelly, what is the best revenge?

The best revenge is to let Empat helplessly watch all the destruction of the outside world.

"I will knock you down."

What Nangong said were firm words, he turned his body sideways, with his left hand in front and his right hand behind.


Durham raised his fists and clenched them.


The double-headed fork of Hitler's right hand is spread apart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Quick, Jun Min's fighter showed his speed in an instant.

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