
The black armor was pierced instantly, and the destructive energy mixed with lightning hurt him.

The comrade's injury immediately attracted the attention of the other two, and it was at this moment that Empat rushed forward.

It's not just an increase in tricks, Hitler raised his hands instinctively, colliding with the whip fist thrown by the enemy after spinning for a circle.

The transmitted power and superimposed speed shot him down directly, and the blasted yellow sand rose high.

And the dust was quickly cut open, and the long blue whip swept over.

Empat leaned back to avoid the first blow, and the ensuing thrust grazed his cheek, splashing particles of light from the friction.

Camilla's hands constructed a long whip at the same time, and kept switching between the whip and the sword.

Just like what I felt when I was hit before, it was not whipping or cutting and penetrating damage, but stripping, stripping away Ultraman's origin, that is, the light that constitutes the body.

Once hit, it will leak light energy like being bloodletted.

The blue sword and the blue whip are sometimes soft and sometimes sharp, and there are seemingly chaotic and traceless lines in front of them.

At this time, Durham and Hitler both stood up from the sand. As super ancient and well-known powerhouses, they did not fall down so easily.

Empat stood still and spread his hands up and down.

The golden half-moon was as long as two arms, and the vertical guillotine was sharp against sharpness. The long whip in front was cut off section by section, and returned to blue elementary particles.


To avoid or to attack?

Camilla swung the remaining blade, and the two different colors exploded when they collided, and the lightsaber in her right hand also drained the energy.

The scattered particles carried a flash, and this flash was nothing to the two of them.

They were surrounded by sand and dust raised by the aftermath, and Empat lowered his body to avoid the cross cut that passed by above, and used a half-squat to attack the enemy's lower body with sweeping legs.

He saw his opponent's legs disappear in the jump, which was expected.

The first rotation is to sweep the legs, and the second rotation is to get up and kick the legs. The explosive kick of the abdomen knocks Camila into the distance.

Empat raised his hands to meet, as the pursuit of Camilla made him inescapable.

Amid the flying yellow sand and the reverberation of the air, Hitler and Durham reciprocated the salute and repelled him.

The two moved forward again, and then bumped into the invisible city wall.

At this moment, Otto's mind power finally had space to be used. Empat rushed forward and hit the punches on the faces of the two of them perfectly.

First being hit by the opponent, and then by the opponent, he raised his head and stared at the third person who attacked from there.

The blue blade in Camila's hand pulled out a bright trajectory, and the downward slash fell towards his head, trying to cut him in two.

The next moment, the light blade was pinched between two palms.


Empty hand into the white blade, twisting the wrist to move the blade away.

Empat stepped forward, shouldering the enemy with his weight and body strength at the same time.

Camilla felt like she was hitting the wall at full speed.

Immediately afterwards, two strong forces struck again.

On the left is the extreme blazing flames, on the right is the violent wind of Hugaras, and the accumulation of yellow sand has been almost completely destroyed by the aftermath of this battle.

When the two forces collided together, the explosion was even more exaggerated, and the entire ruins shook crazily.

Is it a hit?

At least Durham and Hitler didn't see where the crimson figure was escaping from, nor did they feel the spatial fluctuations that teleportation would inevitably produce.

From the red and blue energy storm, the golden thunder is spreading crazily, and the golden light is released with the contact of arms.


Durham's already shattered breastplate failed to block the blow, and the damage that penetrated his body burned the dark energy in his body.

In his line of sight was the opponent whose timer was flashing red.

He took the attack head-on, counterattacked when it was impossible to counterattack, and killed an opponent first at the cost of injury.

I didn't expect that I couldn't win three against one, really...

"It's very strong."

Falling down, the particles disappeared, and on the other side, the spinning two consecutive flying kicks were only a little short of hitting.

Hitler kept retreating, and the enemy was pressing ahead.

Empat's chain kicked forward to suppress, the whip leg swept the enemy's abdomen, he took a quick step forward, and the whirlwind kick hit Hitler's face.

Blow it up with a heavy blow, and continue to chase.

Continuously hitting the enemy's body with punches, Empat locked Hitler's shoulders with both hands, and then pulled to the side, sweeping his legs to destroy his lower body.

He threw the enemy in front of him to the ground with a wrestling technique, and met Camilla with his palm.

Palm and sword, naturally the latter is more lethal.

When the tip of the sword pierced the palm, golden 'blood' gushed out from the wound.

Empat clenched his palms tightly, the blue lightsaber that pierced through the shoulders was still there, but Camilla was already held.

She couldn't get rid of the palm that grabbed her immediately, so another clenched fist hit with a golden arc.

The fierce bombardment exploded, spreading towards the thunder that swept in all directions, and Camilla also fell away in a panic, and destructive energy continued to flow in her body.

Empat was not injured, and on his still movable right arm were leaping lightning and light energy.

Spinning and slashing, the drawn crescent moon slid across the bodies of Camila and Hitler.



What is cut is not only the body, but also the life.




Silence spread in the ruins, and Empat straightened his body again. This life and death was won by him.

"Oh... light."

Hitler, who lost his strength, fell backwards, and he recalled the past.

Tiga, Camila, Durham, and Hitler were all warriors of light in the distant 3000 million years.


"Enpat, how many people in this world do you think can tell the difference between light and darkness?"

Hitler laughed at each other.

"You won this time, but don't forget that human beings have darkness that is equal to this light, ambitious people who pursue power, stupid people, weak cowards, your existence itself attracts others, and one day you will be attracted by others Betrayal, just like us."

Leaving words that seemed to be prophecies, curses, and warnings, the light in Jun Min's warrior's eyes was extinguished.

"Light, light..."

As if feeling emotional, Camilla stared at the top of the ruins.

I gave up, so I chose to indulge in darkness and choose an easy way of life.

"I also......"

Maybe I long for light too.

The dead giants turned into the most primitive energy, Empat raised his head, and the darkness disappeared.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the pitch-black fog, there was a figure that could not be concealed no matter what.

In front of the ruler of darkness, the golden giant was at the same size as him.

From the sea, there are countless tentacles covering the sky and attacking from different directions. The purple light beams are aimed at each other, the last strikes first, and hit the opponent...?

The dark energy hit was unreasonably distorted, as if trying to avoid the golden streak.

The same is true for the incoming tentacles, which are bounced off before hitting, and hinder each other instead.

Di Jia's hands are from bottom to top, and the movements similar to Lightning Fist extract the pure power of light.

He took a step forward, and the hindering tentacles were instantly bounced away, and the pincers that were chasing him seemed to be knocked away by some invisible force.

The heavy fist entwined with the power of light exploded on Gatanjae's body, and the pain that he had never felt since birth until now reverberated in his consciousness.

Before he could react, the double combo of straight kick and backspin kick exploded instantly.

The severe pain and injury kept reverberating in his consciousness. Gatanjiehe lifted off and landed, hitting Luluye's ruins.

"it is good!"

Xincheng shouted excitedly.

Although I don't know what happened, but he seems to have become Tiga now.

The instinctive combo beat the culprit so hard that he couldn't move!

Gatanjiehe was in a state of embarrassment trying to figure out what happened, but the next moment, the surrounding black mist completely disappeared.

Dijia's hands were stretched left and right in front of him, with purple and white lines, quicksand-like particles, and the radiance overflowing from his body.

Just like that, the surrounding darkness was dispelled.

Zapelio's light burst out, and the carapace that could not even be shaken was directly penetrated.

The power of light ran wildly in the body, followed by an even more exaggerated brightness.

Di Jia's hands faced each other in front of the timer, and the light in his body was completely extracted. It was not a lethal force, but pure light energy.

But for complete darkness, this is a poison that is more terrifying than anything else.

Flowing with a rainbow of colours, timer flashes covered Gatanjaeh.

The darkness is changing, constantly changing, into pure brilliance.

Spreading from the ruins of Luluye, the black fog covering the sky, Zoga staring at the tiger, the darkness sleeping on the earth was purified into pure light.

It is precisely because of light that there is relative darkness, and it is precisely because of death that life is so precious.

Darkness turned into light, and light manifested in the form of aurora.

The world is like daylight, but it is not dazzling at all.

Under the starry sky is the gorgeous aurora. On the ruins of Luluye, Di Jia slowly put down his hands, and he looked up at the sky that cannot be described in words.

Together with him, the giants looked at the night sky that regained the light with their eyes, and their huge bodies gradually disappeared.

The last remaining light of the super ancient times, the light bloomed by humans in this era, the light of the two eras together defeated the darkness of destruction.

At this moment, everyone inside the Yagdis suddenly woke up.

"Huh? Eh? Ah?"

Yes, is it a dream?

Horei scratched his hair suspiciously.

"Everyone, look outside!"

Hearing Lina's voice, everyone looked at the sky at the same time.

Here on Earth, it is night.

The night sky is aurora and starry sky, and the particles are sprinkled like fine snow.

"Isn't it a dream...?"

Director Sawai whispered, Zoga and the darkness disappeared completely, and the world seemed to return to its original state.

Half a minute later, everyone walking out of the Yagdis walked on the dirt road, and everyone looked up with their eyes.

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