It doesn't feel cold, but has a warm feeling.

"Then again, I deserved to be the one who defeated Gatanjeh in three strokes."

Xincheng put his hands on his shoulders and said with a proud face.

"The man is starting again, and as soon as he relaxes, he starts to feel complacent."

Hori immediately complained, he just couldn't see the complacent expression on the other side.

"But what is the last one? I saw it too."

Yerui scratched his hair suspiciously, he seemed to have turned into Tiga, and then defeated the terrifying evil god.

"Because everyone has also become light."


The moment they heard the voice, everyone looked in the direction of the voice at the same time.


Like a gust of wind, Lina bridged the distance between the two.

Dagu subconsciously opened his arms, and his well-trained body firmly caught the opponent.

The warmth of others came through his embrace, and before he had time to experience it for a long time, he suddenly blushed.

Because not only Xincheng and Horei, but even the director, and even Director Yoshioka, who is usually unsmiling, looked like he was watching the show.

"Li, Lina..."

Is it because of being calm?

The ears of the girl in her arms turned red, but she hugged her even tighter.

"Then let them look after it."

Lina said in a voice that only two people could hear, and buried her face in Daiko's arms.


The Zong Fang commander blew his whistle.

"When will you get married!"

For fear that the world will not be chaotic, the new city will set fire to it loudly.

The world is saved, and mankind overcomes the darkness with its own light.

The night has not broken the dawn, and the aurora and the Milky Way have not disappeared.

In Kumamoto City, after catching the three of them, Nangong stood still, unable to move his waist and hands at all.

"Today's sunrise must be very different."

He said so.

Temporary farewell

"What are you doing?"

It's a new day, sunshine, aurora, God knows how long this scenery will last.

But in short, all the maids in the villa have gone home, and the housekeeper is the same, after all, such a big thing happened.

Mephilas held the black tea she had brewed herself, and this lunatic was probably the only one who could remain so indifferent after such a thing.

"Don't talk to me now."

The young man sitting on the sofa is completely different from before. He has one eye closed and his right hand is empty.

To put it bluntly, Zamsha lost his left eye and right hand.

Of course, this level of damage has long been expected. Since you have the courage to leave your mother planet, you must of course be prepared accordingly.

What he was upset about was that the bastard Meferas didn't do anything, just stood there watching and passed the crisis.

Was there even the slightest bit of damage on that guy's body?

I'm afraid I didn't even lose a single hair.

"So, how did you survive?"

Seemingly not intending to understand Zamsha's mood at all, Meferas asked curiously.

The reason why she brought Zamsha back was not to make him slump on the sofa.

Mephilas really wanted to know what happened in the end, why the darkness was suddenly purified into light?

The only thing she knows is the golden phoenix.

Negative energy conversion device, that's what Babar people often use when they have fun on different planets

It just seems that the function of that device has yet to be verified again. It is not negative energy that is converted into power, but light.

Don't you think it's funny?

The props that were originally intended to destroy the earth have become the key to saving mankind, and the light of mankind has been handed over to Ultraman, which is probably the case.

The question is, what happened to Zamshah?

Shouldn't he be dead?

And that monster that turned into a stone statue, why does it still exist?

"I think your eyes seem to be asking why I am still alive."

Zamxia narrowed her eyes. Sure enough, Meferas was Meferas. She didn't seem to have feelings for anything, and everything was just a tool to satisfy her curiosity.

How much sincerity is there in getting along?

"I do think so."

Mephilas noticed that the other party's tone was full of gunpowder, and it seemed that her essence had been seen through.

So there is no need to hide anymore.

"I absolutely don't want to tell you, but since you can be regarded as half of my teacher, I'll tell you."

Zamsha had told his truth, but there was another truth besides that.

It is not in line with his principles to receive grace, and the grace of special training still needs to be repaid.

"I have also become the light, and the will to never give up has become a real strength. For you who hardly get involved in anything, this may be difficult to understand."

The other party's smile, serious, serious, smirk, is probably just an expression made according to the need.

This is the Observer family, Mephilas.

"Well, I really don't understand."

Mephilas nodded directly, without any intention of hiding it.

The time when her emotions are the most intense is probably when she is looking forward to the follow-up development. The world is like a book, which cannot be modified after opening, but can only be read.

"But at least I know that there is such a situation. I am very happy on this trip to the earth."

Now that the empire has been destroyed, the family has already sent a letter.

It's just that she paid the price of "life" in the words of the earth, and of course she must see the end.

'Another book in the library... umm...'

Should it be a historical record?

Or bardic narrative poetry?

Can such a powerful force really burst out from the heart?

Really curious.

Thinking of this, Mephilas stood up, and she took out her mobile phone casually, as if sorting out something.

After a few seconds, she put away the phone and walked towards the gate of the villa.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Zamsha asked curiously.

"53 years, I should go back."

Mephilas still misses his hometown a little bit.

"From the perspective of the earth, she is already an old woman."

"That's really an honor."

She shrugged, and pushed the door open.

Old age means experience, experience means experience, and experience means stories. The Mephilas family doesn't care about age, and old age is a symbol of prestige.

He continued to walk, and then was stopped.

"By the way, if you leave, how will I leave the earth?"

Zamsha asked.

"This small thought can't fool me."

Mephilas turned around, the sun illuminated the long black hair, and how much of the teasing in the blue eyes was true?

"Then, goodbye."

With a wave of her hand, she disappeared into the light, and the door of the villa was also closed.


What a strange woman.

Zamxia scratched his hair with his left hand, and he didn't know what was going on with the strange feeling in his heart.

It seems a little disappointed, but also a little relieved, really inexplicable.

Where are you going next?

Do you need to ask?

"That's enough, you only have one handle left."

He picked up the handle of the knife beside him, and the blade in front of him completely disappeared. This is the kind of consumption brought about by the fierce battle.

The earth is already peaceful. In that case, Ultraman will no longer be needed.

Zamxia pushed open the door of the villa, and the aurora in the daytime looked more like a special rainbow.

"The weather is nice and suitable for the start of the journey."

Yes, the weather is just right for the start of the journey.

There is a sign on the door of the cafe that it is closed for business, although in fact, even if it is not done, no one will come during this period.

"I thought about it carefully, but I still can't accept it."

Why did he have to leave Earth?

"Dance, my face, my identity has been exposed, I can no longer stay on the earth, otherwise not only you, but the whole world will be affected, try to imagine, when a so-called savior is active on the earth, every move It will lift people's hearts."

Nangong didn't want to be famous, nor did he want to have thousands of followers with a single call.

But at this moment, he is such an existence.

Even if he didn't want to, there would be countless people staring at him, ready to interpret his every movement and every word.

The existence of Ultraman is superfluous now that the earth is already peaceful, and it will only become a meaningless god.

"What about our agreement?"

The girl said eagerly, the young man in front of her was like a second elder brother, but in some places he looked like a younger brother who needed to be taken care of, no matter which side it was, she, they already regarded him as a family member.

"Farewell is the prelude to goodbye, dance, and the earth is my hometown."

Nangong turned to look at Liang who had been silent all this time, and then walked in front of him.

"The autumn promise hasn't been made yet, forgive me for changing it without authorization."

Change this convention to...

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