"I will definitely come back."


Liang nodded, and then heard someone mocking with dissatisfaction:

"It's nice to say, but it's actually all good for me."

The apricots hit the nail on the head as always.

"When will you come back? After saying so much, isn't it actually that you are unilaterally ignoring our thoughts and leaving?"

This kind of selfish, self-righteous way of doing good for others is simply——

"Well, it was my fault, sorry."

Unexpectedly, Nangong nodded calmly, he admitted that he was doing it selfishly.

However, this action made Kyoko even more upset. Just as she was about to continue speaking, Ryoko covered her mouth.

Isn't it selfish to ask the other party to stay like this?


Kyoko let out a deep breath, the expression on her face was a little strange, but finally she returned to her original appearance.

"It turned out that you are also the type who cares about yourself."

A palm slapped on that shoulder, and the touch was actually not much different from a human being, but inside it was someone else.

If someone you know has another identity, then by all means think about what it would be like to be exposed.

"Unfortunately, you have been deleted from the boyfriend options."


Nangong smiled wryly, and looked at the crowd again.

The Nishinomiya family, the Shirakawa family, Gedi and King Airi.

"Please, Geddy."

He knew what not to do, but he still chose to keep Geddy as a matter of course.

As before, always keep each other.


The Shiba Inu, which seems to be a little bigger than before, responded with vitality, it has always been like this, tolerant of the owner.


Nangong turned around and took out the spark prism that was no longer needed, holding it like this was more like a habit.

There is one last thing to do.

Accompanied by his thoughts, the pitch-black sword lattice opened from the center, and there were blue lightnings in the crystal, and around these thunders, there was also rainbow-like brilliance.

With blue eyes and a silver and black body, Ultraman Empat descended on this city.

"Isn't that Ultraman!"

Of course such a huge existence would attract people's attention, and people excitedly stared at that handsome existence.

After the doomsday, people who have not yet come out of sorrow need a benchmark and a spiritual support. Is there anything more suitable than Empat and Tiga?

However, next, all mankind heard Ultraman's voice for the first time, and what he announced was parting.

"Human, I will leave the earth next."

Nangong said seriously, this is also an acting skill, in order not to repeat the super ancient wrong acting skills.

"During the period of fighting on the earth, I realized how unique you are. In your hearts, there are good and evil, light and dark, cowardice and bravery. At the same time, you also have the will to overcome pain."

Next, tell the truth.

"Because you never gave up no matter what time you encountered, we will stand up and fight again and again. There is a force in the human will that is wider than the universe. Support each other and don't forget the kindness in your heart. One day we will We will meet again in the universe."

Empat nodded finally, and Ott's telepathy allowed his words to spread across the globe.

"Goodbye, everyone."

The blue eyes just saw the coffee shop at this moment, watching the people who came out.

Will definitely come back, so I thought in my heart.

Using his strength, he rose towards the sky.

The giant with green pupils got taller and taller, and disappeared into the aurora.


Watching the disappearing figure, Ryoko smiled wryly and looked at Kyoko.

"It seems that you really have no love luck."

"It's so noisy, I haven't even written a word."

Clouds, the sun, the aurora, spots of light, special sights are all left behind.

After reaching a certain height, Empat stretched out his hand.

Through the traction of Otto's thoughts, Zamsha, who was flying against the wind, landed on his palm.

The two continued to rise, and finally passed through the atmosphere, and the surveillance satellites flying high beside them circled along the orbit.

"So what are your plans for the future?"

"Of course there is."

Empat's right hand caressed the timer on his chest, the energy was extracted from the inside, and finally expanded into a bright golden sphere, completely enveloping the two of them.

"Let me ask where I'm going first."

"New Baltan Star."

"Wait, isn't the Baltan civilization dying?"

"Is that how the world sees it?"

Moving forward and disappearing, only leaving behind some particles with a touch of warmth, the golden ball of light left in an instant, and their destination was New Baltan Star.

And in the galaxy 300 million light-years away from the earth, buildings have been built on the land of New Baltan.

On the beach quite close to the sea are the Baltan Stars running around, having the same appearance as the Earthlings, enjoying their long-lost sunbath.

The combination of work and rest, the rest time after a month of high-intensity work makes people just want to lie still.

"Ah... Blessed..."

Leaving from a lonely dream, from a desolate planet, came to a new home.

Baltan civilization actually has a second chance to start over, it really makes people want to cry.

"The fruit juice of this planet is also amazing."

The man picked up the glass and took a sip of the red juice.

Before swallowing it, what passed before his eyes was a huge existence.



The sweet smell even fills the nose. Where did the monster with wings and big ears flitting across the sky come from?

Citizens resting on the beach and ordinary scientific workers quickly evacuated, because this was not the first time.


What is something that cannot be forgotten at any time?

As a member of the army, the man took out the props like a 'pen' in his pocket.

Its name is the Beta Magic Rod, and the moment it is pressed, the unique energy inside activates the hidden power in the Baltan star.

The next moment, he lifted into the air with huge claws in both hands and rushed towards the monster, and the two kept entangled in the air.

"here we go again."

In the city's scientific research center, Diana watched the readings on the screen.

After Empat left, the first difficulty they encountered in their revival was the monsters that kept appearing for unknown reasons.

For sure, something is wrong with this universe.

What left the city was the transformed Baltan army, and they rushed towards the direction of the friendly army.

Interlude Earth Revival

The streets, alleys, and cities all over the world need to do the same thing, that is, to repair all kinds of factories in the city in the first place.

The raging Zoga almost destroyed cities all over the world. There was no mercy, and the losses were only serious and very serious.

At this moment, China, a big food country, once again showed its side of fighting for world peace. Opening warehouses to release grain is quite like an ancient king.

With the establishment of the TPC, the world has long been connected as a whole. In the past six months, they have worked together again, and all countries are considering further deepening diplomatic relations.

Of course, these upper-level matters have not yet affected ordinary people.

They are very aware of the importance of the workers, especially when they see them busy up and down.

During a short rest, someone scratched his hair, then suddenly crossed his hands forward, and slowly pulled them apart.

It's a pity that there are neither particles nor lines in front of him.

"what to do?"

He was patted on the back, turned his head to look, and saw that it was a friend who was complaining.

"It's unbelievable. My rationality is telling me that I'm dreaming, but my emotions and reality tell me it's real. It was so smooth at the time. Look at me now."

The man raised his foot and put it down shortly after.

"I can't even kick it out."

What they were discussing a week ago was the scene that almost all human beings saw—becoming Tiga and Ultraman, starting the final battle with the last enemy and winning.

Is that a dream?

"Not a dream."

In the temporary base of TPC Japan, Dagu gave an affirmative answer.

"Actually, I, Tiga, have already lost."

Not a single bit of light remained.

"At that time, I was protected. I couldn't see anything outside the transparent crystal, only darkness, but human beings did not lose. It was because everyone did not admit defeat that Tiga could stand up again."

Our hearts constitute the light, and this light is intertwined with the light of the past.

Super ancient and modern ideas overlapped, and that darkness was overcome.

"I see. To be honest, it's not scientific at all. I don't want to believe it at all."

Horii complained so much, but...

"The facts are in front of me, and I can't seem to deny it."

It can only be said that there are so many mysteries that have not yet been solved in the world, so they cannot be explained by science. Human beings have not yet reached that stage.

"Then Dagu, can you no longer transform into Ultraman?"

Lina saw with her own eyes that the spark prism that turned into stone turned into dust and drifted with the wind. Frankly speaking, she felt a sense of relief.

After all, no one would watch someone they care about fight without feeling anything.

"My battle is over, and the earth no longer needs Ultraman."

As Dagu spoke, he looked towards the sky and seemed to be able to see the figure of another giant.

At this moment, at the same moment, there are people looking up at the sky like this.

Surrounding him are the waves hitting the buildings, the sound of helicopters operating around him, and equipment and supplies being continuously transported down.

The location is Luluye, a super-ancient civilization relic on the Pacific Ocean. After the barrier was destroyed, it completely revealed its true posture and was about to be investigated by TPC staff.

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