Among them, it was Masaki Keigo who came with the staff, and the light particle conversion device he developed showed some possibility to the upper echelons of TPC.

"It's not a power that humans can you want to say that?"

Masaki stared at the sky, as if he could see Empat who had left the earth.

The other party's speech stripped himself away, denied that he was a human from the earth, and placed himself as a human from the universe, so as to prevent human beings from pursuing evolution and becoming Ultraman.

But Masaki doesn't agree with this gentle idea, instead, human beings should be further strengthened.

The ultra-ancient civilization had so many giants and was destroyed because they were tempted by Qijiela and fought with each other.

It is different now. This incident has fully proved the unity and will of mankind, so how could it be the same result?


"I must find out Ultraman's secret."

Then complete the evolution and master the ultra-ancient power that human beings should obtain.

Just like that person, just like 'Carl' becomes the real Ultraman.

' Carl Anderson. '

Today the name is written on the tombstone, and the relics left behind are put into the coffin and buried together in the interior of the tomb, with the surrounding ceremonial team pointing the ritual gun to the sky.

Who is he?

Some people wonder, what kind of combat hero would bid farewell in such a grand way?

Comrades, family members, superiors.

'Your son is a hero, there is no doubt about it. '

Even knowing this, the elderly people still couldn't hide their sadness.

It doesn't matter if a white-haired person gives a black-haired person a hero or not, they just want to see the lost child again.

"Sir, madam."

"You don't need to worry about it!"

Jack, who wanted to escort them away, was given a hard look, and Karl's biological sister, Kara, stared at him with hostility.

That is a matter of course, the cause of death, merit, all cannot be made public.

For Carl's family, this is not something that can be taken lightly.

"......and many more."

Jack took a deep breath, and he took out a diary from his arms while calling the other party.

That is something that belongs to Karl. His situation has been fluctuating. Not only does he need to talk to people, but he also needs some outlets for venting, such as a diary.

The reason why he didn't give this thing to his family before is because some things that shouldn't be revealed will be revealed in this thing.

But... human nature.

Jack has a daughter and can't imagine what it must be like to lose her daughter.

It's just that he can be sure that if his child disappears for no apparent reason, then he will definitely try his best to find the truth.

So, it's okay to break the rules a little bit.

"Don't give this thing to anyone else."

After handing over the diary, leaving such a sentence, he turned and left again.

After a few minutes, Jack stared at the tombstone.

After the battle in Mansheheit, Karl disappeared completely until the appearance of Gatanjae.

The last place he appeared was Amsterdam in the Netherlands—the red and white Ultraman resisted those terrible monsters and saved many people.

"To me, to them you are Ultraman, Karl."

What exactly is Ultraman?

If you take a guardian with great power as your standard, then you are Ultraman.

One funeral ends, and more funerals follow.

The conditions have not been announced yet. Although the whole world is working hard to rebuild the urban revival, the dead will not come back.

To be sure, many people died.

'That's why the upper echelons are in a hurry to develop the Luluye ruins. '

At this time, human beings urgently need and pursue enough power, and miracles may not happen a second time.

Just as before, even with the protection of Ultraman, human beings are still pursuing the power to protect themselves, not to mention that Ultraman has left the earth now.

TPC absolutely can't say things like 'As long as Ultraman is here, everything will be fine', not even death.

In this way, with different ideas in mind, the world has become more closely connected in the process of revival.

Time is flowing every minute and every second, the days pass by slowly, and a month has passed before you know it.

Under the circumstances of no one knowing and deliberately hiding, some aliens came to the earth.

They don't want to alarm humans, because they are not hostile.

I came here just to pick up my compatriots.

He tentatively tapped the doorbell with his fingers, and heard an electronic sound for reminder.

"It seems to be notifying the people in the door... Is Ada living with the earth people?"

A few seconds later, the door was opened, and a somewhat frail young man walked out.

"Hello? Excuse me?"

"Hello, we are here to find Ada, is she there?"


This sentence made Ryo's eyes shrink slightly, Ada, that means...

"Please come in."

His strange performance did not escape the visitors' eyes, and they walked in to know the answer.

So, the two sides began to communicate.

Whether it's Ada's matter, or King Ai Lei's matter, and what happened recently.

"Is it...she is still..."

Have you found yourself?

It's a good thing... right?

But, to die is to die...

At this moment, the sound of the door opening attracted attention.

"Brother, do you have any guests?"

The sound of dancing came through the distance and the wall.

"Wu, that's too rude."

Ye reminded her twin sister.

A few seconds later, when the two walked into the living room, the visiting Pittman stood up instantly.

"This is?!"

The two of them had their attention completely drawn to the little King Aire poking his head out of his sport coat so...primitive!

"Exactly the same as King Airi back then!"

At least from the looks of it!

The next moment, there was lightning and thunder.


It seems that King Aire was frightened by the excitement of the two, and the blue lightning struck the two Pittites without hurting the three of them.

Not fatal, but the burnt smell is unavoidable.




The three people's brains are still a mess at this time, this, this...

With a bang, the two fell to the ground.

"It seems... there are still some differences..."

One of them said in a weak tone, at least the original King Aire couldn't release such a powerful electric current.

The gate opened again, then closed.

"Huh? Cool, did you burn anything?"

The old man who came back from a walk asked suspiciously.

Today, the Nishinomiya family is in a hurry.

But today, there are quite a few customers in the coffee shop of Bai Chuan's family.

"So...we didn't get it wrong?"

It's a tentative inquiry about the truth, it should have been thought of in the first place!

Why can't I think of it!

The guy disappeared more than once or twice when it came to a big event, why didn't he notice such an obvious thing? !

"Anyway, he's already gone, so what does it matter if you read it right?"

Kyoko shrugged and answered in a more tactful way.

"Say, say so..."

Shili scratched her hair, how should I put it, now that I think about it, I really...

For example, in the case of Misaki Fujiwara, his dereliction of duty as the website administrator was really reflected in the eyes of the other party.

I want to die, I want to dig a hole and bury myself.

At this moment, Ryoko clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Thank you, Kyoko. I'm going home. When the morning star shines, a beam of light will fly into the universe. That's me. Goodbye!"

She said this in a serious tone.

"After saying goodbye like this, Nangong went back."

'No, he never said it. '

Kyoko complained in her heart, you guys really haven't felt the slightest sense of tension since before.

"That's the thing, about some coffee after hearing the decryption up close?"

"Ah, so if I become me, wouldn't I be the woman who married Ultraman?"

Someone suddenly said.

"You're thinking about farting!"

Someone objected.

In a situation where workplaces are all destroyed, people's moods are sorted out.

According to the current project progress, partial resumption of work will start in two months, complete resumption of work in half a year, and completion of reconstruction in one year.

Sounds fast, but that's worldwide.

What makes people more comfortable is———

"Oops, it's been so long without a monster, I feel like I'm a tax thief."

The new city is basking in the sun comfortably, and a month is called a long time, which shows how exaggerated the original situation was.

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