"Rausudake volcano has a strong thermal reaction! It's the same as a monster!"

Ye Rui's sudden speech made Xincheng jump up.

"What did you say!"

"It's moving fast! It's heading in the direction of... Zelda Point!"

Zelda Point, is a code name.

Zilda gas, a dangerous gas once researched by the old Earth Defense Force, has been stored because it cannot be destroyed.

If that thing is detonated...

"The earth can no longer be subjected to new disasters, and it must be prevented at all costs."

Vice Captain Zong Fang said seriously.

"The winning team is dispatched."

The intermediary captain issued an order, so everyone rushed towards the Feiyan EX-J that was transported from another branch.

Sudden monsters, frequent monster disasters should be over.

The monster disaster was caused by Gatanjah, that is to say...

'The monster this time has nothing to do with Gatanjah? '

Dagu quickly got on the α-fighter in front of him, and the Feiyan EX-J engine started, and slowly lifted off vertically.

In the high sky, a long distance away from here, a huge bird waved its broken wings and moved forward.

Interval Freshman Baltan

"Lead that guy to the other side of the city!"

Saying so, the claws in his hand opened.

Soldiers do not need to carry any equipment. After the destruction of the home planet, Baltan arrived on this planet after a series of ups and downs, and developed here.

At the same time, they have the opportunity and time to study what happened to themselves.

As a result, the improvement of body functions, the special energy flowing in the body, the claws and mind power that exist as weapons, the ability to survive in the universe, and the ability to adapt to the environment, they have all become so-called "supermen" in various senses

No, at least they still lost their original shape.

Some elites can even acquire the ability to become gigantic after training, increasing their strength by ten times or even more.

They are the pioneers, walking ahead.

But most of us are just getting started on this path.

The white light bullets formed a barrage of fire, and the attack that filled the sky forced the attacking monsters back. Explosions continued to set off, and it was slightly affected and was chased again.

The first soldier who came to stop it was the forerunner who had mastered the ability to become gigantic. The claws were not just a launch port, but also a hard blunt weapon to sweep.

The heavy blow made the enemy howl in pain, and the gigantic Baltan star claws pushed forward, gripping the opponent's neck while fastening it tightly.

He locked his throat, and blasted the monster's head with a destructive and hot yellow light.

When the flames engulfed the front, two red rays shot out.


The face was attacked, and the pain caused the Baltan soldier to subconsciously relax his hands.

The next moment, the enemy hugged him with both hands, and started to spin after confirming that he was hugged.

"The choice is good but the follow-up processing is not done well."

General Danis, who was paying attention to the situation, commented this way, he took out the Beta magic wand, and prepared to transform to stop the subordinate who was thrown like a cannonball.

At this moment, the other party suddenly stopped in the air as if stepping on the brakes.

Diana, who was in the research room, was staring at the screen in the first row of the third column on the left, and the readings obtained there were very special.

"It came just fine."

She put down her previous work and quickly ran to the window on one side.

Leap out, transform into another posture, leave the city, and pass by other people.

About a kilometer away from the city, the Baltan soldiers who were thrown out stopped in the air, and the monsters that were about to attack the city were also completely still.

On its chest is a stream of purple light, which exudes a gloomy aura and extends towards the distant sky.

After half a second, the attack stopped, and several electric arcs flowed through the monster's body.

It exploded just as it was about to fall downwards, and there wasn't any flesh and blood inside, only black mist.

Just like the 23 monsters that attacked New Baltan before.

The sun in the sky was very bright, and what descended under the strong light was a giant with green eyes who seemed to be holding something in his left hand.

That posture was very familiar to the soldiers of the Baltan clan, after all, they had all rushed up and were knocked down by one person.

"So do you know who's who?"

Zamsha on the palm of Empat looked down, boy, here is a gray body with two yellow light bulb eyes and two pincers, and there is also a gray body with two yellow light bulb eyes and two pincers, everyone is gray The body has two yellow bulbs, eyes and two pliers.

Does the Baltan family look like this?

Why is it so different from the literature?

As Zamxia said, in fact, Nangong didn't see any difference between these Baltans, but——

"If you speak, you can still recognize it, probably..."

Recognize at least two voices yourself.

"Empat, you came just in time!"

Human taste, sound first, follow the look, it is the Baltan star who is flying fast.

"Did you come here directly through a wormhole, or did you fly over by photosphere?"

It seemed that she had no intention of exchanging pleasantries at all, and Diana asked Nangong a little confused when she opened her mouth.

"Uh...the photosphere flew over."

He answered honestly.

"Then how many monsters have you encountered? Are they negative energy monsters?"

Diana's question caught the point at once, and Nangong immediately gave an affirmative answer:

"It's a negative energy monster."

He encountered five monsters during the 300 million light-year journey. There are not too many problems with the monsters alone, but they are all negative energy monsters, which is very problematic.

"Sure enough, there are too many dead."

After confirming her thoughts, Diana looked at Empat again.

"So what are you here for?"

"Would you mind going down first?"

The third person intervened in the conversation, and Zamsha pointed down.

"There were a lot of people watching."

Five minutes later, Nangong, who had returned to the human form, and Zamxia, who was acting in the original form, looked around.

The city they were in at this time on this planet, the high-rise buildings with domes, seemed to have several exits on each floor of each building, and they didn't care about the so-called height at all.

If you want to ask why...


Zamxia couldn't help sighing, there were many Baltans flying in the sky.

"Since everyone can fly, there is no need to spend resources to build vehicles. Every floor of every building has exits, and citizens can land freely."

As a guide, Diana introduced the current situation to the two outsiders.

And Nangong understood the technical power of the Baltans from this very superficial situation, and built such a huge city that could accommodate millions of people on the new planet in less than half a year.

"Are there no traffic rules?"

He asked a pretty idiotic question.

"It's okay, you can't kill someone anyway, will you kill someone if you hit someone while running?"

Diana's answer is also quite weird.

"Most people don't even want to walk now, and I don't think it will be long before a mandatory walking bill will be enacted."

She shrugged. After all, the flesh will rust and age like a machine if it is not used for a long time.

In fact, as she said, she didn't see many people along the way.

"In short, our Baltan civilization has basically achieved self-sufficiency on this planet. Except for the monsters that appear from time to time, there is basically no danger. Danis and those in the military department are studying what kind of power Baltan has today."

Become stronger and better able to adapt to the environment, in essence, the Baltans have actually evolved.

"Our science department is studying Baltan's body and blood samples. If we say that it went smoothly, the problem is that this is the third time we have encountered a monster in the past seven days."

Three in one week, more often than Diana had seen during her time on Earth.

"...Frequent monster disasters?"

At this time, Nangong said the term.

Then Diana nodded in agreement.

"it is as expected."

What flashed in Nangong's memory was the defeated Mansheheit on Earth. He once said that he was born from darkness and negative energy.

Although I don't know the specific situation, all the cosmic beings I have encountered so far have revealed the same fact, that is, this universe has experienced a long period of darkness.

Bloodshed, killing, oppression, resistance, death, war, destruction of civilization.

How huge is the negative energy accumulated during this period?

"what do you know?"

Nangong's voice did not escape Diana's ears.

"A monster who claims to be the ultimate evolutionary emperor."

After that, on the way to the institute, the two shared about what happened not long ago on Earth.

"It sounds like the great demon king was chopped off by the sword of the brave before he even had time to do anything."

Diana said half-jokingly.


Her expression became serious.

"It should be renamed as the phenomenon of frequent occurrence of negative energy monster disasters. Negative energy can give birth to an existence like Mansheheit, so it is not surprising that more monsters will be born. In addition, we only detected it from the earth not long ago. The influence of darkness gushing from the edge..."

First, a large number of negative energy monsters appeared, and then the negative energy monsters became more ferocious.

"That's another thing."

Nangong opened his mouth to correct, the negative energy is Manxiu Heite, and the darkness should be Gatanjae.

Five minutes later, the three arrived at the main building of the Scientific Research Department.

"So in less than a week, you first defeated Mansheheit, and then you also defeated another evil god named Gatanjae..."

Diana couldn't help rubbing the bridge of her nose, what's this called?

"No, it was all defeated by everyone."

Nangong knew that if there was no light in the hearts of human beings, then he and Tijia would not be able to win.

"If you look at it this way, the earth is actually the city of the demon king, and then the two brave men, Empat and Tiga, squat at the gate of the city every day and a demon king kills a demon king?"

The Baltan scientist felt that his head was a bit big.

Manchuheit and Gatanjae are all existences that can create and mobilize a large number of monsters by themselves. Can you imagine what will happen to them if they develop a little longer?

The monster army is pressing on the whole universe?

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