Fighting, sneaking, disrupting, taking items, they rarely have time to rest.

Zamxia herself has no complaints about this kind of life, but just thinks that it is indeed so boring and boring.

His left hand moved forward, and the thunder that erupted took out the darkness of the cave, and flew out together with the attacking giant.

The intense electric sound was constantly reverberating, and just as the bloodthirsty monster was roaring, the red blade falling from above split it in two.

Nangong held the lightsaber in his hand, and the cut enemy fell staggeringly.


I heard someone's call, and at the same time, a burst of green light covered the sky and covered the sun. Then, with a wave of the sword, several shots were bounced back the same way, and more hit the empty space.

Nangong standing there disappeared, or the high speed made him look like he disappeared.

The left hand moved forward, and the force of the bombardment instantly slammed several people into the soil.

Now he jumped up and was in mid-air.

The muzzle of the enemy's guns began to move upwards, but before firing, someone came.

The blue light blade cut off the armor and the inner body together, and slammed east and west. The fast-moving Zamsha swung the long sword and cut it, splitting the energy shield.

One person falls from the sky, and the other sprints across the earth. If you take the sky into account, you can't stop the earth. If you take the earth into account, then why isn't the person in the sky not dangerous?

If someone said before that anyone dared to deal with a fully armed pirate organization with only two people, the pirates would laugh at each other as crazy.

Even if the firepower of a battleship is used to hit people, it is no different from cannons hitting grass, and the infantry is not vegetarian.

However, this confidence seems to be only because they have not seen the real monster.

It doesn't need to be faster than the beam, as long as it is faster than the person who pulls the trigger. The woods are not a cover at all, they will only slow down one's actions.

The blue and red quickly changed positions, and at the moment of the slash, the energy shield, the small light shield on the wrist, and the combat armor could not withstand a blow even with three layers of defense.

What kind of energy is that blade of light driven by?

Nangong withdrew his right hand, pulled out his weapon and continued to move.

The enemy develops in times of chaos, and in times of chaos they burn and kill pirates, so there is no need to show mercy.

There is no fluctuation in the heart, and the palm that is pushed out releases the power.

The muzzle, barrel, body, and metal structure of the gun were instantly crushed, and the pirate with the gun flew out together.

The red light blade kept moving, and the light beam hitting the top rebounded in less than a tenth of a second, knocking down the person who fired.

Nangong lowered his body downwards, and the blue lightning flashing above shot wildly, and the pirate who was hit fell down instantly.

"I'm enjoying it more and more."

The falling Zamsha split an enemy vertically with one hand, and the lightning released stopped.

Even if the strong electric current fails to kill the enemy, it is enough to paralyze the opponent's armor.

The buzzing sound never stopped, and the pirate's eyes were only blue. The next moment, his body was cut open, and the trigger that was held tightly was finally released.

Look around, there are fallen pirates everywhere.

Zamsha walked up to one of the pirates and took out his black companion from his arms.

"It's time to try to persuade the other side."

The five fingers are split open, a fine needle is inserted, and the invasion is connected.

"Hey, the famous Niferos pirates, this is your sixth small stronghold that was destroyed. I advise you to quickly surrender to the Star Alliance and start a new life, so that we don't have to waste so much time to go to your base Your head was cut off...huh?"

After blinking, Zamsha continued:

"Hey, hello? Are you still there? Is it dead? It seems to be dead."

He stood up and shrugged.

"He has been warned."

Hearing this, Nangong exhaled helplessly:

"Ha... I think this should be considered a provocation."

It has been determined from the very beginning that there must be no way to make sense, let the leader of a space pirate group surrender?

Maybe when I fall asleep tonight I can dream about it.

"Let's go."

Just then, the earth shook.

A few kilometers away from the two of them, the falling ball of light wiped everything there.

Neither the equipment nor the corpse disappeared.

"Look, they really fired at the position where the electronic mark was left before!"

Zamxia happily placed the prosthetic hand that had not been put away before his eyes.

"Hacker prosthetic hand, I love you."

It was the right choice to rub this prosthetic hand over from Diana's side.

While lamenting the correctness of his decision, Zamxia moved his hand closer, and his lips touched the cold metal.

"...Although people are free to like, I still recommend you to see a doctor."

Nangong took a step forward, and suddenly another thing came to mind.

"By the way, did you say that to the shuttle last time? It was to the lightsaber last time."

"My love is many and heavy."

Zamxia said as a matter of course, and the two left from the destroyed small stronghold.

Suddenly, Nangong looked to the right.


There is nothing there.

'It's not an illusion. '

But really nothing.

At the same time, inside the ship of the Shade Pirates, their leader was walking around restlessly.

"The opponent was provocative like an idiot, but was killed by the naval guns here"

Could there be such a simple good thing?

Before the remaining small strongholds lost contact, the pirates revealed the identity of the enemy.

Red and blue, the sword of light, are those two mad dogs that destroyed a large number of criminal organizations and participated in the pursuit of the remnants of the empire so easy to kill?

There are too many people who want to kill them. After all, the chaotic era has allowed the mercenary business to develop further. Those two people's direct or indirect assistance in stabilizing the situation is equivalent to touching the cake of mercenaries.

Not only that, but their kind of pirate group is always connected with various organizations. In order to prevent the siege of the Star Alliance, they plan to unite together.

The results of it?

The mad dogs that came out of nowhere kept reducing their strength.

"Those two watchdogs of the Alliance!"

They are definitely connected to the Star Alliance, maybe even members of the Star Alliance who use their mercenary status to disguise themselves, everyone thinks so.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he felt, the head of the pirate group walked out of the command room.

The subordinates they saw on the way quickly gave way, everyone could see the anger of the leader, and no one wanted to provoke him.

All the way unimpeded, and finally arrived at the exclusive room.

The moment she entered, the female body inside trembled.

There was no communication, no words, the head of the group took off his clothes and pressed them on.

Painful screams and rough breathing, time gradually passed in the process.

The pale white and green moon hung high in the sky, and the battleship stopped in the port. The pirates were having fun in this city, and this was their city.

And the slaves who dragged their exhausted bodies back to the management camp fell to the ground after eating the compressed energy food.

If you want to live well in this city, you first need to have the skills that pirates need, such as bartending or cooking, or a woman, a beautiful woman.

People who have nothing can only be laborers who manipulate the device.

Laughter, curses, the city's center, the castle that is bigger than the rest of the buildings stands here.

Inside are the women who feel a little relieved that the captain of the pirate group won't be back tonight, and probably won't be back for a while.

Want to run away?

It is impossible to escape.

Even if you go out, where can you go?

There is silence in the house, and the outside world is pirates who rely on plunder to live happily.

The young girl lowered her head, why would a person who works hard to survive be squeezed by such a person instead?

Do good people deserve to be bullied by bad people?

The pain in her back was so real, and at that moment, her eyes widened.

It was the blue light gushing from the decorative patterned floor.

"Okay, I think we should be there."

I heard someone say that.

"Without you, it would have been buried below."

It was a voice with a little excitement in its tone.

"Can you go up first and talk later?"

It was a helpless voice.


The cube was pushed away, and the next moment, the person who appeared from the ground had two red lights in his eyes.



Eyes wide open, a few seconds later.

"Hmm... Hi, I want to ask for directions."

Zamxia looked around, and it didn't seem to be what he expected. What's going on with this gorgeous house of the nouveau riche that is full of gold everywhere?

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

As if because he didn't want to wait any longer, the red light blade pierced out from the ground, forming another exit.

When the girl saw that face, she whispered the noun with a good history of the universe:



Nangong began to regret not wearing a cloak because he was in the way when digging underground.

"Are you from the Star Alliance?"

The girl asked in a low voice, and Nangong was convinced that the other party was a woman at this time.

After all... how would he know if the alien with four eyes and tentacles on his head was a man or a woman.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

After venting, of course, it is a comfortable sleep.

The head of the pirate group was not dreaming, but fell into a peaceful sleep.

On his side, the woman's eyes are half-opened, and it is impossible for her to sleep naturally here.

For some reason, she was so beloved as if cursed.

'God, someone will end this nightmare. '

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