I prayed this in my heart more than once, but never realized it, because there is no god in this world.

The tired body and brain began to release signals to rest. When the woman closed her eyes and her consciousness was about to plunge into darkness, a fierce warning sound woke her up instantly.

Before she could react, she was suddenly pushed away.

Her naked body fell to the ground, and the head of the pirate group ignored her and rushed out of the room.

'In the end, it's just a useful prop. '

She laughed at herself in her heart, but she was favored as a prop or a pet.

The woman pulled the quilt, rolled up her body, and curled up beside the bed.

Only the sound of warning echoed in my ears.

1 minutes, 2 minutes.

9 minutes, 10 minutes.

It's not clear what exactly happened, and it's impossible to get out.

Suddenly, a strange sound was heard.


The wall fell down, and the blue light shone on her.

"Oh... Excuse me."


Looking up suddenly, the person standing there was wearing a cloak. It wasn't the gate, but a hole in the wall for people to pass through.

"You'd better hide it first, for example under the bed."

After the other party said this sentence, he disappeared from sight. When he realized it, another opening was cut in the wall on the right side, and he left from here.


The two holes are no longer a closed space, and different voices are gradually heard in the women's ears.

Shouts, calls for help, and screams, she was very familiar with these sounds. Before she was taken away, there were similar sounds in the ship group she was in.

It's just that the pirates watched happily and smiled happily.

The fire that had long been extinguished within was rekindled.

'Could it be...'

The woman looked at the gate, outside the gate, passing through layers of barriers.

"Wait, I can put——"

While begging for mercy, the head of the pirate group quickly took out the powerful energy gun and his palm was cut open from the middle.

It's not the kind of cutting pain, but the way that it appears in front of the opponent, cuts deep from the center, and divides the arm into two halves.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--------------"

"You don't have to scream so badly."

The blue light blade twirled and held the sword flower tightly, and Zamsha pointed the tip of the sword at the chest of the howling captain of the pirate group.

"Next I have something to ask you."

"Do you think I'll answer?"

The buzz echoed.

"Uh ah ah ah ah?!"

On that face, a piece of flesh had been chipped off, the wound was scorched, and the piece of flesh fell to the ground with a burnt smell.

"Sorry, it's actually an interrogation."

At the same time, in the power room of the battleship, the connecting pipes had already been cut off, causing electric arcs to jump.

Inside the aisle, the pirates whose will to fight had been completely destroyed frantically wanted to escape. They crossed the distance just after taking a step, and they hit the wall without moving.

The cloak swayed during the action, and the red double-ended blade swayed.

The whole city was in chaos at this time, the flagship of the pirate group was invaded, and the life and death of the head of the pirate group was uncertain.

Are you going to save him?

At least there are other battleships already activated, planning to escape.

The warship that lifted off was directly crushed in the next second, heavy and powerful, and the monsters above 50 meters roared.

"Strange, monster!"

Strong negative emotions, the people who were taken away as slaves and demolished are suffering. Their negative emotions exist like beacons, attracting existences that need negative energy.

The negative energy monster opened its mouth, and its sharp teeth are scary.

Just as it moves, the falling kick erupts.

One flew out, the other fell, and the blue pupils lifted up to look at the monster.


The red pupils watched the situation on that side, and Empat launched an attack on the negative energy monster.

Interval Capital

The shuttle made its way to the massive metal building, followed by a guide into the port.

The planet Charness, where the capital of the nascent Interstellar Alliance is located, would take at least two years to build a planet if it was just one civilization, but what if there were many civilizations?

Therefore, in a short period of one year, not only was the construction completed here, but its prosperity was also amazing.

"There's so much traffic that you have to build parking lots in the atmosphere of the planet. Big money. The Star Alliance is big money."

Zamxia sighed while scanning.

Yes, this port has only one function, and that is to be used by foreign personnel to station ships.

Of course, having said that, the service is not lacking at all.

"Would you like some drinks?"

He walked towards the vending machine on the side, or the vending machine with a strong sense of technology.

You don’t even need to press it, the screen will light up directly, and the sweet female voice will speak the universal language:

"What do you want?"

In an instant, a large number of catalog names are listed, not drinks one by one, but drinks lists of different civilizations, and you can choose them at will.

"Let me see...Ikars, Pete, Katz, Metz, what the hell, Mephilas? Are they back?"

How many civilizations have participated in the Star Alliance can be seen clearly from here. With curiosity, Nangong also approached the vending machine.

The passers-by around took a few extra glances at the two strangers in cloaks. There are still very few people who still conceal their identities when they arrive at the capital of the Star Alliance.

In Nangong's eyes, a dazzling array of names are lined up. There are dozens of civilizations here alone, and there is even an icon like 'Next Page' in the bottom right corner.

"Do you have any recommendations?"

Even if he can't understand it, the only civilizations he knows are Pitt, Ikars, and Mephilas, which Zamsha complained about.

"Switch to other."

Zamsha gave the command, and the vending machine quickly flipped to the 'other catalog' and opened it.

"I recommend this, Desert Cool Cloud."

"Why does the picture on the package look so much like a bug?"

The white rings spread and elongated layer by layer, and it didn't feel right to look at.

"Because its raw material is the giant subterranean worm of the desert planet Ciaran. Although it looks ugly, it is actually an excellent food material. 78 years ago on Earth time, the old Star Alliance deliberately promulgated the law of prohibiting hunting, and then changed it to domestication. reproduced."

Zamsha gave the answer, the meat can be used for cooking, and the substance extracted from the blood after special treatment is the raw material of the drink.

"Of course, there are always people with bad brains who feel that domesticated ones don't taste that good, so they either rely on their own strength to poach, or pay a lot of money for mercenaries to poach. In any case, people who are entangled in strange things are always a lot of."

He shrugged and was stopped when he was about to order:

"Wait a moment."

Nangong stopped the opponent's actions.

"First of all, I think I haven't passed the hurdle of drinking insect blood psychologically."

"That's not insect blood, it's just extracting raw materials from blood!"

It's different from drinking blood!and drink blood!

"Secondly, how old are you?"

It was only at this time that Nangong suddenly realized that Zamxia was not actually from Earth, so...how old is he now?

"Earth time is 49 years old. By the way, the oldest person in my family is 699 years old."


A deep understanding of the differences between races.

"Since you don't want this, how about this instead? Random color."

Recognizing Zamsha's words, the salesman quickly switched out new drinks, and the cylindrical packaging was still flowing with color.

"Just in case I ask what the ingredients are first?"

"Different fruits will react with your saliva when you drink it, and finally fix a taste, just like fructose on the earth, because the taste is different every time you drink it, so it is random."

"I don't know if I still have saliva now."


That's what happened.

"Then have a can."

Zamsha immediately chooses.

"Whether you have saliva or not, at least you can taste it, can't you? Then maybe this is drinkable."

"You seem to have something to say."

Nangong stretched out his hand after hearing the prompt of 'please take', and the pop-up mechanical hand handed him the drink that was indeed changing color.

"If I say it, it will be cool and cloudy in the desert."

Zamxia also took the drink that was handed out, and he touched the top with his fingers. Immediately afterwards, the round lid that seemed to be metal fell directly into the inside, and the coolness gushed out from the inside.

"It comes with cooling."

He said proudly, in terms of mood, it was probably "bringing the redneck into the city"

Following suit, Nangong also touched the top, and immediately after, there was a drink like clear water inside.

After taking a sip of it, the wonderful sweet and sour taste reverberated in his consciousness.

'Why is there a smell? '

What is this body all about?

Of course, this innocuous little idea was immediately discarded.

Take another sip, and it has a light taste, but it doesn't conflict with the sweet and sour taste before.

Anyway, it can be tasted, and God knows why.

While they were drinking their long-lost drinks here, the people in the port were not idle.

People of different races were walking around, and suddenly one of them caught the attention of both.

Its appearance is very different from that of other aliens, and it is almost the same as that of the earthlings.

There is only one reason why Nangong really pays attention to them, and that is their identical blue hair tips.


The footsteps of this group of people seemed to be very anxious. They arrived in front of one of the shuttles, the hatch opened, and the people who disembarked inside were people very familiar to Nangong.

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