Lucia, an alien woman who was once used to provoke Empat and Tiga, was excited and happy on her face.

Jumping off the boat, was it her family or her lover who caught her?

At least they were delighted, and the rest were also happy that their compatriots had returned.

"What? It's rare to see someone who looks the same as the people on Earth, are you happy?"

Zamxia teased Nangong who couldn't tell the gender of the other party most of the time without hearing the other party's voice.

In this universe, if the people on earth are divided into human beings, then the only ones who look exactly like humans are the Baltans, and now we see a family with a little difference.

However, although it is rare to have a similar body structure, it is not uncommon, such as the Zamsha clan.

"That's it."

Nangong looked away, happy is indeed happy, but not because of the appearance or other reasons.

The two were drinking their drinks when suddenly they heard approaching footsteps.

"If there is no mistake, you should go straight to the military headquarters as soon as you get off the boat?"

Ling Lie's female voice was so familiar, the two turned their heads at the same time.

In terms of body shape, there is no doubt that she is a humanoid race. Her body is covered with armor similar to that of Zamsha, and two-thirds of her face is covered. Unlike Zamsha, her whole body is dominated by 'purple' .


The moment he saw her, Zamxia suddenly took a step back.

"Stop for me!"

The other party shouted like this.


So Zamsha stood still instinctively.

"You probably have the wrong person."

"I haven't said anything yet?"


The conversation between the two ended at this point, Nangong looked around, it seemed that the two of the same clan had known each other for a long time, and they were closer than imagined.

Five minutes later, the two sat in the car, and the sky was already occupied by the suspended car.

The transportation lines in the capital of the Star Alliance seem to be divided into three lines: the sky, the ground, and the underground.

"This is Yuka Zamsha, the instructor of our Zamsha clan."

Zamxia honestly introduced to Nangong, that too normal tone made people want to laugh.

Probably the feeling of 'you too have today'.

"The incompetent disciple must have caused you a lot of trouble."

Yuka lowered his head slightly, and Nangong immediately saw Zamxia's lips that kept moving.

Presumably, he is constantly expressing his dissatisfaction.

"No, he helped me a lot, but I was taken care of by him."

Nangong expressed his thoughts, not only on the earth, but also in the past two years in the universe.

"You don't have to cover him up."

Just as Zamsha was about to puff up her chest, she immediately shrunk it down again. It seemed that Yuka was quite dissatisfied with her student.

"Instructor, I'm not the same person I used to be."

The words of rebuttal had just been uttered, and a sentence was pressed back immediately:

"Regardless of whether you are you or not, I just want to know where Mingdao Mingjin is."

"This, this..."

where is it?

All that's left is the handle.


Yuka instantly understood that the stolen knife was probably gone.

"When you go back, you will be punished by the elders, you know?"


Are you asking me to hit myself at the gunpoint?I'm not stupid either.

"By the way, even if you want to go back, wait until this mission is completed. If you quit halfway, it will not only be bad for me, but also bad for Nangong. You say yes!"


Nangong gave a brief answer, and the matter was already clear.

Zamxia ran away from his hometown by himself, not only that, it seems that even the knife was stolen.

Although I know he is not a bad person, but it is not good to do so.

"So what is the mission this time? Rather, why are you in the Star Alliance?"

Zamxia, who thought he had escaped temporarily, quickly changed the subject, but he didn't know that his trusted companion was considering how to lock him back and confess his guilt.

And the topic was successfully changed. Yuka clicked on the top of the vehicle, and the large screen that fell instantly attracted people's attention.

"Not long after someone ran out unwillingly, the Zamsha clan joined the rebel army. Isn't it interesting?"


Zamsha was stabbed a little again.

At this time, the picture on the screen is displayed again.

"Recently, the disaster of negative energy monsters has reached the point where the Star Alliance cannot watch. We originally wanted to deal with it after defeating all the remnants of the Empire, but we can't. They were so rare in the universe that they finally showed their terrifying power. place."

Yuka shows her earnestness.

"During the process of resistance, people are already afraid of monsters. The more they fight, the stronger the negative energy monsters will become. If they can't be dealt with quickly, the negative emotions of the soldiers will be that the more they fight, the stronger they will be."

This is the problem on the front lines.

"The increase in disasters caused by negative energy monsters has also caused people's uneasiness. This uneasiness has attracted more monsters. If this continues, the situation will only get worse, not better, so we decided to change Strategy, take the lead in responding to monster disasters.”

Having said that, Yuka shook his head helplessly.

"The Ultraman Empat, who never sees the end of the dragon, has only one person after all, and can't control the entire universe."

Hearing this sentence, Zamxia subconsciously glanced at Nangong.

What the other party said was exactly what the two of them did.

In addition to the task of fighting against the remnants of the empire, the two also often undertake the task of destroying monsters.

At that time, it was Ultraman Empat who appeared on the stage. Because he did not have the ability to monitor the entire universe, he could only rely on intelligence to reach his destination and fight.

Without paying attention to the reactions of the two of them, Yuka continued:

"And the recent movement of the remnants of the empire is very concerning. They seem to be planning to forcibly break through and gather after being deliberately divided by us. Their morale should have been so low that they can no longer fight."

That's why the Star Alliance adopted the method of besieging but not attacking to divert military power against the disaster of negative energy monsters.

But if the remnants of the empire go crazy...God knows what weird monster weapons, biochemical weapons they have hidden.

Having fully understood the situation, Zamxia slapped his chest.

"So the Alliance intends to send capable mercenaries to sneak into the investigation, no problem, leave it all to us!"

Yuka glanced at him, and turned his gaze to Nangong.

"Just ask you to take care of him."


How long am I going to be treated like a child?

Zamxia was a little discouraged in his heart, and then leaned against the seat with his hands behind his head.

The vehicle was driving slowly, and at this moment, an armed freight vehicle on the same road attracted his attention.

"what is that?"

"The vehicles transporting a large number of prisoners are all war criminals of the empire. Today is the day of the public trial."

Yuka explained.

"Of course, that's what I said, but the result is already doomed. Everyone is waiting for their execution to comfort the dead."

Life for life, although these people are really insignificant compared to those who died in these years.

"So that's how it is...say."

Zamsha's eyes widened.

"That car seems to be going out!"


In an instant, all attention was focused on the prison van.

The turn on the ring road was ignored, and it was not known what happened. The next moment, the vehicle carrying an unknown number of people rushed out of the road and fell towards the road with a lot of traffic below.

Interlude Planner

The moment the car door was opened, a shadow rushed out from inside.

The first to fall was the prison van transporting the prisoners, followed by Nangong, whose cloak was flying.

Pulling his left hand and using his mind power, at this moment, he heard a familiar sound, which seemed to be the operation of electric current. This sound was the firing sound of energy guns widely used in the universe.

The shadows in the sky made people puzzled. When passers-by raised their heads, what they saw in their eyes were heavy objects that normal people could never lift.

Then, the screams sounded.

The two are constantly falling, and their sights collide with each other.

What Nangong saw was the driver in the main driver who was unconscious or dead. On the other side of the driver, someone pointed a weapon at him.

Gunshots, sword swings, rebounds.

The prisoner with the gun fell down instantly.

When it landed, Nangong was standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by vehicles passing by quickly.

The warning horn sounded, and the man who suddenly appeared here was not welcomed, not to mention that he was holding a seemingly dangerous weapon in his hand.

But soon, everyone knew that it wasn't just this man who was in danger.

From the rear of the prison car, someone jumped out.

Two, four, six, in the process of increasing, everyone has a gun in their hand.

Why do these prisoners have guns in their hands?

When the fire was fired, people had not had time to scream.

Nangong, who jumped back, bounced the beam back while getting out of the way. At this moment, people realized the situation.

In an instant, there was empty space in the center.

Nangong immediately put down the prisoner van controlled by his thoughts. Left and right, the drivers who were frightened by the sudden situation could not control it well. When the vehicle lost control and hit the sidewalks on both sides, invisible soft power stopped them .

This is not the end, a cyan streamer flashed in mid-air, and the highly compressed energy beam has the power to penetrate armor.

Faced with these attacks, Nangong swayed his body frantically, dodging the green lights one after another.

This is an extremely bad situation. There are only six fugitives with guns in front, while the prisoners who escaped from the prison van are far away, and some people even arbitrarily captured ordinary people who wanted to escape.

The mental power was fully formed, and the waving red blade refracted the blue light and bounced back, hitting one of the fugitives, and the execution was brought forward.

Holding the lightsaber tightly, Nangong rushed forward, the red blade constantly changing positions just like his body.

Left, right, Z-shaped rapid movement, the passing sword body came into contact with the opponent's body, and there were two more pieces of body wreckage on the ground.

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