Before the second person could react, the whip leg directly kicked his waist.

The lightsaber slashed down to cut the third person open, and Nangong chased the fugitive away.

Here, he is alone.

And above the ring road, there are two people.

"Is the prisoner restraint work of your Star Alliance so inadequate!"

Zamsha bounced off the light beam continuously, cutting two fugitives with two left and right slashes.

"how is this possible."

The bowstring of the longbow trembled, and the arrow shot out directly pierced a person's head.

"Do not move!"

At this moment, both of them heard that voice.

"Otherwise I'll take this—"

It was the prisoner truck driver who was forcibly pulled out of the car and locked around his neck. There was a black muzzle on the side of his head.

In the next moment, before the other party finished speaking, the arrow pierced through the arm, and the muscles and nerves that were exerting force were completely severed.

The gun fell unstoppably, the driver of the prison truck elbowed back, caught the rifle the moment he broke free, and aimed a shot at the unsuspecting body at close range.

'It's really, really scary. '

The electric current released by Zamsha instantly knocked down the dozen or so people who were far away. What he was referring to was naturally Yuka's technology.

Just controlled the strength well, and did not hurt the hostages while disarming.

As far as archery is concerned, every shot is just the beginning, and it is also a technique to shoot with some strength.

"By the way, how many living people did the instructor shoot to have this kind of mastery..."

Again, it's horrible.

"It seems that you have learned nothing in the past few years of sneaking out."

At this moment, Yuka gave her evaluation.

Not to mention the great improvement in swordsmanship, I got rid of the strange concept that "sword alone is enough".

Of course, to be a swordsman, one must be superb in swordsmanship.

However, as a fighter, it's just a second-rate and third-rate airs.

For a true warrior, it is not enough to only know one way of fighting. Otherwise, will he die if he loses his weapon?

"Chasing, let me see how much you have grown."

Yuka leaned forward and rushed out at an exaggerated speed.


Zamsha clenched the blue lightsaber and headed in the same direction.

Where can these prisoners escape even if they escape?

Yuka thought about this matter in his heart, even if he took some firearms from the soldiers, it was only this bit of firepower after all.

This is the capital of the Interstellar Alliance, and they had already received first-hand information at the moment of the accident.

They will be caught before they reach the port. Even if they reach the port, do they want to use their fists to break through the blocked metal gate?

'The trapped beast is still fighting? '

The bowstring she pulls drives the energy arrow, which previously showed the strength to penetrate about one-third of the arm, but now it shows the precision and strong strength to penetrate the three of them in a line.

'The original condition does not hold. '

The prisoners in the car were the first to undergo a detailed inspection. They had no weapons or equipment, so why should they take weapons from heavily armed soldiers?

"Zamxia, the prisoner will be handed over to you, whether you kill it or catch it, it's up to you."

"Huh? Hello!"

Before Zamxia could react, Yuka suddenly turned around and rushed towards the direction where the previous prisoner vehicles were staying.

The two passed by.

"do not let me down."

Yuka left after leaving these words, leaving only Zamsha complaining in his heart.

'It's still the old love to send people. '

His waving right hand controlled the strong wind to blow the fugitive into the sky, jumped up, punched, and fell, because Yuka seemed to notice something, so Zamsha left the fugitive's life.

'It's really vulnerable. '

This evaluation arises from within.

This is indeed the case.

On the street, the citizens who had no time to escape screamed. The fugitive who thought he had caught the hostage found that his body was no longer controlled by his hands, as if he was about to be crushed.

Rise, fall, land on the head, and knock it out with a blow.

The red light blade waved quickly, and after the person holding the weapon was eliminated, all that remained were those who were running for their lives even though they had no weapons.

It is ironic that the person who gave the order to let countless people flee is running for their lives now.

At the forefront, the man who was once the lieutenant general could hear humming sounds in his ears.

The man in the cloak with the red blade in the back is like the god of death who came to take his life.

The number of people is decreasing, and there is not enough cannon fodder.

'Where did it come from! '

Their actions should have created massive chaos and trouble for the Star Alliance.

What now?

No fire, no death, no smoke, and that damned guy who jumped out of nowhere smashed up all the plans with that...

'Like a despicable and shameless Ultraman! '

Everything has changed since that guy came out. The emperor died, the empire was destroyed, and out of nowhere came out one after another monsters that could fight really well.

All because of Ultraman!

How could it be like this without him!

'No more! '

Going to use it now!

The man clenched his left hand tightly, and his right hand touched the huge ring.

And before that, the buzzing sound had already come.


Someone is sighing.


It was that look, that strange, unforgettable look, as if actually being looked at not by one person but by many.

The moment the thunder came, the crimson blade of light met it.

Energy clashed fiercely with energy, Nangong threw his left hand towards the man with the strange ring on his hand.

And this purple light arrow was stopped by the attacking blue light bullet.

"Unfortunately, he can't die now."

Before the person arrives, the voice arrives first.

A mass of blue-black flames struck diagonally from the upper corner, and the raised lightsaber blocked its attack.

"Oh, it's really sharp, I can't touch it randomly."

Invert, kick, draw a half moon.

Retreat, dodge, and hold the sword again.

Nangong took a step forward and swung his sword at the limp man on the ground.

The red trajectory began to be drawn, and at the same moment, the blue figure struck again, just as expected.

The long sword turned into a double-edged sword, stabbing back with his backhand.

"Smart, but I already knew that."

The slash hit the air, and above Nangong was the overturned assailant.

He landed on the ground, the blue-white light released by his hands was still entangled with the aftermath of an electric current.

The moment the sword and the light collided, one of them was directly blasted back.

Nangong, defending with a double-edged sword, stared at the enemy who appeared from nowhere. The black and blue flames covered his body like a cloak, and all he could see was a pair of red eyes.

It's still the same, obviously there is only one person, but it seems to be watched by many people.

"Why are you still standing there? I can't last long."

The assailant looked at the last fugitive, the ring in his hand was meaningless unless he used it.

It was really useless, and it was almost useless and was solved with a knife.

This sentence made the fugitive react immediately, and he called out strongly.

"Monster, hurry up and open the way for me!"


It was at this moment that a purple-black hole opened in the sky, and it seemed that the fog inside was constantly surging and expanding crazily.

Nangong swung the double-edged sword and threw the blue thunder away.

"Did you plan all this?"

He confronted the assailant ahead.

"Why are you so serious?"

The other party's tone was very cheerful, as if it was just a joke.

However, the existence falling from the sky proves that this is not just a joke, it is a vicious behemoth.

Black and red in two colors, head, arms, back, and long tail, as if to highlight its danger, the black blade reflects light because of its sharpness in the sun.

Its feet touched the ground, instantly crushing the road.

The vibration spread in all directions around it, and the fierce roar caused the bustling city to panic.

"Monster! It's a monster! Why are there monsters here!"

Its sound waves are transmitted and resonate with the surrounding solid buildings and surrounding facilities.

"Monster, as expected, someone is planning something behind."

On the ring road, Yuka stared at the monsters in the distance. She had already asked the soldier who escorted the prisoner, and the other party said that he had no memory of this period of time.

At this time, there were still two people closest to the monster.

"Look, the terrifying and ferocious monster Herberos has appeared in this city. In order to protect the innocent people, shouldn't you perform your duty immediately? Messenger of Light, Ultraman Empat?"

The assailant directly revealed Nangong's true identity, and his tone was ridiculed, as if he enjoyed the situation very much.


The red light blade went out, and what Nangong held was the pitch-black spark prism.

In this panic-free street, lightning symbolizing darkness gushes out from the unfolded transforming device.

At the moment when that figure became gigantic, a rainbow that didn't match the darkness appeared around him.

"Heh, hahaha!"

The mysterious assailant backed away with a smile, and the magic circle that appeared there at some unknown time wrapped him up, and his figure just disappeared into the purple mist of the magic circle.

"That is......"

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