Appearing here with the monster is a giant, a giant with blue eyes.

His chest was of blue crystal, flanked by a breastplate of red and gold.

At first glance, the body seems to be a little thin. If you look carefully, you can see the lines that contain strength.

The eye sockets and the grooves of the head, the black sometimes disappears, constantly switching between silver and black due to the change of the angle of light.


It was the first time for Yuka to see that figure at a close distance. Compared with the video data, it is still more shocking to see it at such a close distance.

"Where there are monsters, there are Ultraman..."

She thought of the rumors that had spread quite widely among the people. Although it was just a joke, it seemed that there was indeed some basis for it now.

At this time, the behemoth that was roaring before became quiet.

The most ferocious beast, Herberos, a monster who is proficient in fighting can instinctively feel that the giant in front contains a power that cannot be underestimated.

Its vigilance calms its manic heart that wants to destroy.

And Empat also put on a fighting gesture, staying focused while approaching.

Staring at each other, they seemed to be moving in a circle, but the distance was indeed slowly approaching.

Enormization is an ability that can only be mastered by very few strong fighters of the fighting race. For ordinary people, it is an existence that can only be seen in images.

Now, this huge existence, the blue-eyed giant who disintegrated the rule of the empire is here, and the blue-eyed giant who keeps curbing the disaster of monsters in the universe is here.

Then, what kind of battle will be waged?


The citizens who were quite far away took out their mobile devices, and the next moment, they captured and recorded the scene accurately.

The monster's tail thrust out like a spear, and the giant's deflected body accurately avoided it.

interlude ring

On the side was a fierce blade, and Herberos, who leaned forward slightly as he stabbed with his tail, revealed the reddish blade on his back.

It mobilized its power, and in the midst of the red arc jumping, purple light bullets frantically popped towards the sky, and in an instant, dozens of bullets arrived at their positions and then fell.

If these light bullets were allowed to fall, the entire street would be completely destroyed.

In order to avoid such a situation, Empat crossed his hands in front of his chest, calling for energy, and at the moment he swung horizontally, a large number of purple light spots were released.

What falls from the sky is purple light rain, and what rises from the ground is purple shotgun, and the two sides cancel each other out in the collision.

Not avoiding, but responding, this action was captured by Herberos.

It waved its hands, and the blade on its arm cut out a rotating chopping wave, approaching rapidly with a strong cutting attack.

Empat swung his hands from both sides inward again, and this action brought more than just hand knives.

Chopping was shattered, and this was just the beginning, Herberos spit out a large number of fireballs from his opened mouth at some point.

One shot after another, each shot was precisely blocked and shattered, and the remaining sparks slightly lit up the surroundings.

Use different skills to suppress and look for flaws.

The monster named Herberos has precise judgment and excellent combat awareness. It aimed at the enemy who resisted the fireball. Its tail shook for the second time, as if it would pierce the opponent like a spear in the next second.

Before that, it was hit by light bullets falling from the sky.

That was the shotgun light that Empat used to target the air before. The remaining light bullets did not dissipate and go away, but fell under the manipulation of the mind force with the previous hand knife action. At this time, Helbe successfully interrupted Rose's actions.

'The location of this monster is too bad. '

Nangong thought in his heart, this is the capital of the Interstellar Alliance, and the density of buildings far surpasses the cities he has seen on Earth.

The trouble is not only that, regardless of the buildings on the ground, even the sky is occupied by airships, airships, and floating platforms.

To describe it in one sentence, even a slight movement could break something.

'A quick fix. '

Left, right, Empat's hands crossed in front of the crystal on his forehead.

Red light mixed with white glowed from within.

Light and shadow are intertwined in the process of collision, and finally dyed into a more intense brilliance.

At that moment, the darkness on his body dissipated without a trace, leaving only the eye-catching red.

The form change that was completed in the ultra-ancient ruins of Luluye still exists, and it first started in the empire's Dysnok.

Empat's own power is 'oil'

The power given by Tiga is 'fire'

When the two are combined, a blazing fire of light is completed.

The whole process took less than one tenth of a second. When Herberos got rid of the influence of the light bullet, the color of the enemies in front changed.

No, it's not just the color that's changed.

It is like a deflagrating flame, and it seems to be a leaping thunder. If the sky was static before, it is now a moving storm.

Forward, attack, the two actions belong to different existences.

The moment Empat moved forward, Herberos released all his power, and the blades all over his body lit up with red arcs, which represented the use of energy.

This thunder flowed on its body, and finally converged on the 'horn' of its head.

The lightning-like red light made a piercing sound and blasted straight at the enemy.

The next moment, Empat was hit head-on, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by strong light.

The people in the distance were awed by this scene and exclaimed.

But soon, they discovered that it was not that simple.

Because the red lightning couldn't touch anything but Empat, and not only that, the glare was moving.

With one blow, Thunder stopped.

Herberos was punched heavily in the abdomen, and the pain was gathering.

Uppercut, leaning forward and leaning back.

The side elbow knife, knee impact, and combo made Herberos, who was about to fall, be forcibly pulled up.

After confirming that the opponent was absolutely unavoidable, Empat raised his fists in front of each other, with golden arcs on his arms, which kept moving between his arms, and his timer sucked in golden sand and light particles.

The moment his arm was pulled apart at an angle, there was a crackling sound of electric current, and a golden line flashed past.

The two arms joined to form an L shape, and the golden Zapelio light hit Herberos almost at zero distance.

The hard skin didn't play any defensive role, and the bursting light energy blasting into the body instantly destroyed his body.

Herberos exploded during the fall, and gold particles gushed out from the open wound, spreading out like a storm.

A few seconds later, the scarlet giant also disappeared without a trace.

At this time, people suddenly realized that the matter seemed to be over?

The so-called monsters are a completely different race. They are different from the "humans" who have evolved wisdom. They focus on strengthening the body, so they are getting bigger and bigger.

In essence, they have chosen another evolutionary path. They can compete with technology by relying on their bodies alone. This is a challenge for all civilizations and a proof of disaster.


"Is that the end?"

Someone took out his mobile device, and zoomed in on the location where the giant and the monster had fought before.

"Oh my God......"

Where Empat was, where he walked, the road was not even damaged at all. Could it be said that the huge body actually had no weight at all?

How can it be!

"Maybe an anti-gravity ability?"

Someone is already speculating about the situation.

People were discussing the previous battle fiercely, and the whole process saw every move. When the blue-eyed giant changed from silver to red, he ended the monster with an overwhelming advantage.

The capital was barely affected, which...

"Will it be stronger than Guregel!"

"No no no no! Guregel is a strong man who survived the battlefield!"

"Are you stupid! Isn't the empire's fleet killed on Earth!"

What is Ultraman?

Where did it come from?

Such thoughts arise in people's hearts.

And Nangong, who knew nothing about these thoughts, knocked the last fugitive unconscious, and took the strange ring from the opponent's hand.

Silver-gray, red, it is not decorated with gems, but a face, a face very similar to Herberos.

And not long ago, he did hear the man using the ring calling for a monster.

"A ring that can summon monsters?"

Is there such a thing in this universe?

Not only that, without the blue-black guy, the man would have been dealt with before the monster was summoned.

The dialogue between them also proves that the two are related to a certain extent.

Also, the assailant said something interesting at the time.

"Know my identity."

But it seems a bit different, he called fighting monsters and protecting others as 'Ultraman's duty'

"It's someone connected to Ultraman...It's Ultraman's duty to protect others...Space Guard?"

In an instant, Nangong recalled the wonderful experience in the parallel world, Tai Luo and Eddie, they are existences from the distant parallel universe, and they are the kingdom of light that protects the peace of the universe.

"Does the existence from other worlds..."

Just why the emphasis on 'Ultraman'

In other words, obsessed with Ultraman?


At the same time when he heard the call, the half-squatting Nangong stood up and turned around. It was Zamxia who came running.

"I've got it done here, what about your side?"

His gaze was fixed on that peculiar ring.

"By the way, what's the matter with this ring? The taste is really bad. Probably only children who haven't grown up will find this kind of cool."

Big and... ahem, huh?

"You have a bad mouth."

Nangong couldn't hold back his complaints. Although he knew that this ring was definitely not for decoration, but... the mouth is really bad.

"This ring is the item used to summon the monster just now."

Not only that, but there is a special force in it.

"Summoning monsters... so powerful?"

Zamxia looked at the ring with no mechanism in doubt.

While the two were discussing, professional troops had arrived.

Suddenly, the gun was pointed at the two of them.

"Raise your hand!"

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