For the troops in the capital, these two people who appeared near the monster were too suspicious, the cloak, and the fallen prisoner, so suspicious!

"Looks like they don't know about us?"

The two raised their hands obediently. The less people who knew about the mission of infiltrating the investigation, the better. Not only that, the army and the forces maintaining law and order were two systems, and it was normal not to know about the situation.

"You! Take off your cloak!"


Sighing helplessly in his heart, Nangong touched the hood with both hands and opened it.


In an instant, everyone's eyes changed.

"This guy belongs to Baltan—"

"Wait, what are you doing! Put the gun down!"

When the lingering female voice came, Zamxia breathed a sigh of relief:

"Instructor, if you don't come again, I think we will be beaten into a sieve."

Hearing this, Yuka raised an eyebrow.

'sieve? '

I think these people were cut into several sections.

"They all drew their guns and put them down. They are mercenaries who accepted the mission. Because of the accident of the prisoner transport vehicle, a new mission was added."

"Is there any additional bonus?"

"You shut up first."

Zamxia, who couldn't help but want to mention it, was scolded.

"But he's—"

"If you want to arrest someone, you must at least have a crime, so what crime did he commit?"


The squad leader who was still about to say something fell silent. He looked at Nangong again with hostile eyes, then turned around and continued commanding the troops.

"follow me."

Yuka said.

Afterwards, Nangong and Zamxia, who put on their hoods again, followed Yuka.

"There are countless people in this universe who are hostile to Baltan. I apologize to you on their behalf. After all, you are exactly the same as the Baltan family."

At least the face and hair color match those of the Baltans.

"Huh? Instructor, you can actually see it?"

Zamsha was surprised by this.

"The Baltans in my memory don't have such strong physical abilities, nor do they have such special strength."

Yuka shrugged. The Baltans are proud of science and technology. As for special abilities... probably their passion for technology is their special ability.

"Then Nangong, get straight to the point, did you find anything at the place closest to the monster?"

She asked bluntly, so Nangong took out the ring that had been put away before.

"The fugitive just now used this thing to summon a monster."

"Would you mind checking it out for me?"


The ring was in Yuka's hand, and what she took out was a mobile device that could be seen everywhere, and the blue light was revealed, and she quickly scanned it.

"A metal that has never been seen before, with unknown energy hidden inside."

"So you don't know anything?"

" will suffocate if you say two words?"

Yuka felt that the character of the other party should not have any growth, she shook her head and looked at Nangong.

"The things the mercenaries have obtained are the spoils of the mercenaries, but I still hope that you can hand them over to us for detailed inspection."

"I do not mind."

Nangong nodded. Compared with him, of course professionals can understand these things better, so he just stayed and stared blankly.

Soon, what appeared in front of him was a building that seemed to be able to reach the sky, and even the clouds were pierced through.

Entering it, at this moment, all eyes are intertwined on the same body.


Realizing that his story had spread, Nangong took off the hood directly.

The Baltan family, then the Baltan family.

After 10 minutes, Yuka, who had taken care of everything, walked into the meeting room.

Nangong and Zamxia had already been waiting here, and the information sent to them explained the requirements and location of the mission.

In a nutshell, it is a sneak investigation. It would be fine if the remnants of the empire were stationed on uninhabited planets. The problem is that some of them retreated to planets that are still their territories...or colonies.

Under such circumstances, the Star Alliance cannot act rashly.

The task of Nangong and Zamxia is to mix in and spy on the information.

Of course, it is impossible to simply enter, and the empire's security is terribly high.

'Entering' is also part of the mission.

"Then what do you have——"

Before the door of the meeting room was closed for five seconds, it was opened again immediately.

"The Empire is on the move!"

"Feel sorry."

Yuka hurriedly left towards the outside, Nangong and Zamxia glanced at each other, and at the same time saw each other's thoughts - follow up.

There are hundreds of light-years away from the capital of the Interstellar Alliance. On this planet, the descendant of the remnant army in charge touched the ring on his finger.

"Monster Light Ring..."

"That man must be planning to use us for something."

The adjutant reminded his superior, but only got a laugh.

When the laughter stopped, the commander returned to calm.

He put it this way:

"Do you want to fight to survive incognito, or to be sent to court and finally executed?"

It's just a multiple-choice question, an unforgivable crime?

I know that kind of thing better than anyone else!

But I just want to live!

I don't want to die!

The Phantom of Blue

The red thunder is spinning crazily, what is going on?

The power of the imperial army is simply unstoppable, and what opens the way ahead is a powerful large robot, whose hardness is astonishing, and ordinary attacks are meaningless to it.

But the powerful salvo of naval guns failed to hit, the split body turned into a fort, and the red lightning crazily strafed.

Its name is Golden Ancient Bridge, a powerful mechanical weapon made by the Pedan Stars.

It was heavily invested in the war and disappeared in the later period.

The reason is speculated that the empire, which lost its territory and resources, could no longer mass-produce weapons of this level.

But now, the unexpected Jingu Bridge is indeed here.

If the large force of the Star Alliance is here, at most it will only cause some waves.

The problem is that today's situation is completely different, with large troops going to various disaster-stricken planets to support and suppress the negative energy monsters.

The original balance was broken, and the appearance of the Golden Bridge completely suppressed the garrison troops of the Star Alliance.

The planet controlled by the remnant army was directly abandoned, and their purpose was only one, to kill from here, break up into pieces and go their separate ways, no matter what, it was better than being convicted and executed.

It's a fight for survival, and things like morale mean nothing.

Missiles and streamers that shot randomly raged in the pitch-black universe, causing explosions where they hit.

The sun in the distance sprinkled its brilliance on this battlefield, and the flashes one after another were the passing fireworks.

Missiles, beams, and the attacks that bombarded that large piece of metal were dazzling, but they couldn't do any damage.

The breakthrough Imperial army and the defending Star Alliance army were mixed together. At a moment when no one could deal with it, Jin Guqiao completed the combination.

The emission port on its chest flows with unique colors, and the Pedan particles that drive its actions complete the energy convergence.

Aiming at the enemy's fleet, the blow exploded instantly.

The expanding radiance engulfed everything on the ray, and there were not a single bit of fighter jets left along the way, and the commander inside the Star Alliance flagship couldn't even open his eyes.

The escape route seemed to be opened up soon, at this moment, the ray hit something and spread to the surroundings.

The purple circular barrier didn't even seem to have any thickness, but it managed to block the irresistible shelling.

The attack was pushed back toward its launch port, and Jin Guqiao's electronic brain judged the situation.

Cancel the attack, move sideways to avoid, and the silver figure is reflected in the electronic eyes.

The two passed by each other, and Jin Guqiao's body quickly split, thus, this determined the defeat.

Some of the large robots that were manipulated by the Pedan Stars on Earth have been defeated. Their hardness is indeed unimaginable, but their weaknesses have also been found.

The surge of thoughts made Jin Guqiao unable to separate smoothly, instead he took the initiative to split up, revealing all the fragile parts.

Empat's arms were dyed purple. The next moment, the purple lines were a symbol of slashing, and the splashing sparks were the aftermath of the cutting. The arm that turned into a sharp blade quickly cut it open without any hindrance.

It seems that it was a long time ago that he was almost beaten to death. After a second, the Golden Ancient Bridge, which was divided into four parts, was now forcibly divided into ten parts.

Soon, Empat, who had left from the explosion, turned his attention to the remaining Imperial Army.

Everyone can see the giant in their eyes, the giant who is so strong that people think differently.

Awe, fear, longing, fright, in the black space, the blue timer is like a star that will not go out.

"Why would he—"

Inside the empire's flagship, the commander, holding the light ring tightly in his hand, fell into a dark valley.

The reliance given by others has disappeared without a trace, what should I do next?

The Covenant forces persuaded them to surrender from the common channel used on the battlefield, but Empat did nothing but smash the Golden Bridge.

But he defeated the Golden Ancient Bridge, and defeated the Golden Ancient Bridge of the Empire.

Could it be that he is here to assist the Star Alliance?

Yes, that must be the case, he destroyed the empire by himself, didn't he?

How could it be possible to win a battle with such a monster!

When hope is completely destroyed, it is when a person is most desperate.

One bout of energy, another decline, three exhaustions, and some people began to put down their weapons one after another.

The whole process only took a few seconds, and the next moment, Empat left in another direction.

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