"That direction is..."

The Covenant commander knew that was the direction the other fleet was heading.

They didn't know what happened, they only knew that the last remnants of the imperial army suddenly started to attack at the same time, or large mechanical weapons, or monsters, obeying the orders of the imperial army and opening the way for the imperial army.

'Not only the same moment, but even the same scene when it appeared. '

Nangong recalled in his heart what he and Zamxia heard not long ago, saying that the remnants of the empire suddenly started to move, and in the purple-black fog, monsters or robots appeared.

Just like the scene when Herberos appeared before.

Everything points to the same existence, the figure surrounded by blue-black flames and the creepy gaze.

The ball of light moved forward in the universe at an invisible speed, and Empat's eyes quickly reflected the figure of the enemy.


The same opponent who had fought before, raised his right hand by the Yabo people who became the ace killer, and was about to move forward.

With a deep memory of this blow, Empat immediately called up his strength.

The arms dyed purple form a cross in front, and the bursting lines merge into a flower representing death.

When these 'petals' come into contact, the enhanced version of Spathium's light gushes out, arrives at the right position at the right time, and makes contact with the M87 light.

'Is the Yapo still alive?No, that's not right...'

Pulling the light, the intercepting purple on the side slowly offsets the blue, and the two-color particles spread like water splashes, forming a unique scene.

But absolutely no one wants to get close to the center of the conflict of power, the temperature alone is enough to evaporate life, not to mention the aftermath of energy.

Realizing that his attack had been blocked, Ace Killer looked at the oncoming man with his green eyes.

It gave up continuing to attack with light, and after stopping the energy supply, the corresponding attack also stopped.

The moment that strange 'water splash' disappeared, the knee bump ruthlessly exploded on the chest of Ace Killer.

'too weak? '

Nangong made an evaluation in his heart, which was completely different from what he had fought before.

Not only that, but in the opponent's hand is also holding a weapon that has never been seen before.

Thinking was only for a short moment. When the ace killer was kicked backwards, Empat immediately stepped forward, much faster than the opponent flying backwards.

Get closer, whip your legs.

The same purple blade as the arm blade was attached to the leg, and the lines flashed by.

The slash cut the face of the ace killer, and Empat, who was spinning his body, kicked his legs to chase after him. His slender legs were straight, stabbing like a spear, and hit the enemy's chest.

The sparks from the double kick were thrown far away by the two, and the right hand raised by Empat was the dark energy of rotation.

Greep's light shot out, piercing into the chest pierced by the back kick like an electric drill.

The body of the ace killer was immediately crushed and exploded.

Empat stepped past the still lingering explosion, his presence noticed by both the Covenant and the Imperials alike.


The commander of the Star Alliance was still holding a communication tool in his hand. He couldn't believe that he had just received the communication and report from the friendly army and saw the Ultraman the other party said.

God, what kind of speed is this?

There is a distance of tens of light years between the two locations, and they arrived so quickly, even without the need for technological equipment.

'The ultimate man...'

"At the same time as launching an attack, issue a statement to persuade you to surrender!"

The commander quickly gave the order, and the next step is the focus.

In any case, the empire's final struggle has already begun. As long as they are defeated, the existence of the Star Alliance will be unshakable in the future.

The dark age set off by the stars of the empire must not be allowed to reappear.

After defeating one location, he immediately went to the next location. Empat quickly traveled between the universes. Is this an intervention in war?

I don't think about things like this anymore, I just do what I think is right.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time he interfered.

Ebolon Cell, Misaki Fujiwara, Qijiela, and Nangong realized that he could not be completely fair and just. After all, he was just an existence with his own thoughts and consciousness, and he was a "person" with power

He also participated in the battle between the Star Alliance and the Empire with a lightsaber before, didn't he?

After appearing in the fleet, he defeated the monster, and then continued to move away to defeat the next monster.

The battlefield is not only in the universe, it also exists on the planet.

Empat passed through the atmosphere, rubbing wildly against the air on the way down.

On this blue planet, the raging Jadon suddenly raised his hands, and the blue diamond-shaped shield completely wrapped it.

The all-round powerful defense collided with that blow, and the spreading black ice flames would be drawn and regrouped before spreading out, forming a pillar of flame reaching the sky.

The air is not distorted, and the corrosive power composed of dark energy is presented in the form of 'flame'.

Half a second later, Jayden, who was wrapped in pitch black, escaped backwards.

In a few tenths of a second, fists bloomed on its face.

From retreating to being repulsed, Jayden raised his hands to block, and saw that the whip leg kicked towards the head exploded with terrifying power.

Once, twice, the cosmic dinosaur, proud of its strong body, was almost out of balance.

The third time, exactly the same position as before.

Empat's precise kicks exploded together with the previous strength at this moment, and Jayden, who was already unbearable, staggered and fell to the ground.

Enemies fall to the ground, but instead of using light.

Of course, Nangong still remembered what happened when Dijia fought this monster for the first time. The opponent absorbed the light and bounced it back.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, he rushed forward and locked the enemy's head firmly with both hands.

Turn around, pull, wrestle.

On the battlefield where the light beams flew randomly, the cosmic dinosaurs that were raging a few seconds ago rose and fell high, and the weight of [-] tons hit the ground together with Empat's strength.

Even though the armor of the soldiers had a balance function, they couldn't help but stagger.

What an exaggerated scene it was, it was basically two giant gods fighting.

Just after the first shock ended, the two suns in the sky were completely covered, and only Jayden could be seen falling in the sky.

The continuous blows unfolded, and Jayden, whose head was locked, wanted to struggle, but he could only feel the spinning of the sky and the injury to his body.

The entire ground battlefield was stopped because of the battle between the two, and the balancer could not maintain such a shock.

The third throw smashed Jayden's face into the ground, aimed at the opponent's back, Empat joined hands, and Zapelio unleashed.

The dark light pierced through the skin, completely destroying its body.

Jadon exploded, and Empat straightened his body.

The light ring held by the user is intact, it just needs time to recharge.

This is the last place where the Imperials drop their weapons, and with this giant they see no hope of victory.

Fleets, soldiers, giants, sun and clouds, and falling thunder.


Empat formed a purple shield with his hands, and quickly moved to where the attack would fall.

Defending, attacking, in an instant, the flowing thunder bounced in all directions.

The battleship in the air was swept by the lightning that spread like a stream of water, and this alone was already a disaster.

This powerful force was unstoppable, and the next second, the thunder beam exploded.

The strong wind, electric arc, and aftermath caused two tracks to be drawn on the ground.

Soldiers tried to flee but were stymied by turbulence and earthquakes.

Stepping back and stepping on it, Empat forced his body to stand still, and what descended from the sky was an existence wrapped in black and blue flames.

"Ultraman, save innocent people, a guardian who exists to protect life."

When the flame faded, a blue giant appeared in front of everyone.

There are things like restraint belts all over his body. The dark yellow metal on his chest is not so much an armor as a seal. His real face is hidden under the dark blue mask, and only the red eyes are displayed to everyone. in front of.

But just by seeing that gesture, you can already understand, red and blue, red and blue, that is another Ultraman in contrast.

"However, to protect something is to hurt something."

The blue Ultraman turned his hands to the left and right, opposite to Empat who made a similar movement.

Two purple long whips collided with two blue thunderbolts, and during the conflict between the two forces, the users themselves also collided.

The strong wind blew up, one defended, the other kicked, the mountains standing on this planet were smashed, and the native animals ran away in terror.

"Ultraman Empat, I want to play a game with you."

The blue giant standing on his crossed arms said so, and only blue light responded to him.

"It's dangerous."

Leaning back, somersaulting, not falling, but floating in the air, seems to be emphasizing the dominant position.

"Come and catch me."

As soon as the words fell, Empat swung his arm blade to cut through the air, and only the vibration of space told the previous teleportation.

Nangong had a premonition in his heart, as if all this had just begun.

The Blue Phantom started his so-called game.

Prologue Red and Blue

"Tregear, you—"

"Hey, hey, it's not my fault."

Red body, blue eyes.

Blue body, red eyes.

As if completely reversed, the two Ultramans fought on this star shrouded in a huge radiation field.

The original beautiful natural environment completely disappeared, the sky was covered with black clouds, and green lightning flowed inside.

Not only the top, but also the ground where the two fought, crawling across emerald green arcs from time to time.

An accident destroyed everything and no one survived.

Empat's heavy punch was dodged, and Tregear locked the arm in turn.

Pulling, throwing over the shoulder, ground shaking, landing on both feet.

Empat, who avoided being hurt, in turn pulled the enemy with his right arm, and Tregchia, who released his hands in time, chuckled.

He followed this force to avoid back, and the eyes of the two were intertwined, but they were immediately blocked.

The scorching blood of the planet spewed out.

The damage caused by the experiment penetrated deep into the core of the planet, and the scorched black earth had scorched hot magma in addition to the scurrying currents and the spreading lethal radiation field.

The next moment, the world began to change.

The spatial fluctuations generated when entering, leaving, and teleporting become signposts, and they are blocked in the center.

Red and blue, Empat and Tregia kept moving on this dying planet, appearing and disappearing, and then collided fiercely.

Palms facing each other, fingers intertwined, the overflowing blue thunder and golden current interweave and spread continuously.

"Curiosity about science is endless, self-confidence makes people forget awe, pride in talents makes people go their own way, and the person who makes the choice is never me."

Tregear laughed at the pathetic scientist who violated even the most basic rules.

He endured the pain, and he lost in the head-to-head competition of strength.

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