Yui raised his head and said proudly.

"What are you talking about? Is your brain broken? Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?"

Kyoko, who doesn't eat this set at all, really took out the phone.

Immediately afterwards, she noticed the other person's eyes and expression for the first time.

Kyoko looked in the direction of that line of sight, and there was a wonderful scenery in her eyes.

It is more dazzling than any star, and more beautiful than the bright moon. The blue, orange, and intertwined brilliance are like flames, and they spread like wings.

'what is that? '

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I closed my eyes and opened them, feeling as if I had a dream, but actually I couldn't remember anything.

Most of the dreams are like this. When you wake up, you still have impressions when your head is not clear. Once you wake up, you will be quickly forgotten.


Familiar ceiling...it's a ghost. To be honest, who would wake up in the morning and stare at the ceiling before commenting on whether it is familiar or not.

Rubbing his eyes, Yui, who is 25 years old this year, left the bed.

Now you can't be called a girl, you should be called a woman.

The window of the room let in the sunlight, passing by the white birds, and the faint fragrance of the flowers wafted into the nose.

The time is March 2018, 3, spring is coming, and the season of blooming flowers has come.

Before going into the toilet, Uniq picked up the remote control on the desktop, and when he pressed it, the screen turned on, and the screen showed a news anchor who had been there for ten years.

It's 8:00 in the morning, just in time for the morning news.

After turning up the volume, she walked into the toilet, and what was reflected in the mirror was a mess of black hair, which was longer than her shoulders.


Toothpaste, toothbrush, water glass, start washing.

At this time, the morning news on the outside also started to play, but it was slightly different.

If there's anything wrong with it, it's the speaker difference.

It's not so much a generalization of what happened, but someone who wants to use this time to release important information.

"Everyone, I am Yukiki Fukami, the current director of TPC. I am honored to be here today because we at TPC have important things to announce."

Ten years have passed, and the current TPC director is no longer Sawai, and the Victory Team has also been disbanded and reorganized, and changed to the Super Victory Team.

Their mission has not changed in any way, and they are also fighting to protect the peace of mankind.

However, peace has already come, so is there still a need for a super victorious team to protect the peace of mankind?

The critics who want to attract people's attention always don't consider the future and hidden dangers, all they need are topics that can spark disputes.

'Super victorious team...'

The quick movement of the right hand, the mouth is full of white foam, and what Unii recalls in his heart are some faded memories.

The human brain is different from a hard disk, and cannot completely store information in its original form forever.

No matter the pictures or feelings at that time, they will be covered by new experiences in the end.

Ten years ago, when they were still the Victory Team, two giants once appeared on this planet. They actually experienced not a long deathmatch, and they disappeared from everyone's sight before even a year passed. .

It is said that they returned to their hometown after defeating the darkness.

But UNIQ knows that one day, he...or that person will come back, because there was an agreement.

"Gulu Gulu——"

While rinsing his mouth, the topic on TV continued.

Director Fukami talked about the achievements of TPC over the past few years. The monster disasters on the earth have almost completely disappeared after the disappearance of Ultraman. People got rid of the shadows and returned to normal life.

And TPC no longer needs to disperse its forces to deal with monster disasters, and the shelved new field development plan is put on the agenda again.

Not only the moon, but humans today have set foot on Mars.

There, TPC established the Mars base, and once in magazines, in fantasy, in literary works, the immigration to Mars has already had a good start.

Maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, the population problem faced by mankind will be properly improved.

This is a beautiful imagination, but things always need to be done in a down-to-earth manner. Imagination alone cannot turn thinking into reality.

"It's just that a new enemy has appeared in front of us now."

Director Shen Jian's serious voice came from the TV. It is impossible for TPC to hide such things, and there is no need to hide such things, because this is a problem that all human beings need to face.

"A week ago, the Mars base was attacked by an unknown enemy."

In the called video data, there are two seemingly unrelated existences.

One of them is a sharp-edged rock, but there are red eyes on the rock, and it has a mouth.

In front of it, the Mars base that appeared in the picture is so small.

Creatures beyond 50 meters have a proper name.


Uniq stood in front of the toilet door, watching the TV.

With her left hand, she tied her long hair, and with her right, she picked up the scissors on the side of the sink.

Another existence appeared in the picture, it was a white sphere, and there were black mesh patterns spreading on its body.

These spheres can emit destructive beams and even fuse with rocks on Mars to form small monsters.

The last thing it developed into was the previous rock monster.

"This is just the beginning. This is the second monster that came from the universe and attacked the TPC heat source base three days ago. The man behind it is also this white sphere."

Director Fukami's expression was very serious, it was not a simple monster disaster.

"Do you mean that we humans are being targeted by invaders from extraterrestrials?"

The host quickly asked the question that everyone cared about. Naturally, he already knew the content of the show, and now he was just cooperating.

"From the result, it is like this, but you don't need to worry, because our TPC exists to deal with such incidents, and when the Mars base and the heat source base were attacked by monsters, we encountered another existence."

Click, click, the broken black hair fell to the ground, and Uniform stared at the screen.

Soon, the action of that existence was reflected.

With the red earth and sky in the background, he guards the severely damaged Mars base.

White eyes, three main colors of silver, red, and blue cover the body, and above the golden breastplate is a blue timer. These elements immediately remind people of the warriors who appeared on the earth ten years ago. He His name is Dija.

It's just that the only similarity is the color scheme, and this giant is completely different from the complete giant ten years ago.

In the picture, his hands form a cross shape forward, releasing light with blue as the main color.

That gesture, that movement, that power is Ultraman.

"Dyna, Ultraman Dyna, we TPC decided to call him that."

The screen switched, this time Dyna appeared in the screen in a different color, with a blue and silver body without a breastplate, his right hand was forward, and extremely compressed flames spewed out.

The sky is blue, and the battlefield switches from Mars to Earth. This is the only appearance, corresponding to the appearance of the monster.

Invaders, monsters, and Ultraman.

"Does TPC regard this Dyna as a companion who protects us humans?"

The host asked again, and Director Fukami shook his head.

"At present, we have not had any communication with Dyna, just like we failed to communicate with Tiga and Empat ten years ago, so we cannot determine whether he is our companion, but at least we can be sure that Dai Na's two appearances saved a lot of lives."

Isn't that a companion?

I believe many people feel this way in their hearts.

However, TPCs cannot easily assume certain things, they must have basic doubts.

What's more... It's hard to say whether Dyna is the real Ultraman or not.

Ten years ago, the Kyriairods, who were just short of being able to take humans into their pockets, also came under the banner of protecting humans.

"Still doing Tai Chi as usual."

Uniq sighed, although this is also TPC's style.

Director Fukami on the TV stood up, and he took a deep breath.

"In my capacity as the current director of the TPC, I announce that human beings have entered a second alert state."

It was a decree issued five years ago, and the content was that when monster disasters occurred, people should follow the instructions of the TPC.

Of course, what to do or how to do it in normal times is only a decree in a state of emergency.

"The appearance of monsters and Ultraman, unknown life forms, and the energy storm that could even be observed with the eyes last night, human beings have encountered new difficulties in exploring new areas, but as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties .”

The release of a decree symbolizes a different situation.

Ten years have made people gradually forget the pain of the past. Of course, there are also people who will not forget.

It's just that there are too many people with vague memories.

New monsters, new Ultraman, the earth is facing a new crisis...

In that case, will 'he' come back?


Suddenly, Yui's eyes widened, and her expression instantly became serious.

"Screw up!"

While watching the news while thinking and cutting my own hair, it turned out that something went wrong.

"It's going to be half a centimeter shorter."

The longer the hair, the harder it is to grow!

'But the more difficult it is to deal with. '

Especially after shampooing, long hair is really dry...

Thinking of this, Uniform's expression brightened again.

The time is 8:15, Director Shen Jian is still talking about different things, the code of conduct of the Super Victory Team, the response of TPC, and so on.

The bathroom door was closed tightly, and hot water poured out of the shower.

Even knowing the reappearance of the monster, people still have to go on with their lives.

After all, there is no consumption without money, no food without consumption, and death without food.

This is the most basic truth, the most basic thing.

Even so, of course, people got new talking points.

The new warrior Dyna, the warrior Empat who left the earth, the disappeared warrior Tiga, and the unknown warrior.

Ten years ago, there were three Ultramans on this planet, besides giants with swords and giant beasts standing on the human side.

What about now?

Discussion forums that had been silenced by the passage of time suddenly became active.

I don't know if it was months or years that the account that hadn't been lit up suddenly changed from offline to online.

Members were surprised to find that the forum was still in operation and hadn't been closed yet.

Although they didn't know why, someone made the first post anyway.

People are always so forgetful. If Ultraman is compared to a star, once the star fades out of sight, it will not be long before being forgotten. It's that simple.

Browsing, I found that besides those who no longer pay attention, there are still people who continue to discuss some things.

Of course, these discussions have nothing to do with Ultraman. Everyone just got to know each other because of the discussions about Ultraman, and finally became netizens who can talk to each other.

Time is flowing and discussions are increasing.

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