It is completely impossible to tell that it is a forum that has not been visited by many people for many years, as if the past world has returned.

Faced with the rejuvenation of this forum, the man who was no longer a teenager quietly swiped his fingertips.

He watched the discussions that popped up, and clicked into them one after another.


I couldn't help laughing out loud, because I saw a lot of titles like this——'Know my relatives, who else knows me! '

Immediately afterwards, a large group of people jumped out——'You are the so-and-so back then! '

Monsters are not fun, absolutely not.

However, no matter what the reason is, the reunion of old friends always makes people feel nostalgic and warm.

In his line of sight, there are people who have a little impression, and people who have a deep impression.

'I remember this is the person who used to argue with people about which one was stronger, Empat or Tiga. '

Now that I think about it, I feel a little ridiculous, attacking and seducing... isn't it?

"So what's going on in people's minds?"

He couldn't help sighing, and the next moment, the door was pushed open forcefully.

"Doctor Nishinomiya! Emergency!"

A woman in a white nurse's uniform broke in during the break, and the young man called 'Doctor Nishinomiya' got up immediately, grabbed the white doctor's coat and rushed out of the consulting room.

"Tell me the situation right away."

"Car accident, bleeding, left leg—"

The two moved quickly in the aisle, and soon, they saw the man who was pushed into the emergency room, covered in blood.

Dr. Nishinomiya took a deep breath, walked in that direction, and the next step was surgery.

As I said before, no matter how monsters and Ultraman exist, people still have to continue to live and fulfill their own responsibilities.

The world goes on as usual and the seas are calm.

The TPC Far East sea base that used to be located here has long since disappeared without a trace. In the battle against the dark ruler, the eroded base has become difficult to use again.

Now, the TPC Far East base has been moved to the Yatsugatake area.

Staff in various positions move around the interior, and the team called the Super Victories, who take over the responsibilities of the Victory Team, has no mission today.

So...someone is giggling.

"Asuka, can you stop grinning like an idiot?"

Shin Asuka, a new member of the Super Victory Team, is capable and troublesome at the same time.

"Isn't that right, senior, now even laughing will be controlled?"

Asuka, who didn't know what he was laughing at, didn't intend to close his mouth at all, his senior Yumiura could only shake his head helplessly.

'How can this kid join the team happily for such a long time? '

However, what Asuka is happy about is not this matter.

'The savior of mankind! '

If the chair could turn, he would have turned it already.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wanting to be a hero, boys must have thought this way when they were young.

Evil is spreading in the world. At this time, the hero makes his debut, crackling, knocking down the big villain and helping justice.

Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at him with admiration. He is electricity, he is light, and he is the only myth!

'Sing my name!Ultraman Dyna! '

Ya ho!yeah!

Asuka's arms and left hand were opened, as if to hug someone.


It has changed from strange eyes to idiot eyes, not only Liang, but also other team members.

Except for one person, that is the captain of the Super Victory Team, Hibigosuke.

For this young man named Asuka Xin, he has a good impression. If he wants to say why, it is probably because he thinks of his past self when he sees him.

Straightforward, high-spirited, but incredibly stupid.

Thinking of this, Captain Xibi's expression became serious again.

'Asuka, the next thing we have to face is the battle between life and death. Let me take a look at whether you are a simple idiot or a talented person. '

In his opinion, Asuka's overly reckless character is really worrying.

But if it can be corrected, the future super victorious team will have a new ace pilot.


The correspondent of the team, Midorikawa Mai, spoke in a low voice to the vice-captain Koda Toshiyuki beside him.

"It's not true that there is no advantage at all like what Heliang said?"

Why do you feel like you can't even use your brain well?

"Don't worry, he just lacks tempering. It's probably because the success of the last mission made him a little over-excited now. It's not a big deal, just get more sleep."

Vice-captain Koda replied, isn't that the case for all young people?

Because of one or two successes, I am so happy that I don't know anyone.

Today's Super Victory Team is very harmonious. If there are no missions to disturb them, they only need to carry out daily training.

"Okay, Asuka."

Captain Xibi stood up as soon as he slapped the table, and Asuka immediately got up when he heard his call.

"I'm here!"

Next, we must work hard for the future of mankind!

"You and Liang are in a group. Let's go to the training ground. Don't forget that although fighter jets are the main means of dealing with monsters, sometimes what we face may not be large monsters, but also evil invaders."


That's marksmanship training, right?

Compared with the energetic Asuka, Ryo felt a little stomachache.


She let out a weary sigh, partnering with this guy who was always fearful and unreliable, maybe even a few lives would not be enough.

'Let me go. '

Conscience complained while keeping up.

Today's Far East base is built in the mountains, and the training ground has a lot of space.

Under the leadership of Captain Xibi, the three of them took out their guns and went outside the base.

Asuka kept turning the gun with his right hand, as if he was a cowboy in the west.

Seeing him like this, Liang shook his head, throwing away some discouraged thoughts before.

'I am a senior, and it is my responsibility to set an example for this silly boy. '

By the way, what's the matter with this guy's personality?

It seems that he is the type who can get along well with everyone, but in fact he is not like that.

Under the carefree appearance, there is actually a rebelliousness hidden, and there is really no team spirit at all.

The three of them left the base and quickly felt the natural air in the wild.

"Phew! It's—"

Asuka took a quick and deep breath, just in time to collide with the blowing wind.


"Cough, cough, cough!"


"The air in the wild is all sand and dirt, isn't it?"

Captain Xibi laughed and teased the silly boy, and the next step was to go to the training ground.

When not on missions, Super Victory's time is actually pretty idle.

It's just that they are the only ones who are free, and other departments of TPC are becoming busy due to the appearance of Sfia.

The half-destroyed Mars frontline base is being repaired, and the original Mars Research Institute welcomes guests.

The atmosphere, the soil, if you really want to make Mars a second earth, it is impossible for just one or two years.

But it's not impossible, so everyone is working hard.

"Dad, a guest is coming to see you."

The young girl ran over while talking.

Even during working hours, she wanted to be with her father, and when she found a good opportunity, she ran over.


Gently picked up his daughter, the man who was no longer young stood up, stroking that little head with his right hand.

'Daiko' - that's his name, and also the name of the man who once fought as Tiga.

He turned his gaze to the entrance, and the man who walked in after that was very familiar to him.


It is no longer the period of the Victory Team. In this Mars base, Masaki Keigo is conducting secret research here.

At least he didn't know what kind of research it was.

"Dagu, can I take some of your time?"

Zheng Mu's expression was very serious, he felt that it was time, and the timing was so ingenious that it was unbelievable.

"I see."

Dagu nodded, and then smiled at his child again.

"Guang, wait for mom here, and tell him that dad has something to go out."


The girl is not dissatisfied, because she has already hugged her.

A few minutes later, there is a flying shuttle on the Martian land. Human beings have only established a certain living circle on Mars, and the atmosphere here is far from reaching the point where they can survive.

The sky is red, and the earth is also red. This color seems to be telling danger.

Dagu has a dream, he hopes to let children play freely on this planet in the future.

This is what he is fighting for at this time, the continuous inheritance of life, human civilization itself is a huge living body.

"Monsters appear again, and new giants appear."

As Zheng Mu said, ten years ago, although the fact that Yuan Dagu was Dijia had been exposed, very few people knew about it.

Because this matter has not been registered, people who know it deliberately hide it.

Coupled with Empat's rhetoric before leaving the earth, everyone believed that Ultraman was a powerful life form from the outer universe, and it also protected Dagu from the side.

"I know, but I'm not Tiga anymore."

Dagu stared at his right hand. Ten years ago, he used this hand to hold the golden spark prism and kept fighting.

Because people would die if they didn't fight, and he hated it, didn't want to see innocent lives die.

If he can still fight now, then he will definitely hold that light.

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