
"I know."

Masaki nodded, he knew very well what the other party said.

If you want to ask why, around the ruins of Luluye, that is, the body of Tiga when he died...or the broken stone statue has been recovered.

Tiga is dead, so what is the last light?

It is the product of the combination of ultra-ancient light and the tenacious will of modern humans, and it is finally displayed in the form of a giant of light.

"But I still want to ask you to help test some things."

When the Luluye ruins were first discovered, Masaki was excited.

Because inside, there are countless stone statues hidden in the dusty world.

But soon, he discovered one thing.

The dead giant is the same as the recovered Tiga stone statue. The light inside has been exhausted, and it is simply a stone statue with unique materials.

It is precisely because of this that he participated in the development plan of Mars.

The shuttle stopped and entered the Mars base with ecological cycle equipment.

Ten minutes later, Dagu and Zhengmu took the downward elevator. According to Zhengmu, this is the real purpose of the Mars base.

'The underground even deliberately dug out such a space...'

He was curious about what he was studying here, and a special feeling echoed in his mind as he descended from the class.


Dagu instinctively realized the existence hidden inside, and when he got close, he could feel that wonderful light.

'Giant... no, what is it? '

Very similar, yet specious.

The elevator in front of them opened slowly, and what appeared in front of their eyes were walking staff.

Unable to see the whole picture in the narrow field of vision, Dagu walked out of the elevator quickly.

Following his unique feeling, he saw a gray giant standing there.


He, or it, is only a stone statue now.

The tall body and the protruding timer on the chest are undoubtedly the stone statues of super ancient giants.

At least it seems so.


Zheng Mu said the name of the stone statue. The posture was not similar to that of Tiga or Empat. If he really wanted to say it, it was closer to Dyna who had appeared on Mars.

That's the selfishness of the researchers, they instinctively don't want to create an existence similar to those two Ultramans.

"It took five years to mine the rare Spexium ore on Mars. First, it is necessary to study the ore, and then compare it with the stone statue powder data to achieve coherence. After the final mixing, it is this Austrian statue. Terman."

43% of Terra Noid is the remains of two other giants in the Pyramid of Light, and the remaining 57% is the ore of Spethium on Mars.

The melding of the two alone is exhausting.

"Are you going to make Ultraman yourself?"

Dagu was worried in his heart. The ultra-ancient civilization had a tragic civil war because human beings were swallowed by the power of Ultraman.

As for his worry, Masaki was very clear about it, but he was more aware of another thing.

"Whether having power is a good thing or a bad thing is something that can only be judged after having power. Now we don't know what the enemy is and how strong it is. You don't want to see what happened in Gatanjae repeat."

The Gatanjeh incident naturally refers to the ruler of darkness ten years ago.

Throwing away all the so-called economic losses, if you simply consider the dead...

More tragic than any human war, the global death toll is - 150 million and 900 people.

That was a massacre at all. Countless Zoga gushed out of the darkness covering the earth in an instant. Before people could react, the whole building was smashed and collapsed by the fireball.

Even the corpses of the dead were hard to find, and even scattered flesh, bones, and organs could be seen on the street.

As soon as I think about it, it makes people feel that this is hell.

Human beings must have power, in order not to let more people die.

"And I believe that human beings are not stupid, but have a strong will to overcome darkness."

Just like that person, the alien giant who actively drives negative energy and bears people's pain and fights.

Listening to Zheng Mu's words, Dagu closed his eyes silently, and opened them again after a few seconds.

"I see, what should I do?"

Power is power after all, just like weapons, it depends on the heart of the manipulator.

"Just take a test, come with me."

Dagu followed Zhengmu, and soon came to a device that looked like an operating bed.

"Sit on it, it'll be over soon."

Fixed, equipment connected, Dagu feels that now he is like a poor guy who is about to be experimented in literary works.

What falls on it is a clear... cover?

Fitted, closed, as if stuffed into a capsule.

Masaki looked at the researchers and gave instructions.

Soon, the new light particle conversion device was activated.


Absorption, input, but to Masaki's disappointment, there was no response from Terra Noyd, and there was no movement in the delivery pipe connected above the light particle conversion device.

As I said before, it was determined that Dagu is no longer Tiga, and Tiga's light has disappeared in the battle with Gatanjae.

If the heart is right, the light of the stone statue will identify with that person and give him power.

The premise is that it is a real stone statue. To put it bluntly, Terra Noyd is still a restored man-made object.

If the Light Particle Transformer is simply used on Terra Noyd, only the original stone statue will turn into light, and the parts completed by Spethium Ore will remain unchanged.

What it needs is a light that can really activate the whole body.

If Dagu was really that special, Masaki had actually expected that the other party would turn into a giant again and become a new giant named Tyranoid.

It's a pity that the facts are already in front of us.

Zheng Mu looked at the unmoving stone statue, and the other party seemed to be mocking his efforts in vain.

Half an hour later, returning to the Institute of Ecology, the shuttle landed, and Dagu left from the inside.

"Feel sorry."

He apologized with regret.

"It's not your fault, it's just that our technology is not enough."

Zheng Mu shook his head, and the two separated, one continued to study the ecological environment, and the other devoted himself to the study of stone statues.

If Dagu can't do it, we have to find the new giant, Dyna, where will he hide?

Looking at the red sky in the shuttle, Masaki let out a sigh of relief.


At this time, he suddenly reacted.

When he knew that Dagu couldn't re-transform, he was actually relieved?


I recalled what someone once said, the right heart.

Is it because of this that there is no way to become Ultraman?

Masaki laughed at himself in his heart.

Chapter Three

The unknown life forms that appeared on Mars are hostile to humans and chose to attack.

This existence is named Sfia, and its purpose is temporarily unknown, and it is not said that it arrived in the earth circle in such a mighty way as a large army.

Instead, it remained silent during this period of time, and there was no subsequent development.

Or it has already started to take action, but humans have not been able to notice it.

This point, probably only Sfia himself knows.

April 2018, 4, on this day, or a day very close to this day, is the beginning of a new semester for Japan.

"Dad, I'm going out."

Uniform took a deep breath, pushed open the door, closed the door, and left the house.

The next thing she was going to was Liliu Higher College in Kumamoto City, where the streets were peaceful.

Take the convenient but messy subway, and the carriages for women don't have to worry about being attacked by some strange neurosis.

Arrived at the destination in a short time, left the underground space, and walked to the normal street.

As expected, there is a high school nearby. I felt it on the train just now, and I felt it even more when I stepped out.

Here, there, and everywhere are students, uniforms are neatly dressed, some are in groups, some are alone, the grades are promoted, or new students are enrolled, the students are all moving in the same direction.


Of course, it is impossible for the road to be full of cherry blossoms like in animation works, and there is no just right wind blowing on the face.

Of course, although it is not full of cherry blossoms, there are still some different kinds of flowers.

Inside the wall that separates the inside and outside of the school are tall trees, and the flowers bloom naturally. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or it’s true, but Uniq always feels that it smells very fragrant.

'Can I do it? '

There are strange inversions in her mind. Although she was excellent when she was a student, she has little experience in teaching and educating people.

Later, I did learn a lot in college, but whether I can use it or not is another matter.

Today's first job is to verify what I have learned.

'It's faster to move the body than to move the brain, really. '

Uniq complained about her usual behavior in her heart, unknowingly, she was already approaching the school.

This time, not to mention the students, even the teachers walked together talking and laughing.

New environment, new friends, scratching her hair with unfeminine movements, Yui raised her head, it was a habit.

Whenever I look at the sky when my heart is in a mess, I suddenly feel calmer.

By the way, it also hurts my eyes because it is too bright.

In April, in this rainy season, it seems to be celebrating the start of school for the students. The sun is shining today without any dark clouds, and the flowing white clouds weaken the sunshine from time to time.

Feeling that the emotions in his heart have calmed down a lot, Yui let out a relaxed breath.

Just as she was about to look straight ahead again, something caught her eye.

There was a flash of orange in the blue sky, which was so bright that it instantly drew attention.

Could it be a meteor falling during the day?

Just when Unii was puzzled, the orange meteor became brighter and bigger, and gradually became clearer.


Looking at it from that angle, it looks like a meteorite is about to hit the city directly.

'No way! '

Realizing that something was wrong, before Unii had time to react, the emergency evacuation warning in the city immediately responded to her bad premonition and started to ring.

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