---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The planets, the sun, the moon, are back in this familiar galaxy.

It's just that it wasn't because of homesickness or anything like that, but it took a long time to make an appointment to return to this planet.

Follow-up to Empire, Negative Energy Monsters, and...Tregear.

In the entanglement with this man, time kept passing, and now, he came back here because of his affairs.

Originally, I didn't want to come back like this.

Purple and white chopping waves struck from the front, ten in total, filling the line of sight.

Empat flew fantastic lines, his body climbing and descending, descending and climbing in rapid spins.

After completing the evasion, the knee strike exploded, and Tregchia, who had crossed his arms in front of him, was directly knocked into the air.

He moved his hands forward, blue and white lightning pierced the darkness.

Facing such an attack, Empat swung forward with his hands intertwined, drawing purple energy from his purple-dyed arms.

This Ultra guillotine did not issue, but was continuously compressed and gathered.

Put it forward, and the unique cutting energy field collides with the incoming lightning.

The two thunderbolts were cut open, and then turned into dozens of thunderbolts and spread out. The stalemate between the two sides did not last long. The guillotine was completely released and cut the thunderbolts all the way forward from the center.

Tregear gave up continuing to attack, and climbed up to dodge the purple half moon passing below.

He clenched his fists and fought back head-on.

Fist and fist collided head-on, and the afterglow of the two colors of purple and blue exploded mixedly, and the aftermath of energy bounced off both sides of the conflict.

"Isn't it time to give up? Look, your color timer is flashing non-stop. You didn't feel good about the previous blow, did you? Let's take a step back, how about the sea and the sky? If this game ends too soon What are you going to play next?"

Tregear's eyes were no longer the red giant, but turned back to the original silver gray.

The power used by the opponent has also changed from light to darkness... To be precise, it should be shadow.

If you use the heart of light to drive darkness, it will become like this, the value of light and darkness is the same... Ha, it is meaningless to say these now, isn't it?

In the end, both light and darkness will return to nothing.

Thinking is only for a moment, Nangong doesn't know what the other party is thinking.

"It's more than enough to beat you."

As the other party said, the previous frontal confrontation caused him a lot of damage.

But this point is the same for each other.

Whether it is him or himself, they are at the end of their strength now, and the competition is about willpower.

The crystal flashed, and the light flew.

"Really, a guy who doesn't know how to give up."

The extremely fast and penetrating light of Emelim passed by.

Tregear responded to the blow, and the glowing red eyes released energy, and the light beam called 'Tear Eyes' counterattacked.

Red and blue, two opposite colors are constantly passing through the darkness.

The entangled two flying at exaggerated speeds constantly change their positions and change their direction.

Impact, separation, that is the entanglement between fighting.

Gorgeous, bright, that is the interweaving of light techniques.

From the edge to the center, the sun that is not strong in the solar system shines on the two of them, and the conflict between the two sides still maintains a balance.

A simple fight does not have much aftermath, and the airless pitch-black universe neither transmits sound nor raises a strong wind.

However, the light technique is different, the energy emitted from time to time is captured.

The farthest place humans can reach at present is the red planet.

The Mars base that has not yet been repaired sounded the alarm, and just after attending a meeting from Earth, Staff Officer Gonto, who had just returned to the base, walked quickly into the command room.

"what happened!"

He asked his subordinates, and on the screen were parameters, wavelengths, and various data.

"We detected an unknown energy source near Jupiter 10 minutes ago, and then detected the same wavelength one after another. According to the comparison of data and data, we believe that one of the energy sources is from... ..."

After a moment of silence, the subordinate took a deep breath.

"It came from Empat."

This is the comparison with the data and parameters of ten years ago.

is he back

Came back to help mankind overcome the immediate crisis?

"...What about the other one?"

Of course, Staff Gondo could see a little bit of thinking from his subordinates, and it was this that made him unacceptable.

Are you really planning to give everything to Ultraman?

As long as there is Ultraman, it must be fine. What a stupid idea, can't the hundreds of millions of people who died in Gatanjae warn you?

"The other is unknown, but has similarities to Empat's wavelength."

After getting the answer, Staff Officer Gondo nodded.


Before he could finish speaking, the planet shook violently like an earthquake.

"Calculate the source of the earthquake and go to investigate immediately!"

Not once, but continuously, and even more and more serious.


After receiving the order, the flying team of the Mars base—Captain Saeki Rika of the Black Storm Team quickly headed to the apron.

In less than half a minute, the black 'Feiyan No. [-]' attacked.

"Saeki, there may be an enemy attack, so be careful."

Staff Officer Gondo gave instructions, and soon, the fighter jet erased its traces as if it disappeared into the air.

A derivative model based on Feiyan-[-], what the Victory Phantom possesses is the ability to be invisible.

The black storm team flying in the air could not feel the earthquake, and they quickly left the human territory on Mars.

Not noticing their existence, Dae-gu holds his frightened daughter and gazes at the distant scenery.

That's the horizon, nothing.

At the other end of the horizon, two purple energy whips swung down directly.

Sparks exploded, and Tregchia took two steps back from the damage.

Seizing this opportunity, Empat released his strength by pulling his arms up and down, and the half-moon-shaped Ott guillotine approached instantly.

Tregchia was only about to be split in half vertically, and his balance was completely destroyed when he was sideways.

As a result, the back was hit hard in an instant. It was Empat who used his left leg as a blade, and turned the kick and the attached dark energy into a slash.


Tregear smacked his lips, and forcibly counterattacked with his clawed palms, but naturally he missed.

Empat leaned back and forward, and the enemy was leaning forward because of the injury.

Immediately, he pulled closer and landed an uppercut with his left hand on Tregchia's face.

Seizing this opportunity, the chain kicks that were used against the Imperial Stars were instantly launched.

The front kick severely injures the body, the whip leg turns around, the powerful back spin kick hits the head directly, the high kick hits the front door and kicks the enemy into the sky, aiming at the opponent who is dizzy due to pain, and the side kick stabs the enemy's body like a spear Body.


Tregear slammed into the red ground in embarrassment. In front of him, Empat, whose timer was shining red, opened his fists left and right.

The blue and black lines are pulled, and the dark energy in the shape of quicksand and flowing water of the same color is sucked into the timer.

Zapelio Ray was about to deliver the final blow, but the next moment, Tregear's right hand was thrown back, and blue thunder swept across the sky.

In an instant, the Victory Phantom, which was hidden, was severely damaged.

"This is?!"

Everyone in the Black Storm team was attacked before they could react to the fact of 'the battle between the two Ultramans'.


It was not directly destroyed, but the fuselage was out of control.

Before the six-machine Phantom fell, Empat used the power of Otto to stop the burning flame and the arc that seemed to explode in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, he let out a muffled grunt, and was hit hard, and the blue-white thunder connected him to Tregia's left hand.

I saw Tregia's right hand continue to push forward, and two lightning bolts slammed on Empat's body, and spread crazily on his body.

Empat's trembling hands turned into palms, and he pushed forward suddenly.

It has nothing to do with energy, mental power bursts into thought power.

The invisible heavy hammer hit Tregchia's body, knocking him flying.

The next moment, one of them was ejected forward, and the other was hit. The entangled two people couldn't tell whether they were up, down, left, or right, and separated from Mars, rolling in the gravity-free universe.

Empat, who was not very powerful because of the thunder, was hit in the abdomen, and Tregchia kicked him away.

The red eyes released beams again.

Empat climbed in time, but the attack soon continued.

Red light beams, blue lightning, purple fireballs, and the mixed barrage crazily oppressed the enemies whose condition was getting worse.

Up, down, left, and right, there are constantly attacks of different colors passing by.

Empat rose sharply, pulling the distance.

And Tregear also chased after them, and the brilliant connection between the two who drew a tortuous trajectory was an attack.

Empat, who was suddenly reversed, did not release an attack. What he used was a skill called timer flash. The light that had a strong effect on darkness did not cause much damage to Tregear.

It's just that his highly concentrated spirit made his vision equally focused. These red eyes were suddenly covered by strong light, and he lost his vision for a short time.

On the other side, the inverted Empat rotated along the angle, flashing thunder, beams, and flames.

In an instant, the two bumped into each other for the first time.

Tregchia was hit in the abdomen by a kick, and Empat's right leg started to burn. The Black Flame Addition, which was used in the battle with EX Jayton, is a trick that kills one thousand enemies and self-damages eight hundred.

Just use this blow to decide victory.

The atmosphere was pierced, TPC's surveillance satellites couldn't keep up with the speed, and the two fell toward the water star.

Chapter Four Civilization Judge

Falling into the atmosphere, the conduction of the air allows the sound to spread, and the intense friction is extremely ear-piercing.

It's just that the high temperature was borne by one person alone, Tregear's back was burned, but what came from his abdomen was a cold touch.

One vibration, two vibrations, the group of black flames was experiencing the tranquility before the explosion at this time, and the pitch-black bolides continued to fall downwards.

The clouds were pierced, the air was torn apart, and below was a huge ocean that stretched as far as the eye could see.

While the two were descending, a shiny golden object was thrown out.

Only a human-sized body can use it, and its name is the monster light ring.

The golden thunder was released, and immediately after that, an existence larger than the two appeared in the air.


Empat could only see the back. Except for the white armor, a huge ax was installed in the center of the back.

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