"If you don't hurry up, I don't know what the earth will become."

The moment of his distraction was captured, Tregear said while grabbing the calf tightly pressed against the abdomen with both hands.

"You have to carry something that can save your life, right?"

Pulling, body shifting, Empat's speed was used in turn, and he passed the opponent in a short half a second, opening a distance of more than a thousand meters.

Turning around, slashing, the purple chopping waves thrown from the arm attacked the enemy.

Facing this blow, Tregear's right hand pulled down like a claw, and the golden claw marks shattered the cutting technique.

And his left hand released energy, constructing a purple fog door.

Without leaving a word, Tregia quickly rushed into the door and disappeared in front of Empat.


The sound of the timer kept echoing in Nangong's ears, carrying the dirty air, the familiar gravity, and the 'weak' sunlight in the sky.

Everything, the familiar feeling, explained where this place was.

Immediately using the anti-gravity ability, Empat quickly chased in the direction where the monster disappeared.

It didn't take long for his little entanglement with Tregear, but it was enough.

The huge monster wrapped around the golden thunder touched the ground. At this moment, the whole city was shaken by that exaggerated weight.

In a corner of the city, in the center of the building complex, heavy mechanical weapons were activated.

It raised its head, and the eyes on both sides lit up red.


Either the president's office, or the simple office floor, the outside of the mirror reflects the frightening figure, and the inside of the mirror, apart from its posture, can also see the reflection of people's fear.

"Strange, monster..."

The sound was extremely soft, it was obviously a quiet environment, but not too many breathing sounds could be heard.

When people are afraid, they will subconsciously hold their breath, not wanting to be discovered by the thing that makes them feel scared and guarded.

The whole building became quiet. Does the existence standing on the street really have a face?

The dark yellow head looks like it is wearing a mask, its mouth is open, and there is a red light shining in the center of its abdomen.

Arbiter of Civilization - Galatron MK-II.

The AI ​​system in its body instantly captured the picture of the city, and the city is a symbol of the existence of civilization.

If one looks down, one can see that the creatures that built civilization are moving away, or to be precise, fleeing.

All of this information was turned into data and flowed into the electronic brain.

Therefore, the Galatron MK-II is transmitting information, but it does not get any response.

Analyzing, judging the parallel universe where the main brain does not exist.

It was concluded that data could not be collected and work on annihilation began.

Galatron MK-II raised both hands, and the tip of the fingertips was a pitch-black hole, so there was no need to aim, just launch.

Convergence of energy, what this technological mechanical weapon emits is a colorful circular array instead.

It seems that the magic circle is increasing, and a red light beam wrapped in a golden arc gushes out from the inside.

As soon as one shot is fired, several shots follow.

All buildings in the front end will be destroyed, provided no one intervenes.

The wind is entangled by the high-speed flight, and the silhouette of the enemy can be seen in the direct gaps between tall buildings.

Using Otto's mind, the vehicles on the road were suddenly moved to the left and right.

Turn around, change motion.

The silver giant stepped on the brake with his left foot, and stabilized his body with his right foot. Fighting on this planet will inevitably cause aftermath, and the full-speed flight shatters the glass in the way.

Skid, the road crumbles from the impact.

He raised his hands left and right above his head, and brought out two lines while squatting down.

Immediately afterwards, the purple square shield was formed, and the light beams coming from the front hit the front, and were all blocked.

The people who fell to the ground due to the shock barely got up, and when they turned their heads, they could see the huge existence.

There are black lines on the silver body. It seems that I have seen such a giant before.

That was ten years ago, young people were getting old, children were growing up, and too many experiences made the memory in their minds blurred.

But now I realize that those things seem to have never been forgotten, just need an opportunity to remember.

"Oh, Ultraman——"


A familiar voice came from the mouth of the giant, and the Galatron MK-II's continuous attack hand cannon was propelled by an invisible force, pointing to the sky.

This is just the beginning, I saw Empat's arms connected in front, forming a cross shape, just like countless needles combined, the purple Spitium light hit the enemy directly, and the particles were scattered due to the blocking of the armor open.

He stood up and walked forward quickly, because if he used too much force, he would directly blow away the crowd guarding behind.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Those who got up helped the people around them, and everyone ran away quickly, wanting to leave this area that was about to turn into a battlefield.

The two behemoths kept approaching, and when they entered the fighting distance, Galatron MK-II changed from its previous powerless appearance.

It swung its right hand quickly, and in the vibration of the air, Empat felt a strong pain in his defensive left hand.

Not only that, but the terrifying power passed over even made him a little unbalanced.

Green-eyed giants are reflected outside the mirror of the building, and inside the mirror of the building are people who are fleeing.

The elevator is so closed that it feels scary, and every time the stairs pass a corner, you can see a new scene.

On the 32nd floor, what I saw was a long string of sparks from Empat's purple right arm.

On the 31st floor, what I saw was Galatron MK-II smashing the existence that hindered it to the ground.

On the thirtieth floor, the blue light cut through the armor like a sword blade.

On the 29th floor, the golden shield blocks all attacks.

The psychological illusion makes people think that the building is shaking, but in fact, it is the glass that is overwhelmed by the aftermath.

The golden shield was actively sliced ​​open by the cross slash. It was Galatron MK-II's attack. The ax blades of both arms slid across the opponent's body, and countless sparks were set off.

Unavoidably making a sound due to pain, Empat was carried into the air by the exaggerated force at the same time as he was slashed.

It's just that he didn't land on the ground, but instead stagnated in the air, his hands facing each other in front of the blinking timer.

Insufficient energy. In the fight with Tregia, he accumulated injuries and consumed a lot of energy. The situation can be said to be terrible.

But the enemy never cares about your state.

The raised right arm was thrown forward, and in an instant, a huge ring of light like a circular saw was thrown out.

Facing this blow, Galatron MK-II's armament popped out, and it took out a hand ax with a golden blade from its back.

The weapon was used as a shield and collided with the light wheel. This time, the overwhelmed glass was completely shattered.

"Uh ah ah!"

The people who remained nearby covered their ears tightly, trying to cover up the headache-wrenching sound.

The shattered glass fell towards the ground, and that figure was reflected in the rotating fragments.

Empat fell rapidly, and his feet stepped on the shoulders of Galatron MK-II.

The weight and impact were pressed together, and the overwhelmed earth was instantly crushed by the weight of more than [-] tons.

The lower body of the Galatron MK-II was completely sunk into the ground, and Empat's backward right hand also touched the crazy cutting Nimbus.

In the next moment, everyone's pain ended with the terrible sound disappearing.

The released light wheel turns into the original pure energy, and returns to the user's body through actual contact.

Empat turned around quickly after landing, and the enemy's back was fully exposed in front of him.

His arms are dyed again, and the enhanced Spathum beam is about to be unleashed.

Just before that, he felt the fluctuation of space.


As if swallowed by something, the Galatron MK-II disappeared downward.

Empat turned around immediately, and blocked the heavy vertical chop with his arms crossed in front of him.

Coming down from the pure white circle, the Galatron MK-II wielding a heavy golden ax wields power.

In less than five seconds, Empat was firmly fixed by this force, and his bent legs could only half-squat against the support of the ground.

The fierce battle ushered in a stalemate, and people flocked out at the entrance of the office building.

At the same time, they heard the piercing sound of cutting and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The Galatron MK-II kicked the opponent's left leg hard with the same ax blade attached to its right leg.

The balance was broken in an instant, and Empat, who fell on the ground, rolled sideways in time. The falling heavy ax slashed across his shoulder, and golden light particles splashed out inside, like blood.

He used the energy of anti-gravity to turn over and bounce, and passed the enemy who was trying to swing the second axe from above. enough damage.

One landed, and his left hand touched the shoulder of the scattered light particles.

One turned around, holding the sharp and hard heavy ax with one hand.

The timer was still flashing. Empat stood up straight, clenched his hands, and pulled them apart. The blue and black lines were so obvious at this moment, and the dark energy sucked into the timer was also exaggerated.

The whole action took less than half a second, but it was still too slow for the Galatron MK-II.

Its left hand moved forward immediately, a colorful circle emerged for the second time, and the heavy ax held in its right hand was ready to attack or defend at any time.

At this moment, the bombardment that was about to attack was suspended, the target was lost, and space jump fluctuations were sensed.

Galatron MK-II turned around in the direction of the wave, but it was still a step too late.

Its electronic eyes reflected the presence of shadows covering its body, and Empat's right arm was pressed against the enemy's body.

Zapelio's light burst out instantly, gushing out at this zero distance.

Countless black particles spread like water, fell like rain, and finally disappeared like dust.

Oppressing, clinging, bombarding, and entangled, the two huge beings were almost completely covered by shadows.

This scene caught the eyes of the Super Victory Team, and when the monster appeared, they naturally had to move out immediately.

It's just that their speed is still a bit slower than the development of the battle, and what they saw when they arrived was the current scene.

"This, this will——"

Where should we attack? !

With the naked eye alone, Ryo couldn't tell which side was which.

Tsutomu Nakajima, who was analyzing by machine instead of the naked eye, immediately noticed the abnormal readings.


"It's going to explode!"

Faster than a machine, Asuka's intuition told him the result.

As soon as the words fell, the gushing particles spread out like a storm, and a violent explosion occurred inside the city, and the resulting aftermath once again shook the entire Kumamoto City.

Half a second later, the silver giant broke away from the center of the explosion, to be precise, it was pushed out by the explosion.


It was difficult to even land, and Empat fell to the ground in embarrassment, crushing the road.

As for the central point of the explosion, after the darkness that obstructed the line of sight disappeared, the white mechanical weapon revealed its current posture.

The right half of the body was completely shattered, and a third of the body was dug out in a huge, uneven semicircle.

Arcs danced inside, a gesture that made one wonder why it hadn't snapped in two.

"Do it, did you kill it?"

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