"By the way, what is this?"

Emotions came and went quickly, and Unii suddenly remembered this incident, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the hilt of the sword next to the pillow and sat up again.

"This is......"

Nangong was surprised by this, it was a golden spark prism.

It is completely different from the black that he himself summoned.

Why is there such a phenomenon?

Although not very understood, it is another thing to explain at the moment.

"The spark prism, when it needs to transform, it will act as an activator."

After he finished speaking, his expression became serious.

"Uiyi, there is a strong crisis hidden on this earth now, are you willing to fight with me?"

"Sfia? No problem, besides, it must be me now, right?"

Uniq agreed, maybe this is fate.

The two reached a consensus, so Nangong spoke again:

"Before that, what was Sfia?"


In this matter, it seems that the cognition of the two people is slightly wrong.

The sun gradually rises from the end of the sky, and the gap between the buildings shines through.

The alarm clock in every household starts to vibrate and then goes off.

Wash, change clothes, and organize your clothes and hair in front of the mirror.

As time passed, all preparations were completed.

Just one more thing to do before going out.

In front of Uniqlo is a Lingtai, on which the photos of his father were hung.

"Dad, I'm going out."


Of course, Nangong still remembered the police officer, maybe it was because of the special thing after becoming Ultraman.

Since inheriting the light until now, all the memories are as clear as if they were experienced only yesterday.

"Very concerned?"

Proceeding on the street, Unii chatted with Nangong who could only be seen by one person beside him.

"It happened ten years ago, and it was the last battle between you and the evil god."

TPC did not withhold information about Gatanjeh, but made it public.


Because human beings can overcome even in the face of such despair, this is the tenacity of human beings.


Not knowing what to say, Nangong could only apologize.

Of course he knew that he couldn't save everyone, but when he faced the people who couldn't be saved like this, and his family members, he felt very bitter in his heart.

If it could be stronger, wouldn't such a thing happen?

Or is it that no matter how strong you are, there are still lives that cannot be saved, and thoughts that cannot be conveyed?

Nangong thinks it should be the latter, which can save a planet. There are countless planets in the universe, which can save a universe, but there are countless parallel universes.

No matter how hard you try, there are hands that cannot be touched, and there are limits that cannot be reached.

That's why I feel bitter, and realizing my own weakness is such a bitter thing.

"Why did you suddenly become lost?"

Uniq smiled wryly, was it because of the special situation of the two of them?

She could feel the pain over there.

"You've done enough."

Bearing pain and sorrow, just swallowing it alone, is strong and lonely.

"Huh? By the way, have our positions been reversed?"

Uniform said half-jokingly, then suddenly noticed something, a very important thing.

'Speaking of his face...'

Compared with ten years ago, nothing has changed at all...

If they stand together, it seems that this side becomes the upper hand?

'It's so weird. '

Let's talk about other topics.

"Tregear, whom you told me before, I want to hear more things."

"I see, he is actually the same as me, the same Ultraman."

All Nangong can say is what he knows:

Tregear, that Ultraman who probably came to this world from a parallel world doesn't know what he's planning, almost 'did no bad things'

At least it seems so, the only thing Nangongsuo is really sure about what he has done is the light ring of the remnants of the empire at that time and what happened on earth this time.

Doing nothing yourself and inciting others to do it was Tregchia's old trick.

"Criminal boss?"

Is it the type that is worse than doing it yourself, and then again, is it Ultraman?

"Not all Ultraman are good people."

Uniq couldn't help but sigh, there was also a Hitler who called himself Ultraman ten years ago.

'Not all Altman are good people' — this is not just her idea.

Chapter Eight: The Awakened Monster

Staff Admiral Gonto, who just returned to the universe from the earth, has arrived on the earth again.

There is only one purpose of his trip, and that is to report what happened on Mars, about the battle of Ultraman.

Ten years ago, Tiga and Empat also had a fight.

But this time is different. The blue Ultraman showed hostility to human beings, and the Mirage, which was swept by the thunder, was only a little short of an accident.

This is something that TPC considered and scrupled about ten years ago.

That is, "What will happen if Ultraman becomes an enemy one day"

It is true that Empat, who has returned, is fighting the opponent, but it is clear that there is not much difference in strength between the two.

Under such circumstances, what would happen if they fought again on Earth?

Both ended up crashing into Earth, according to the paths of TPC-monitored satellites.

Empat was defeated in the battle with the mechanical weapon, and the other giant disappeared completely.

In other words, both sides are on Earth.

Maybe Empat is trustworthy, but there's no denying that a fight between them could level the ground.

In order to warn the upper echelons of the TPC, Gondo staff returned to Earth to attend the meeting again.

On Mars, Masaki, who was left behind again, was slightly relieved.

It seems that the other party has no time to delve into the last Tyranoid activation experiment.

While the other party is away, he can also do some small moves.

For example, looking for a man who returned to Earth or looking for a giant named Dyna.

Where can I find it?

In short, it’s good to start with a certain coffee shop and Nishinomiya’s house. As for the psychic named Kirino...

Tsk, that guy was full of uncooperative attitude from the very beginning, every time he was able to escape first before catching him.

Leaving aside Empat, who may or may not be there.

Dyna's words... In short, it's better to monitor the situation of the Super Victory Team. After all, Dagu is also a member of the Victory Team.

In the absence of corroboration, act on previous experience.

Zheng Mu looked at the existence of the stone statue, which he copied with great painstaking efforts.

"I'll definitely get you moving."

This has almost become a so-called 'obsession'

He does not accept 'failure' results.

'Although you have to be on guard against Quandou. '

That person is not a bad person, but he is too extreme.

Frankly speaking, Masaki is convinced that if there is a chance, the other party will definitely arrest Ultraman and study that power regardless of the consequences.

In other words, it is the so-called human supremacy.

Zheng Mu and the other party couldn't get along, and the two parties just started cooperation with the same purpose.

He regards 'Ultraman' as the ultimate person, the end of evolution that human beings will reach, or a new beginning.

However, Gonto just wants to treat 'Ultraman' as a power that can be obtained.

'As long as the human consciousness and culture are still there, how can they not be human beings even if they change their appearance? '

Masaki thought about the evolutionary path such as mechanical transformation, so he went to learn, and finally created the underground shark Geozak with that technology.

In the end, it was found that Ultraman was the correct way to evolve.

It makes sense to have the right heart to have strength.

While the body evolves, the spirit must also match it, otherwise it will only repeat the same mistakes, such as the super ancient giant war.

"Empat, Dyna..."

Hurry up and appear in front of me.

In this case, Terranoid will be able to achieve glory.

At the same time, inside TPC, the upper level was having a heated discussion about the blue Ultraman.

What has nothing to do with these discussions is the Super Victory Team who is waiting for information in the combat command room.

"Could it be possible to find the enemy just by sitting here like this?"

"Calm down, Asuka, even if you run around, you won't find any information."

Asuka's mood was becoming agitated, but Captain Xibi seemed very calm on the contrary.

"Captain, didn't you say that every second counts and you must find it quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous? Why do you seem to not care much now?"

Why is every second counting?

Because judging from the video data in the city system and the metals sampled on site, how far is the enemy this time?

If even Ultraman was able to break through the defense with a suicide attack at such a close distance, frankly speaking, it would be difficult to threaten the opponent with the equipment of the Super Victory Team alone.

So when every second counts, we must find the other party quickly, and it will be terrible if that thing can repair itself.

Facing the moving and restless Asuka, Liang approached from behind and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Okay, stop playing monkey games here, kid."

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