He was forcibly pressed on the seat, and before he could speak, the next words directly stuffed his anxiety back into his throat.

Liang said:

"Do you have any clues about the other party? Have you had professional training in search? Do you have corresponding knowledge about this kind of thing? If not, just sit down obediently."

Every sentence hits the center. Asuka joined the team as a pilot, and he only wants to join the team as a pilot.

Therefore, what I have learned is not the knowledge of the investigation department.

He muttered a few words, and sat down in his seat obediently.

Watching the two interacting, Mai blinked.

'I'm becoming more and more like a senior, Liang. '

Although the action is still as masculine as ever... I mean sassy.

Without the birds walking around, the anxiety in everyone's hearts was not aroused anymore.

Where is the enemy?

It is better to leave this to other departments. The task of the Super Victory Team is to fight monsters on the frontal battlefield.

Besides, there was such a terrifying big hole at that time, it was impossible to repair it in less than 24 hours.

If it can be done, it can only be said that this is an exaggerated technological monster.

'It's troublesome if it's not a monster. '

Captain Xibi was thinking about the Galatron MK-II in his heart. If it was a monster, they would act on instinct and lack reasonable thinking.

But at present, it seems that the scattered metals on the other side's ground are all technological creations.

The enemy who can think is the most troublesome enemy. What exactly sent such weapons to the earth?

'It's no wonder that the higher-ups have been holding meetings all the time. '

Just thinking about it a little bit gives me a headache.

At this moment, Mai who had mastered the communication suddenly sat up straight from her seat.

"Captain, emergency communication!"

"Is it that mechanical monster!"

Before Captain Xibi could respond, Asuka spoke immediately.

"No! It's Crassima!"

Mai said the name of the monster, and its alias was Whiparm Monster.

"Crazy Ima, you say? Tsk... Troubled things collide."

Not only Captain Xibi, but also the teammates around showed honest expressions.

Everyone's performance made Asuka stunned, as if he, as a newcomer, didn't know anything.

"Don't think alone there, who will explain it to me!"

As soon as he said this, the expressions of his teammates became strange, especially Liang, who shook her head helplessly.

"You boy, have you read the electronic materials that have been distributed?"

This time Captain Xibi couldn't tolerate the other party's willfulness anymore, his tone was so heavy that Asuka shrank his head subconsciously, as if he had returned to the original classroom.

Electronic materials, I really want to read them, but after just a few glances, I start to feel sleepy, and I fell asleep after a while.

"Calm down, captain, calm down!"

Kariya Xinghei of the team quickly persuaded the captain who was actually angry and not calm at all.

The vice-captain Koda immediately said:

"Asuka, you should have learned about super ancient civilizations, right?"

"I said it in class."

Asuka nodded quickly, because unlike other courses, there was no knowledge point to memorize the full text, so he listened more seriously at that time.

"Thirty million years ago, the enemies of the ultra-ancient civilization were the monsters who were very active in that era. With the destruction of the ultra-ancient civilization, the monsters of that era also fell into a long sleep."


Before Koda finished speaking, Asuka opened his eyes wide and understood completely.

Because it was said in class at the time that King Red, Gomora, and Gorzan, these monsters are actually existences that have been sleeping since the ancient times.

That is:

"Classima is also a monster left over from the super ancient times!"


Vice Captain Koda nodded and continued:

"Actually, on today's earth, there are still many monsters that have survived the super ancient times sleeping underground. Our TPC has set up observation stations at their sleeping positions, in order to make the fastest observation when they wake up. reaction."

"Then why not get rid of them while they're asleep?"

Asuka asked suspiciously.

"TPC wanted to do this, but considering the depth of the monster's sleep and the problems of the earth itself, it finally gave up. For example, Japan, if one fails, it may blow up this small island country to pieces. It's a real disaster."

Not only this question, but first of all, what level of bomb does it take to kill the sleeping monster?

What kind of impact will the aftermath cause on the earth?

Is it possible that the aftermath will wake up other monsters instead?

There are too many unknown factors, so TPC chose to establish an observatory.

"I see."

Asuka understood completely.

"Vice-captain, why don't you give me lessons in the future, it's too tiring just to read the materials dryly."

He smirks and makes a suggestion.

"Screw you!"

The vice-captain expressed that he wanted to kick the opponent, and he really knows how to climb.

"Okay, stop joking, Super Victory Team, dispatch!"


Following Captain Xibi's words, everyone started to act.

The location is Australia, and it won't take long for the Victory Condor equipped with the new Magus power system to arrive there.

As the Super Victory team moved into action, the observatory near Crassima was also minding its duties.

A large number of devices are all connected to several huge screens, monitoring the situation underground.

"Strange...why is it still underground?"

The person in charge was very puzzled. If we take the monsters who woke up ten years ago as an example, they would go to the ground to look for food immediately. After all, they have not eaten for 3000 million years.

The observation station is not only the monitoring but also the first line of defense. The automatic turrets arranged here are completely ready to fire.

It's just that the monsters haven't appeared for a long time, and I don't know what to do underground.

'Could it be a vegetarian monster that eats rocks and dirt? '

It's not impossible, even dinosaurs have vegetarian food, right?

"New reaction detected!"

At this moment, the voice of the subordinate pulled the person in charge back from his thoughts.


He walked quickly to the other party's position, and the reading that had been alone before suddenly changed.

Originally, there was only one logo, and it became two, and they were still getting closer.

"This is......"

Close, close, when the two points almost overlapped, the strong vibration made the person in charge almost fall to the ground.

This is just the beginning, once, twice, three times, this area is constantly shaking like an earthquake.

Two readings, two blips, could it be that...

'Did you wake up from a deep sleep because you sensed the approach of other monsters? '

make sense!

There are no related reports from other observatories. In other words, are there actually undiscovered monsters?

Something hit the body on the ground in the ear, and some equipment that was originally placed on the table fell under the vibration.

The battle between the two monsters underground was unimaginably fierce.

At this moment, the Condor belonging to the Super Victory Team crossed the ocean and arrived at the Australian continent.

"There's nothing..."

Asuka stared suspiciously at the green land full of plants.

The next moment, the ground exploded, countless plants flew, and mud and dust covered the monster's body.



Liang's eyes widened, and she saw that huge existence.

That's not 'breaking the ground'

It's 'falling out in embarrassment'

Recognizing the existence of the monster, the automatic turret opened fire immediately.

But before those armor-piercing bullets hit Tserasima's body, it was pushed into the air.


A red-gold beam of light was connected to the monster's abdomen. Ten meters, 20 meters away, all the soil in the way was wiped out, and beams of beams bombarded Crassima's body one after another.

It was completely penetrated without even screaming, and finally exploded into a large number of fragments.


From the same position, the hole was forcibly expanded.

The white armor is covered with falling dust, and the wounds that were blown out before have completely disappeared.

On both sides of the dark yellow mask are red electronic cigarettes named Galatron MK-II.

Fighter fighters are derivatives of civilization.

Start judging.

The armor-piercing shells of the automatic turret hit the hard armor but had no effect. The hands of the weapon were forward, forming a colorful circle.

In an instant, dozens of beams pierced the sky.

Nine chapters out of specification

There was no time to speak, no time to predict, just an instinctive reaction when the monster raised its hand.

So at the next moment, the Victory Condor seems to have turned into a so-called submarine. Up, down, left, and right, all the positions that can be touched by the line of sight are red 'flowing water'

So what if you avoid the first time?

With the manipulation of Galatron MK-II, the red-golden light began to shrink, and everyone in the Super Victory Team only had that dangerous color in their eyes.

How to get out from here?

Apart from teleportation, there is no way to escape at all.

The fierce warning sound had just sounded, and the Victory Condor completely lost control.

The wings were destroyed, and the unbalanced fighter began to fall downwards, so that the beams that pressed down from above only smashed the fuselage above.

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