But this is not something to be happy about, because the underside of the fuselage of the out-of-control Victory Condor began to rub against the light beam. There was no stalemate, no explosion, just like erasing a pencil drawing with an eraser without leaving any traces.

No one reacted, and it was impossible to react.

Nothing happened for even half a second and it progressed to the end.

However, Ultraman can do things that humans can't respond to.

Dozens of streams of light shot towards the distance, and the Galatron MK-II stopped shooting because it detected a new energy assembly.

This kind of energy was once registered, the M78 nebula, and the light family in that distant parallel world chased them.

In other words, it is an enemy that must be eliminated.

When Galatron MK-II completed the judgment, Asuka also reacted inexplicably, the earth became far away, and he immediately looked at the bald Victory Condor with its edges and corners cut off.

The people inside did not know when they had lost consciousness, and their expressions were not very good.

Asuka instinctively used perspective to pass through the barrier of bones, while his heart was still beating vigorously.

He was slightly relieved, and sent the Shenying to the distance, not to mention the strong Ultra power to protect its safety.

Dyna turned around, facing the mechanical weapon that also turned around.

The strict captain, the gentle vice-captain, the Nakajima team members who always speak incomprehensible words, the friendly Kohei team members, and the good seniors who are not forgiving.

Take their share together——

'The real battle starts now! '

As if sensing Asuka's strong fighting spirit and anger, the radiance in Dyna's body became more intense.

He leaned forward with his upper body, which was the signal for war.

The hands of Galatron MK-II immediately pointed forward, the front of the index finger was a colored circle, and in front of the colored circle was a beam of light gushing out.

The battlefield is a no-man's land on the Australian mainland, and there are no tall buildings to protect.

Dyna's upper body swayed left and right, dodging two powerful beams respectively.

He stepped on the anchor with his left foot and used it as a fulcrum to start rotating his body.

The next moment, the strength of the waist, legs, shoulders, and arms of the body was integrated, and the feet walked out with precise steps, and the uppercut punched out with all its strength hit the mask of Galatron MK-II that looked like a face but was not a face.

The dull impact echoed, and the strong impact caused the opponent's head to shift slightly.

Dyna clenched his left fist, followed by an uppercut that hit the jaw with all his might.

The series of punches aimed at the head was completed, and just as he was trying to lock the opponent with both hands, a burning sensation gathered in his abdomen.


The attack had no effect at all, and there was a colorful circular array on the abdomen.

Immediately turning sideways, Dyna, who avoided it in time, only felt a scalding and burning pain in his abdomen.

However, this is just the beginning, the Galatron MK-II is made of special metal, it is a masterpiece completed by the manufacturer.

Relying on the heavy and hard armor, it aimed at the enemy that exposed its weakness, and charged directly at full power.

It seemed that the air was distorted for a moment, and the force exerted by the machine was so unreasonable that almost [-]% of the force directly hit Dyna's body.

Although he hadn't experienced it before, Asuka felt that being hit by a locomotive probably felt like this.

This body made of light has no bones, even so, there is still a kind of pain that all the bones in the whole body are broken.

Dyna staggered back, was it because he had absorbed the previous battle experience?Galatron MK-II didn't intend to get close at all, it quickly raised its left hand, and the red-golden light beam entangled with Thunder and attacked.

Facing this blow, Dai covered his ribs with his right hand and quickly jumped forward.

The enemy's shooting has been chasing from the rear, and finally slowed down a step.

Dyna, who reached behind his opponent with a front flip, endured the pain, and his arms were dyed blue.

Slash it forward and horizontally, two curved light blades cut towards Galatron MK-II

Sparks splashed in the friction, but failed to cause damage.

The right hand of Galatron MK-II is turned backwards, and the left hand is raised quickly, forming a dark golden shield.

On the opposite side is Dyna's cross-shaped hands, and a golden ring spread out from the position that resisted the attack. After the shining light blade, Soljet's light chased him, and the full blow was caught in the middle. block.

Galatron MK-II is a step forward, and then it continues to move forward.


In front of Dyna was an enemy approaching quickly.

Galatron MK-II revoked the shield, and swung his right hand stretched behind his back, holding the heavy ax firmly in his palm.

The dark golden ax blade pierced through the air, only to slash in the air in the end.

Even the front of the breastplate could feel the sharpness, Dyna retreated and was about to deal with the next attack.

The enemy's left hand is used as the barrel.

The front end of the colored circle emits beams of light towards the sky, towards the ground, and towards the enemy. The five fingers are the five launch ports. The crazy and random attacks instantly shatter the places that can be hit, and fierce explosions continue to set off.

It was in such an explosion that Dyna kept avoiding.

As soon as he stepped on his left foot, he had to jump away immediately, and the original position was swept by the beam of light.

Using this movement to ascend into the sky, angled light beams shot out from the inside of the circular array, blocking that path.

Landing again, the sweeping heavy ax brought out a string of sparks, and Dyna, who barely avoided the direct hit, backed away.

Immediately afterwards, another beam of light gushed out.

There was no time to think at all, and Dyna, who was completely suppressed, could only retreat, constantly retreating.

The battle position of the two changed, 50 meters, 100 meters, everywhere they passed was scorched earth.

In the gap of continuous light flow, Dyna's figure could barely be seen.

In the black mist that has not subsided, the fuselage of the Galatron MK-II can occasionally be seen.

All of a sudden, a dark golden streak flew by, it was a heavy ax that struck down vertically.

Dyna took two steps back, then quickly pushed his hands out in front and crossed them.

First, the golden barrier was shattered, and then the defensive arms sprayed out golden particles.

Impact, pain, he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

And Galatron MK-II held the right hand, and the heavy ax that was thrown before was held in his hand again.

This mechanical weapon doesn't have any special abilities in battle, it just maximizes its attack and defense power.

Dyna, who was half kneeling on the ground, crossed his arms between his foreheads as if the shelling with no energy limit came again.

If you can't beat your opponent with the shiny type alone...

The blue light flashed, and Dyna, who had switched to miracle form, immediately got up and jumped into the air.

All the attacks chasing him were missed, and the faster movements surpassed Galatron MK-II's prediction for a while.

Its body is covered in blue and silver, and the timer turns on and off.

At this time, Dyna had a little time to breathe. The wrong choice at the beginning kept him suppressed until now.

If the enemy can't fight head-on, then use superpowers to defeat the opponent.

'If you use that trick...'

What emerges in memory is the usage of tricks, one is above and the other is below.

The Galatron MK-II hadn't taken to the air, and it was already clear through calculations that there was no chance of winning in the sky, and the mobility of the two sides was very different.

Dyna's hands were down, and blue light gushed out.

Not toward the enemy, but toward the ground.

The scorched earth that was affected by the light beam was still filled with terrifying red colors, which represented high temperature and flames.

The next moment, they were quickly stripped, collected and integrated.

Clinging, constructed, dark red shimmering earth spears are searing and sharp.

Its posture disappeared instantly, and it was broken into pieces the moment it hit Galatron MK-II.

The attack that wasn't even an impact didn't shake this mechanical weapon.

It raised its left hand, ready to fire.

But that's when the goal changed.

On the left and right sides of Dyna in the air are real entities, and the figure of one person has turned into three people, and the bodies of these three people are dyed with white light.

When they acted, a more exaggerated speed than before was revealed.

The blue cutting edge, the blue light beam, in an instant, the light flow of the cluster shooting, the cutting edge, three afterimages danced in the air, unable to see clearly.

They kept leaving blue radiance, each ray of light was an attack, and each attack hit the body of the Galatron MK-II below.

As a result, the pure gold light beams of completely opposite colors also began to sweep toward the sky.

High-speed movement may not be able to turn at high speed. Taking advantage of this, Galatron MK-II poured artillery fire.

The top falls, the bottom rises, and the two colors mixed together gradually become indistinguishable from each other.

The figures of both of them were hardly seen, Dyna was too fast to see, and kept attacking from different directions, Galatron MK-II was attacked continuously, and the whole body was buried in the blue light and explosions. middle.

Just a single body is enough to create a fire bombing scene, which is an overly exaggerated power.

At this moment, countless blue lights are mixed with gold.

The first one, Dai Na, crossed his hands to charge and then opened them left and right.

The second Dyna, constructed as small black dots.

The last Dyna disappears first, merges with the second Dyna, and the energy is returned.

When the black spot starts to expand, the remaining energy returns to the only body.

Ribolium light waves gushed out from between Dyna's arms, and blasted directly at Galatron MK-II.

A full-strength blow erupted with intense power, but this power was just for preparation.

The Galatron MK-II, which was still fixed at its original position a second ago and was preparing to counterattack, detected the new energy and felt the suction that could shake it.

Interfering time and space, the hole that is broken is a black hole that sucks in everything.

The rapid expansion of this black dot instantly grabbed the closest existence to it.

The Galatron MK-II hits full throttle, fighting the rear pull.

There wasn't even a single bit of damage on its body. In other words, Dyna's energy-consuming onslaught didn't cause any damage to it.

The only thing that can make it so confrontational is today's miniature black holes.

'Let me in! '

Realizing that this was the decisive blow, Asuka and Dyna let out different roars.

The remaining energy erupted in one breath, and the light wave of Libolium expanded instantly, hitting the body of Galatron MK-II fiercely.

Not only that, but also the earth under its feet was destroyed.

The moment it lost its foothold, Galatron MK-II could no longer resist that exaggerated attraction.

'it is good! '

Convinced of victory, Dyna relaxed, and the exhaustion from extreme energy consumption and injury surged.

Black and white, but not the white of Galatron MK-II.

Analyze the structure and forcibly build it.

In front of the black hole, which is distorted by the interference of space-time, is a white circle.

Galatron MK-II followed this force into it.


Exploding sparks cause serious damage in an instant.

One black hole and two white formations.

This was a momentary reversal, and the Galatron MK-II, which appeared behind Dyna, fell to the ground, with both feet on the ground smoothly, and the right hand was still holding the heavy ax tightly.

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