And the black hole that was still raging before lost its sustaining power and was repaired by time and space again. At that position, Dyna fell to the ground in a panic.


What is this feeling?

It was dizzying.

At this moment, Dyna's back spread from his right shoulder all the way down to his left waist. The heavy ax cut almost divided it into two, and golden light particles continuously overflowed from the inside.

The self-healing ability can't keep up with the damage, the timer is now blinking extremely fast, and the beeping sound is almost continuous.

"Hey, you monster! Look this way!"

On the battlefield of the two, new people are involved.

The TPC soldiers in the observation station were holding rifles, and the emerald green beams kept hitting the huge monster.

'Idiot, run away...'

Asuka smiled wryly in his heart.

Galatron MK-II ignored the attack that was indistinguishable from the air, and turned its left hand towards the fallen target.

But before that, something felt.

The radar and alarm sounded continuously, and the shield generating devices on both sides of the shoulders activated instantly, colliding violently with the falling heavy objects.

The strong wind, vibration, energy diffusion, and strong impact instantly knocked Galatron MK-II back tens of meters. The giant who flipped and landed had blue eyes, but its body was a warm red.

The unstoppable overthrown soldiers raised their heads, the giant's right hand moved forward, the short silver stick he held tightly was lit up, and two crimson light blades that were the same as his body extended out.

"Changed hands."

He said so.

Chapter Ten

The tram in the morning was crowded due to going to work, and inside the women's car, Yui was communicating with another person in his heart at this moment.

The phantom that followed me before has disappeared, because once there are more people, a certain picture in the game will be reproduced in reality-people overlapped, commonly known as piercing.

It's just too weird.

'Now?Right now? '

Do you know what time it is?

At 8:10 in the morning, 8:30 is the time for class to start. At this time, you ask me to tell me to save the world?

'Sorry, but I get the feeling that the power should be the Dyna you mentioned. '

I can feel that brilliance, because I haven't really met each other, and I haven't fought side by side or against each other, so Nangong doesn't know what level of combat power the opponent has.

But at least one thing is certain, where there is Ultraman, there must be monsters.

What if that monster is a mechanical weapon that has been fought before?

If that thing wants to destroy a bustling metropolis, it doesn't take half a minute.

And a bustling metropolis is home to millions of people.


After a moment of silence, Yui took a deep breath.

The tram is still some distance away from the next stop, so get off when you get to the stop.

"If I'm late on the first day of work, the dean will definitely kill me, and the students will definitely think that I'm an unreliable person. Now I know why you worked in Sister Kyoko's coffee shop." '

At least take a walk if you want to, and just ask for leave when there is an emergency.

'By the way did you see that superhero movie from many years ago?The one bitten by a spider. '

'I have seen it. '

Nangong gave an affirmative response.

' I'm starting to understand why he threw away the costumes in the second film. '

Ordinary people and superheroes, you can only choose one of them. If you choose the former, you will be happy and relaxed. If you choose the latter, the former will become your mask.

'Feel sorry. '

Nangong apologized again.

'No, I didn't mean that, it's just a sudden feeling. Compared with millions of people, the latter is more important, right? '

When the tram arrived, Uniq started to act.

"Sorry, give way, sorry!"

She squeezed out of the crowd, the tram stop, left, right, and ran towards the toilet.

The original exercise was not in vain, Yui rushed to the toilet at a much faster speed than the average adult male.

'So what do I do now? '

Uniform entered the compartment and locked it, and took out the spark prism from his pocket.

' Shouting after transforming? '

Just like in those animations, followed by half a minute of transformation time when other people do nothing.

'You don't want to be treated like a psycho in the bathroom...'

Nangong complained and continued:

'Just hold the spark prism and your thoughts and mine will resonate. '

'resonance? '

'Like this time. '

Going to another place to stop the destruction of monsters has such an idea, so the spark prism reacted.

Uniq opened his eyes wide, obviously without doing anything, this sword-hilt-like prop gave off a warm feeling.

The sword grid above it spreads out left and right, and the transparent crystal inside emits white light.

Along with this soft light, she disappeared from her original position.

The scene in front of him changed instantly, the white door before turned into a white cloud, and after passing the cloud was the deep blue ocean.

"What's the matter with this pilot-like perspective? Am I driving a Gundam?"

You don't have any v-antenna or beard.

"Isn't the color wrong by the way?"

The silver arms turned red, and the tone of the whole body changed.

Of course, this change is not just about the color tone, the dark energy originally mobilized in the body has also become pure light.

Nangong knew the reason, but now is not the time to talk about that,

"I'll tell you later that Dyna's situation is not good, and the ring on your hand will be used later, please."

Herberos Light Ring, able to use the power of monsters.

"What's the matter with this ring that no one will wear? The taste is too bad."

Uniq couldn't hold back her complaints, and her complaints also made Nangong want to complain.

Some people have commented like this before, but now is not the time to talk about that.

"Speed ​​up."

He controlled his body to accelerate further. In terms of pure physical ability, there was not much difference from the previous 'Shadow' posture.

Although his appearance at this time is the same as when the two forces are combined, he is not in that posture.

What I really want to say is the original appearance, the appearance of Empat's light before it was turned into a shadow because of him.

Draw a slash, fall down, and release the light energy.

"Oh... oh oh oh..."

Uniq quickly covered the voice that was about to shout with both hands. God knows how many meters it is in the sky. Watching 'Enpat' fall at an unknown speed from the first perspective like this is simply a kind of Terrible torture.

To be honest, I dare not breathe, my heart is beating violently.

Defeated Dyna, Galatron MK-II preparing for the final blow.

In an instant, the power exploded, and the kick of the entwined golden gold exploded. The bent legs exerted force, and at the same time as the enemy was repelled, Empat somersaulted to the ground.

The double-headed light blade used in the human state was summoned and held in his hand.

"Changed hands."

Right hand in front, light blade structure.

"Wait, I can still..."

Dyna put his hands on the ground, supporting his body and trying to get up.

But suddenly, all the power seemed to go away from me.

Asuka's consciousness gradually blurred, and the light particles that entangled him took him away, and finally fixed at the original position, which was the interior of the Victory Condor.

"I always feel that this voice..."

Uniq thought suspiciously, the voice just now was quite familiar to her, and she always felt that she had heard it somewhere before.

Before the thinking can go any further, the battle begins.

While Empat was rushing forward, the double-headed lightsaber that was still held in his hand before was thrown out like a dart.

Rotating, cutting, the red disc was instantly ejected, it was the shelling of Galatron MK-II.

The blade collided with the light beam, the sword was sent flying, the shot was cancelled, the short silver stick was held for the second time, the double-ended blade turned into a one-handed sword, Empat's left hand threw the thunder ball downward, and the thunder ball The balls fall together.

The spreading lightning spread all over the enemy's body, but when the red light blade slashed down, the opponent was not slow at all.

When the ax and the sword collide together, sparks splash continuously. The special nature of the lightsaber makes it not only a sword, but also a continuous heat beam.

This stalemate was broken not long after, Galatron MK-II flicked at full power, and the difference in pure strength between the two sides was immediately revealed.

Empat, who flipped back, adjusted his balance and raised his left hand high before landing.

In contrast, once the distance is opened, the Galatron MK-II is ready to call in the energy required for shelling.

The output energy forms a colorful array, followed by the amplified bombardment. The red-golden beam cuts through the air instantly and rushes straight to the enemy.

The defense power of armor, the attack power of heavy axes, the fire power of shelling, and the space jump when evacuating and attacking.

This mechanical weapon is so comprehensive that it makes people feel uneasy, what kind of existence is it that made it?

None of these Nangongs knew, all he knew was one thing, it was impossible to fight like last time, if the opponent was not completely blown to pieces, one day would be enough for him to recover.

Empat's raised left hand was torn off, and the shining light converged into an I shape at the front of the arm.

The beam of light from the single arm exploded and collided with the incoming light beam, and the two decided the winner in the short moment of the collision. Galatron MK-II's attack was directly pressed back, pushed back to its body.

The color array was shattered, and the light scorched the armor.

"Are you okay with that?"

Probably because of the special connection between the two, Uniform could feel the energy in Empat's body being consumed rapidly.

"I have a plan."

Nangong replied, he rushed forward, with his left arm in front, the light was suppressed, his right hand twisted, and the double-headed lightsaber quickly spun.

The distance between the two quickly approached, and now the red blade that turned into a circular saw swung forward.

There was a buzzing sound, and a string of sparks was ripped from Galatron MK-II's body.

Empat's left hand also held the silver hilt, thrusting the weapon forward.

The blade made of energy is no longer complete, and the front end is a red color that spreads out like a splash.

He immediately pulled the lightsaber, because it is not a physical sword, so it is not hindered by the length and lag.

The re-extended light blade slashed across Galatron MK-II's right hand, and the light blade on the other side also slashed at the opponent's body with the movement.

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