The whole set of actions is over, and the enemy who has not received any damage at all swings his left hand.

Empat met with a side kick, and the moment it hit, the burst of light caused both of them to retreat at the same time.

After he stood still, he stepped forward again, and slammed his clenched left fist on the body of Galatron MK-II, and the shining golden particles spread in all directions again.

Immediately afterwards, the double-ended sword held by both hands swept alternately with different blades from different angles, sweeping out sparks one after another.

The Galatron MK-II held the heavy ax after shedding the shock from the punch.

For it, Empat's slash was just a tickle, just like ordinary boxing and kicking, it had no effect, as long as it was ignored.

The heavy ax was directly chopped down, and before the hit, the red-bladed lightsaber swept out and hit the ax from the side.

The force exerted deflected the slash, and the heavy ax sliced ​​through the ground, and that was not the end, Galatron MK-II's left hand pointed at the immeasurably close opponent.

The next moment, the double-headed lightsaber rotated rapidly, precisely blocking the position where the beam hit.

The red light beam, the red light blade, the moment the two collided, the aftermath of energy began to spread in all directions.

This is not a deliberate energy barrier. It is not so much a defense as a frontal conflict between the two internal forces. The energy in Empat's body has been consumed more seriously.

He pulled his left leg back for a short period of energy, and then exploded with high kick force, kicking Galatron MK-II's wrist away from below.

The light beam was directed towards the sky, and the light blade was retracted to the left after the leg fell to the ground, and it slashed across the enemy's face in the process, leaving no damage.

Slashing horizontally, red light flashed, and the two light blades slashed across the same position one after the other, moving from left to right.

Immediately afterwards, Empat stepped forward and swung his raised right hand down again.

However, this time it failed to hit.

The heavy ax stuck in the ground was forcibly pulled out by Galatron MK-II and swung upward.

The light blade came out after colliding with the back of the axe, spinning continuously in the air.

The enemy had no more weapons in their hands, so the heavy ax held high by Galatron MK-II slashed down, exactly the same trajectory as when attacking Dyna.

Faced with the blow, Empat rushed forward into an almost close distance, his hands raised, and it was the opponent's arm that was blocked.

The muffled sound reverberated, he avoided being hit by the ax blade, but he couldn't avoid the force of the pressure.

The dark golden heavy ax was almost on Empat's neck, and it would be embedded in it if it moved a centimeter further.

It was at this moment that a red blade of light broke into between the two.

On Empat's chest is a timer that is constantly flashing, and his energy has been poured into the inside of the lightsaber.

At this moment, the red lightsaber, which had become unstable due to the energy exceeding the allowable value, cut at the arm joint of the Galatron MK-II without the protection of the second armor.

Inside the blue armor is the dark blue main body, but the previous slashes were all to find the corresponding position, and at the same time to create the illusion that 'this weapon cannot cause damage'.

Cutting, sneaking in, the unstable red light looks like a chainsaw at this moment.

In the ear-piercing sound, the rotating light blade went out, and the silver short stick rose into the sky under the effect of inertia.

Empatra pulled the severed arm backwards to break free.

Galatron MK-II saw it, and what was held in the enemy's hand was a disconnected arm.

'Can weapons made of the same material be able to break through the enemy's defense? '

Thinking in this way, Nangong used a strong attack regardless of energy consumption to find the weakness of Galatron MK-II's arm, and the next step is...

"Uiyi, use the Herberos light ring in your hand."

"On hand? Is this? How to use it... seems to understand!"

Just like the spark prism, as long as you think about it, you will have a response.

Empat let go of the severed arm, and crossed his hands forward.

Without consuming his energy, two red crescent blades were thrown out, and when they touched Galatron MK-II's body, they began to rotate and contract crazily around it, cutting it while firmly fixing it in place. land.

Seizing this opportunity, Empat stepped forward, pulled out the heavy ax with his right hand, and transmitted the strength from his waist to his arms.

This movement spoke of danger. The immobile Galatron MK-II formed a dark golden shield in front of it, but the heavy ax that could be thrown did not fly out.

It stayed in mid-air, and Empat fixed it with his thoughts, concentrating the energy in his closed palms.

The light energy inside the palm was thrown out, the blue light hit the heavy axe, and the heavy ax that was ready to go disappeared instantly.

The piercing sound resounded through the sky, the dark golden shield shattered into pieces, and the chest of the Galatron MK-II behind was still embedded with a heavy ax that went deep into the interior, and the arc kept beating.

At this moment, Empat suddenly felt the fluctuation of space.

He immediately touched the crystal on his forehead with his right hand, and then raised it high.

The red light extracted from inside constitutes a lethal force, like a twisting long whip.

The next moment, the right hand swung down, and the light whip was thrown forward, forming a light red beam, directly hitting the heavy ax of Galatron MK-II.

The impact force sent the heavy ax further inside in an instant, and the cracked armor could not resist the energy injection, and the lethal light energy was continuously injected.

Even so, it is not enough.

A white circle appeared, covering Galatron MK-II from behind.

Empat clenched his fists tightly. In addition to his own strength, there was another light that he had mastered in his body.

Now due to injuries, the enhanced form cannot be used, but it can still be done by mobilizing this power.

Like a punch, with the forward push of the two punches, the two beams of light merged into one, and the two enhanced beams completely shattered the armor. cracks.

A few seconds later, the mechanical weapon's red eyes finally flashed a little light, and then exploded completely.

It's not a monster, but a mechanical creation, and the fierce explosion and energy spread out.

After a few more seconds, the gust of wind gradually stopped, leaving only fragments of the Galatron MK-II.

Chapter Eleven Teachers' Work

"Another very bad ring."

At this time, in Uniform's hand, besides the original Herberos light ring, there is another ring. This time, the face of Galatron MK-II is printed, or is it a mask?

"You don't have to emphasize that it's bad every time, do you?"

Nangong said helplessly, he knew that things like rings were decorations for the sake of beauty from the beginning, but the problem was that the light ring was just a carrier from the beginning.

Of course, that's what he said, but Uniqlo has actually seen a lot of things:

"But I understand that Tregear you said is a very dangerous existence."

This ring constitutes that exaggerated mechanical monster. Hasn't Tregia, who can create such a thing, already created many rings?

In other words, if he wanted to, he could even create an army of monsters?

There are only three Ultramen on this planet, and one of them is still bad.

"Then again, it turns out that Ultraman has good and bad just like human beings."

I thought they were all good people, but now there is a guy who doesn't know what he is thinking.

"Probably, he is the Ultraman who came to this world from the parallel universe, so I don't know what the situation of the Ultraman in the other world is."

All Nangong knew was the Nebula M78 and the Space Guard.

After hearing what he said, Uniform slightly imagined a certain scene.

After being silent for a few seconds, she couldn't help sighing:


Don't you often like to depict opposite parallel worlds in various works?

It would be terrible if Ultraman was the invader.

Imagine Empat and Tiga, who were constantly defeating various opponents ten years ago, if they were invaders, they might have created a so-called 'galactic empire'

At this moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The front is no longer the forest, flowing water, ocean, and city overlooked from a high place, but a simple white plastic door.

It is somewhat similar to before the transformation, but in fact it is not, because the space is a little wider, and there is no one writing anything strange with a pen on the wall and door.

'This is where? '

'The school you're going to work at. '

I remember it was called Liliu Higher School. Just now I went into the city system for a little investigation.

'Oh!So sweet! '

Uniq took out his mobile phone, it was 8:20, and there were still 10 minutes before the school officially started.

It should be fine for reporting.

'So it turns out that a battle is so fast? '

'Because the actual speed is very fast. '

Nangong explained that, to put it simply, the moving Ultraman and monsters are actually very fast, and essentially the surrounding environment will become as slow as bullet time when focusing on fighting.

Therefore, the winning team will be unable to keep up due to the rapid change of the battle situation.

It was also because of this that Nangong hated fighting in the city. If he was not careful, he would cause damage. He didn't want to cause damage.

It's a pity that the enemy never gave him the right to choose the battle location.

'I see, then I have one last thing. '

Yui completely understood everything, so she opened the door of the toilet cubicle, and while walking out, she met the female student who happened to be in the toilet.

'It's too natural for you to enter the women's restroom! '

'Is that the point? '

'Very important, okay! '

What does this person think of the difference between men and women?


Nangong could only remain silent, he realized that his cognitive defects had indeed become a little serious.

This is probably the price of running around in the universe.

Walking out of the toilet, Uniform walked through the corridor.

Although the class has not officially started, the students in the morning are always neglected and tired.

There was no one outside the classroom, some of them were chatting, some were sleeping, some were flipping through textbooks, and some were frantically copying something, probably homework.

Behind the podium hangs a whiteboard, and above the whiteboard is a rolled-up curtain.

Blackboards and chalk are a thing of the distant past, now is the age of electronics.


Nangong murmured in UNIQI's mind, and the other party seemed to have thought of something.

'What's wrong? '

I couldn't help but ask the question, and then I got this answer:

' is not a learning machine. '

'What machine? '

What is that sci-fi, convenient and enviable machine?

'It is a machine that can directly insert knowledge into the brain, followed by a long period of practical lessons, and the school will allow students to study the next course only after they can use all the knowledge freely. '

What Nangong remembered was the school he had seen on the Star Alliance planet.

'It's too cheating! '

UNIQ bet that every student in the world must have thought 'how good it would be if you could stuff all the knowledge into your head'

'Actually, only some courses are like this, similar to numbers. '

Some are not.

'That's enviable enough! '

What a joy not to have to memorize formulas!

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