'By the way, what are the classes that can't do this? '

'History and culture, especially history, because history is heavy. Of course, not all planets do this. There are many planets that use the same way of teaching as the earth. '

The reason is the same, because the knowledge passed down from generation to generation is heavy and should not be stuffed into the mind so lightly.

'Isn't that no different from the earth? '

'Because no matter where you go, people are still people. '

Seven emotions and six desires, birth, old age, sickness and death.


That is true.

Uniform fully understands that as long as life is still life, there is life and death, and there is need, there is no way to get rid of feelings.

Rather, can a life without such needs really be considered a life?

'Forget it, it's too philosophical, don't want to. '

Issues like what life is are better left to professional philosophers.

UNIQI stopped in front of the door and knocked, waiting for the voice of "please come in" from inside before walking in.

The first day of being a teacher is about to begin, and the life of an unemployed vagrant has already begun in this city that is not haunted by monsters today.

On the top of the forbidden building, young people in black and white costumes overlook the bustling city.

The destruction of a few streets does not make life impossible, because cities are inherently sophisticated systems.

' Just like civilization. '

Tregear, who was seriously injured, is now staying on Earth as 'Kirisaki'.

He evaluates the same part of almost every planet, that is the existence of 'life'.

A person's life cannot be measured by value, why?

Because his existence is different for friends, relatives, and everyone.

For example, if that person has a brother, then his value is not equal in the eyes of his parents and brother. If the father loves the younger brother more and the mother loves the older brother more, then their value is not equal.

And the death of this person, if expanded to the level of civilization, is no different from the so-called loss of dandruff.

The gigantic life composed of countless lives is civilization.

For civilization, the death of an ordinary person is not even necessary to think about its value.

What is life?

What does it mean to be alive?

'The so-called living is just a process of life decaying continuously. '

The value of life is different from different perspectives, so what is the value of the rise and fall of a civilization in this universe?

Probably worthless.

While thinking, Kirisaki took out the chocolate from his pocket.

Open the package, put it in your mouth and bite it with white teeth.

With a snap, it broke in two.

Ga la ga la, such a sound came from the ear when it was crushed.

Ga la ga la, this is probably the sound when something is crushed.

In the corridor of Kumamoto Municipal High School, Uniform's mouth moved slightly, and the swallowing action made his brain feel cold.

'This mint is so strong. '

It feels like my brain is going to explode.

'Are you so nervous? '

'It's not you who came to be the teacher. '

Uniq made a complaint, and then the teacher in front of him stopped.


"Thank you, Teacher Lihua."

Older than Uniform, Mr. Li Hua, who wears glasses, is the head teacher of this class, Class C of the second year.

She opened the door and walked into the classroom. The already quiet class was even more silent.

Uniform standing at the door noticed someone's gaze, it was the students by the window, they had already noticed the young teacher who came with the head teacher.

"Okay, I believe that you have already heard some rumors, and I can tell you that you are not mistaken."

Teacher Lihua said so.

"Today our class will welcome a young world history teacher who is just starting out, let us welcome her."

The applause could be heard outside the door, so as agreed before, Uniyi walked in.


With a friendly smile, when he walked into the classroom, someone covered his mouth, and the water he just drank sprayed out from his nose and mouth, and splashed all over the floor.

The classmate sitting next to her was stunned for a while, not knowing why she had such a reaction.


The podium should be slightly higher, standing at this position to see what the students say...

Nangong felt that there would indeed be some pressure, because everyone's eyes would be focused here.

Picking up the pen, Unii glared at Nangong who suddenly appeared in the process of turning around.

It's literally a 'ghost' that only one person can see

One stroke, one stroke, black handwriting left on the whiteboard.

"My name is Yui Asakawa, and this is my motto."

'Do your best' in four characters.

"A person must always have something that he will devote his whole life to accomplish. In order to accomplish this huge goal, this person must start from where he is now, what he is doing now, and make the greatest effort."

Uniform raised his clenched hands to his chest and shook them, using body language to increase his persuasiveness.

"In the next time we get along, as a teacher, I will try my best to do what I can do. As a newcomer, I still have many things I don't know and things that need to be worked hard. I hope that I can work together with everyone. progress."

After the very usual opening remarks, first Mr. Li Hua started applauding, followed by the students applauding together.

The teacher's self-introduction is over, and the next step is the student's self-introduction when the class officially starts.

It's just that that class was the last class in the morning, so Uniform obediently left.

Many students are watching the young teacher, men and women.

"Dream theory?"

Someone whispered, and then laughed like a mockery.

"Probably only elementary school students believe in dreams now, why do you do your best?"

Isn't dreaming a dream just because it won't come true?

In this class, there are still people muttering.

The girl who spewed out all the water she drank earlier was full of confusion.

Of course she remembered what happened yesterday, someone died, in order to save her.

But she escaped without doing anything.

Because of fear, under the covered white cloth was a gradually icy corpse.

When I think of meeting the other party's family next, I feel extremely fearful in my heart.

What to say?

Say 'sorry'?

Or say 'thank you'?

The growing panic and fear made her body move instinctively, and as a result...

The other party was standing on the podium and talking happily just now, what a joke!

That crappy hospital and quack doctors, the next time I go there, it will definitely ruin its place!

Naturally, only she knew what she was thinking, and when Uniq arrived at the office, she greeted everyone everywhere.

Young, old, male, female, let's be honest, it's only just getting started.

'There are too many people. '

'Nangong, please don't talk, I forgot the name of that person just now. '


Nangong recalled for a moment that there were a lot of students in a class, plus the people in this office, the principal, the vice principal, the teaching director, etc., and they all had to be remembered.

I have to sigh in my heart, the workplace is such a troublesome place.

It was the same when he first joined the company, to be precise, ten years ago.

The first thing a newcomer should do is write down who is who and remember the name.

'Is there anything I can do? '

Thinking after cutting off the connection, Nangong tried to recall, and found that those names were indeed remembered in his mind.

That is to say...

'Usually I'm just a memory storage device? '

Is this possession?

The limit is really big.

But this is also something that can't be helped. A part of Uniform's soul is missing, and there is no way to bring it back if it is not fused.

And it must be dominated by the other party's self-awareness, otherwise...

This is what Nangong did not tell the other party. For example, things that are too close to the sun will be pulled into the gravitational circle and burnt. This is the relationship between him and Uniq.

If he forcibly controls his body, it won't be long before Uniform's consciousness will be completely integrated with him.

That's not a good thing.

'Ok?Why don't you talk anymore?Suddenly I'm not used to it. '

'...what do you think of me? '

Chapter Twelve

Surrounded by a beautiful starry sky, and in front of it is an endless grassland, and there is a towering tree in the center.

It is exactly the same as the big tree in my memory. I still remember that when I was very young, I was laughing, playing and chatting with my father under this tree.

And then, he's been... yeah, that's it, just standing there.

"Dad, I've been dreaming about you a lot lately."

Asuka walked towards the direction of the big tree, and the same man in memory stood there, as if waiting for him.

"Oh? What did you dream about?"

Asuka Shin's father, the pilot Asuka Kazuma who disappeared with the light when testing the Type Zero drive, was smiling with interest.

Seeing that smile, Asuka was furious.

"Need to say? Of course it's the things you said to me when I was a kid, you and I pitched balls when I was a kid, and all of a sudden you're gone."

Being lost in the universe is almost equivalent to death.

There is no need to have any illusions at all, at least from a rational point of view.

It's a pity that human beings don't live for rationality, so Asuka has thought about it, maybe one day Dad will suddenly appear, and then he said with a puzzled face, didn't he just go out on a mission for a few minutes?

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