Nangong didn't understand very well. Could it be because he opened his own shop?

'Because there are a lot of dogs that are sold at high prices. '

What's more, one dog per day, how many dogs does this store manager have in his house?

Dog food alone is enough to bankrupt a person.

'There is such a thing. '

Nangong stretched out his hand, and when it touched Gedi's head, he used his mind.

So, Gedi showed a comfortable expression, as if someone was really rubbing its little head.

"Oh, Uniq, welcome."

A voice he hadn't heard in ten years came. When Nangong looked, what appeared in his eyes was a woman with a high ponytail. She was still the same, wearing men's clothing that was easy to move.

"Today is your first day of employment, right? You really suffered yesterday."

On the other side, a gentle woman with long hair is wearing the same style of clothing.

The years have not yet left traces on their bodies.

still has not now.

Chapter Fourteen After the Battle

"Yesterday was still bad, whether it's you or us."

Having said that, Kyoko scratched her head in distress.

"As soon as that guy came back, the troublesome guy came to the door immediately."

'The Guy' and 'The Troubled Guy'

Who do the two refer to?

The former is naturally Empat, and the latter is just as Nangong expected. When a government wants to find a person thoroughly, it is nothing more than a simple matter.

So ten years ago, the relationship between Nangong, the Baichuan family, and the Nishinomiya family was naturally investigated clearly.

For TPC, it would be best if it could reach a cooperative relationship with Ultraman.

However, this is a one-way thing.

However, in Nangong's current situation, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to cooperate.

"There's no need to say this kind of thing."

While talking, Ryoko placed the menu, or the coffee order, on the table.

"What do you want today? It's more fun to chat while drinking."

Looking at the types on the list, Uniform shook his head.

"Please bring me a glass of milk, now I don't want to see a liquid that is similar to black."

Reminds me of some rip girl who was pinched into a ball.


Nangong, who was teasing Gedi, felt that he was being targeted.

In essence, the Gap Girl didn't have a real physical body, so she was crushed directly with Ultra's mind power.

Too realistic is the opponent's problem.

Suddenly, Geddy woofed.

He remembered something that needed to be reported to the master.

'what? '

Nangong stared at Gedi in surprise, because what the other party said was what happened yesterday.

There was an existence similar to him yesterday who wanted to forcibly possess Ryoko or Kyoko before the monster appeared, but Geddy stopped him before he succeeded.

After that, the other party didn't know where he went.

'Can you still find him now? '

Facing this question, Xuebai shook her head.

The opponent ran really fast, and the taste was hidden.


Nangong thought about this matter, if Kyoko or Ryoko were possessed, would everything be resolved today?

'wrong. '

Tsk, in turn there will be more hostages.

Although that guy has never done this kind of thing, it doesn't mean he won't do it in the future.

He shouldn't be able to escape far, in other words, in this city.


Inside the bar, Kyoko looked away, and Geddy's reaction was very strange, as if there was still someone there.

What is going on here?


At this moment, the cup was put down, and Yui breathed relaxedly.

"much better."

Switch your attention and you won't remember that face.

The Gap Girl is just horrific.

"So, how was the first day of class today?"

Ryoko asked curiously, in fact, they also urged Kyoko to develop in the direction of a teacher.


Because the salary is good, at the same time, it is probably the best vacation time among all occupations in the world.

Students have holidays, teachers have holidays too, and it's great that the holidays that have existed since school days can continue forever.

It's a pity that Kyoko has no interest. According to me, it is - "If I want to take care of those little bastards, there will probably be a campus murder in less than a week."

One thing to say, indeed.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Kyoko's character to be a teacher, unless there is also a violent teacher in reality.

It turned out that she did not become a teacher, but her friend became a teacher instead.

I thought...

'It's really like it. '

Sure enough, humans all over the world will encounter similar problems.

Ryoko's question made Unii think for a while.

"If there's anything wrong with the first day of class, it's probably that there are too many names."

Then I have to recite my name when I go home.

"What about you? If you just look at it this way, it's always lively, with both men and women."

There are also couples who come here.

"Nobody hates a cute pet dog."

Kyoko closed her right eye and raised the corners of her mouth.

The dog of light is so powerful, it doesn't matter what type of dog it wants to be.

Although she feels that it feels the same to the touch.

"In short, I will slowly run the coffee shop here in the future, and then see when someone who promises to come back will show up again."

Or has it already appeared?

'Already appeared...'

It's just that you can't see it.

Unii complained in her heart, she didn't know that Kyoko had seen something in Gedi who couldn't hide her emotions at all.

And Nangong didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that there were eyes sweeping over his body.

'real or fake. '

Ten years ago, he had fully experienced a certain degree of 'mind reading', and he always felt a little hairy.

"Then I'm here today, and I'll have to recite the names of my students and colleagues when I go back. I'll come back next time."

"See you."


Uniq said goodbye and walked towards the gate, passing by the new guests.

"Today's Gedi is also very cute, let me give you a hug!"

Today is Gedi from Samoyed who began to show off his cuteness proficiently. As the saying goes, those who work hard will not eat, and those who work hard will have more food!

'What's wrong? '

Uniq noticed Nangong looking back at the store.

'I was just thinking, if it wasn't for Geddy's special physique, it would be the ball by now. '

Nangong is very clear about the reason for Gedi's cuteness. Seeing how skillful he is now, he must have eaten it in the past ten years.

'No, no, how can the ball be tens of meters high and exaggerated! '

Uniq made complaints about Gedi's situation vigorously, but the giant beast on the main body has an exaggerated sense of oppression.

As a person living in Kumamoto City, it's not like she hasn't seen it before.


There is some truth in saying that.

'Speaking of which, Nangong, I have a very important matter now, please listen to me. '

'Um? '

'If you show up in my shower, I'll kill you. '

'Do you want to kill yourself...'

I'm gone, aren't you too?

'This is something more important than life and death! '

'I know I know. '

Nangong expressed his understanding, and at the same time felt nostalgic again.

Is this the civilized world?

The different strongholds of space mercenaries are simply...

At least Nangong, who was accosted by the four-handed, three-eyed, brown-skinned, hairless alien at the time, was not happy.

People can't, at least they shouldn't.

But in fact, it is also understandable. After all, what mercenaries do is to risk their lives, and carpe diem in time is also a commensurate way of life.

It's just that after hanging around there for a long time, even Zamsha's instructor Yuka has become pretty.

Anyway, it's a human form...

In this way, the two returned home.

At this time, someone also returned to her home together, her name is 'Arisugawa Nana'

At the same time, he was also the one who took in Ultraman.

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