Quickly running towards the apartment she rented, she stuck the key in and twisted it to unlock the door.

'let me see! '

What happened in Australia has spread to the whole world, and a different color Empat defeated yesterday's mechanical monster.

The fact that he changed from silver to red wasn't too surprising.

After all, Tiga and Dyna can also be exchanged in different colors, right?

The matter was unremarkable.

What Arisukawa wanted to know was first-hand information.

It has nothing to do with whether it is announced or not, it is simply a longing for idols.

The moment she pushed the door open, the person in the apartment also turned around.

At this time, the young man in a black and white shirt put his left hand into the open refrigerator, and his right hand held a half-bitten piece of chocolate.



Five minutes later, in the middle of the two people sitting on both sides of the sofa was a cake with half of it left.

"I put the packaging neatly in the trash can, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Kirisaki said with a friendly smile that it was just a matter of little effort.

"Do you think I'm praising you!"

Arisukawa almost lost his temper for a while, only half of the cake he bought yesterday was left, and the neatly placed chocolates were left with only a large pile of packaging stuffed into the trash can.

How much can this person eat!

It's better to say that you eat too much!

Don't you feel tired!

nonsense!Of course I don't feel tired!

Ten bottles of marble soda left one bottle!

"Do I still have to thank you for saving me a bottle?!"

"Hahaha, you are too polite."

"You are not polite at all!"

What exactly is it that I picked up?

"Don't be so angry, come and eat cake."

Kirisaki picked up the fruit knife on the right and cut the remaining cake into two pieces, one big and one small.

"Here, here's the big one."

The blade picked up the cake from below, put it on a plate and handed it to the other party.

"No, no, I bought this in the first place, why are you acting so generous instead?"

Having said that, Arisugawa still stabbed the inside of the cake with a fork.

Seeing this, Kirisaki also picked up his own share, the food on the earth is really excellent.

It's been a long time since I tasted something so delicious.

Remember the Kingdom of Light...

'After all, it is an energy life form. '

The plasma spark tower provides everything, warmth, life, energy, these are the blessings left by the predecessors.


After the sweet taste came out of his mouth, he felt nothing. Arisukawa himself didn't care about this matter, but simply felt a sense of disillusionment.

To use a crude analogy... what? !It turns out that idols want to eat and drink Lazard? !

That's probably how it feels.

"Eating so much of me, it's okay if I ask you some questions?"

"of course."

Kirisaki began to feel that it was a good thing not to be able to forcibly possess him, otherwise he would have to worry about that person's body and would have to work instead. He does not work overtime.

"Then... what is that enemy, that mechanical monster?"

Let's take it slowly and step by step. Asking the origin all at once is really too aggressive.


I had already planned to talk nonsense, but I actually asked this.

If you say this, then I won't be sleepy.

"Galatron MK-II, the arbiter of civilization, a mechanical soldier created to bring true peace to the universe."

What is true peace in the universe?

That artificial mind came to a perfect conclusion - as long as all intelligent life is wiped out, there will be no thinking and desire in the world, and no one will be able to start a war, and eternal peace will be realized.

It's nothingness.

Kirisaki told about what happened in the parallel universe. As for why he knew it so clearly, it was naturally because of his special ability.

There are as many Tregears as there are universes, and he has seen too many things.

The birth of a planet, the principle of life.

The destruction of stars, the end of death.

Life is like a fleeting firework that disappears in the blink of an eye.

There is no boundary between light and darkness in the world. They are completely integrated, and they are the positive and negative sides of the same thing.

Everything is nothingness, dreams are empty flowers, flowers in the mirror and moon in the water.

The narration stopped, and Arisukawa could feel the difference.

If Kirisaki was a cynical young master before, now he is like an old man who sees through the world, with a certain sense of withering on his body.

"Where did I just say?"

And that feeling disappeared suddenly, and the other party returned to the original appearance.

'Always felt......'

He is a man with many things on his mind.

The sun outside the window is gradually sinking, and the moon has hung up in the sky at some point. Although the stars twinkling around are not a galaxy, they are beautiful enough.

Surrounded by pure blackness, here is the state of Nangong at this time.

As a man, but also as a man of integrity and principles.

He said he wouldn't read it if he didn't read it, and how could he read this kind of thing indiscriminately? All love not for the purpose of marriage is hooliganism.

Nangong, who had no intention of getting married at all, was obediently waiting in the dark.

'Speaking of...'

It feels very different to fight, is this the original posture of Empat?

For example, the silver darkness is like ice, and the red light is like a flame, which turns into thunder after combining with Tiga's power.

Precisely because he and Uniform are of one mind, the Spark Prism activates power based on Uniform's heart.

So her heart turned the shadow into light.

'Always felt......'

What the hell is Ultraman?

In the final analysis, all he knows is what the super ancients know, that is, the giants of light came from the distant universe.

A change in mentality will lead to a change in the nature of power. Is it possible that Ultraman is an ideal creature?

Nangong suddenly noticed this.

At the same time, someone's voice was heard.

'All right. '

The next moment, Nangong left from the 'little black room', and Uniq's room was very...not girly?

'Didn't you say you were going to take up some of my time tonight?What are we going to do? '

Uniq had some expectations in his heart, could it be that?

Special training with 400% synchronization rate!

'We're going out for a while. '

Nangong said so.

And after 5 minutes, Uniq quickly closed his eyes, the messy things in front of his eyes made his brain hurt, this is the TPC database, and countless data flow in it.

"It's as natural as coming home."

Nangong couldn't help sighing.

"What dangerous speech are you talking about?"

Uniq couldn't help complaining.

Chapter Fifteen Reasons for Fighting

The moon was blurred by the increased light, and the sun had risen high in the sky, no longer blocked by the building.

Compared with yesterday, today is really not smooth.

Yui yawned as he rushed out from the train with the crowd.

The trip to the database last night let her know that as an ordinary person, it is best not to know too much.

By the way, she really wanted to say a word to the person who appeared beside her at this moment—why are you so proficient!How many times have you hacked into TPC's database!How natural do you have to be to be content?

'I didn't expect that the things in TV dramas and animations are all adapted from real people. '

Uniq couldn't help sighing. A brief summary of what she and Nangong have gained in the TPC database is:

[-]. There are such things as onmyoji, and they have declined due to the change of the times, but they have started to move again because of the chaos at this time.

It is also because of their existence that all kinds of strange things have not caused confusion.

Rumors, fears, these combined with special energies constitute the so-called 'monsters'

Urban legends come true one by one is also a form of presentation. It is true that Gatanjae was completely purified and wiped out ten years ago. The question is what about the thoughts of the dead?

The deaths of hundreds of millions of people either disappeared in the precipitation, or turned into resentful spirits.

That's the way it is today, but TPC has managed to keep things under control.

[-]. The monsters buried under the earth on this earth are still sleeping quietly, Asia, America, Europe...whether it is a continent where humans exist and are active, or a continent where humans are not active There are super ancient monsters that have survived to this day.

For example, on the Antarctic continent, there are monsters sealed in the ice that have never been known to be dead or sleeping.

They used to be the overlords of the earth, but they were destroyed by evil gods together with the super ancient civilization.

However, the trapped beasts are still fighting. In order to prevent them from waking up from their long slumber, TPC has specially set up an observation station. The monster killed by Galatron MK-II yesterday is one of them.

According to TPC's deep underground investigation, Galatron MK-II woke up the other party when it devoured the silicon element.

'Speaking of which, there wouldn't be more than one monster awakened, right? '

Uniform's expression is a bit distressed, it's not that she doesn't want to fight as Ultraman, the problem lies in her identity.

For example, what if a monster appears during class time?

Leave a 'sorry I have to go to the bathroom' and run away?

If you really dare to do this, you don't need the next day. Today, the dean should summon yourself to say 'don't do it'.

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