Facing the female teacher who came to invite, Uniform readily agreed.

Meals in the cafeteria need to be paid for, and if you bring your own, you need to get up earlier. In this situation, it is a loss to spend money, and it is even more difficult to get up early. In the end, I just bought a bigger bread at will and it can be regarded as It's lunch.

Also as intern teachers who have just joined the job, and experienced teachers who are willing to take care of newcomers, we chatted together in the office.

Basically the topic is on the trainee teacher who is the same as UNIQI.

Are you used to it?

How are the students?

How did you feel during class?

This is a very normal topic. If there is any troublesome thing to say, it is probably a small annoyance.

"Actually, when I was in class today, there were always two students staring at me. Shouldn't they be called at this time?"

Uniform's words immediately got the approval of other trainee teachers.

"Me too, I noticed a student's finger pressing down on the screen of the phone."

"It's just sleeping here."

No matter what era, students still have so much in common.

The most common among them is the point of not attending class.

"Then why didn't you call names?"

The teacher who has been a teacher for several years knows the answer, but still tries to ask.

"Because it's not good to have a good relationship with the students."

Someone answered the answer in everyone's heart.

"If you plan to continue to develop in the direction of teachers in the future, you will definitely get used to roll call."

Anyway, it takes courage to do it once, but you will get used to it after ten times.

Just as the teacher was chatting about their own affairs during the lunch break, the students were of course doing the same.

"Yanshan, I noticed that something is wrong with you today, you are always staring at Mr. Asakawa, are you... from that side?"

"certainly not."

Generally, few people would call Yanshan by his name directly, after all, the name 'see' is really too strange.

She once thought that if she couldn't afford this name, she wouldn't see weird things like today.

I still remember that my grandfather once said that their family was a declining family. Frankly speaking, she would rather not have it.

There is neither treasure nor magic weapon, so I just look at a bunch of messy things here every day or two.

To be honest, if it was five years ago, she would have seen terrifying existences everywhere.

Those who can tell something is wrong at a glance are okay, some things, such as a slit girl, she has seen five times in her life.

At first glance, this is an ordinary beautiful woman.

Open your mouth: "Am I pretty?"

And then there's the creepy cracking of the corners of the mouth, literally cracking.


Yanshan couldn't help but hugged himself and trembled.

This reaction made my friend feel a little puzzled, is it so cold in spring?

"Anyway, I've been haunted by insurmountable troubles recently."

The evil spirit next to the new teacher, according to past experience, the more normal the more terrifying in the end, and it has not acted all the time, isn't that the calm before the storm?

"The insurmountable trouble, is that love?"

"Why do you transfer your trembling to love?"

"Because love is war, and it's normal to tremble because of war!"

"I suggest you read less comics."

Yan Shan refuted his friend angrily, with the lunch box in his left hand and the chopsticks in his right hand, he began to stuff today's lunch into his mouth.

What she recalled in her brain was the scene she saw in a class.

The young man was walking around, sitting here and there from time to time, just moving around the classroom so naturally.

I don't know what that guy wants to do when he walks to the end of the classroom. Does he impale people like a train hits them?

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

At this moment, the notification tone of the mobile phone began to echo. After taking it out and turning it on, what I got was a message, which was sent back by the person who wanted it.

'I'll be back to Kumamoto soon. '


Say it's not love.

Yanshan's friend complained in his heart that his mouth almost turned into a triangle in one second, and his bitter face was obvious, but in the next second it suddenly turned into an upturned arc, and he was very happy.

Isn't this the period of passionate love?

By the way, when did she get a boyfriend?

This is unreasonable, if it was found at night, wouldn't it be cheated?

The boyfriends who can be handed over at night are all sevens and eights, weird and weird.


The girl's eyes became sharper.

"Yanshan, let me go to your house to do my homework tonight!"

"Huh? Why?"

Rather, why would someone say to their friends, 'go to your home to do homework'?

It sounds like something you would say before the end of the long vacation, but it actually means 'go to your house and copy your homework'

"Can't you?"

"It's not...you can do whatever you want."

Although he didn't quite understand why the other party's expression lit up, Yan Shan still nodded.

If you have a good friend by your side, you won't be so scared when you see strange things on the way home.

Soon, the lunch break is over.

In the afternoon class, there was actually nothing about Uniq.

After all, world history is not a major subject, and it does not have the kind of stamina that can last two or three quarters, nor the magical function that can make physical education teachers "suddenly have trouble".

She was sitting at the back of the classroom, watching other teachers' classes.

'It's really different from when you were in class. '

Nangong thought of the mobile phone, comics, novels, magazines, and snacks in the drawer.

This has nothing to do with whether you like the teacher or not, it has nothing to do with whether you like the class or not.

'Now I'm like a camera. '

There is a teacher in front of the class and an auditor teacher in the back, so the whole class of that class must be unrestrained.

Although there are still some people who empty their minds and enter a state of trance.

'Speaking of which, Dyna won the battle this time. '

The monster that appeared in Tokyo Bay in the morning was defeated, this is the news that can be seen at noon.

'The Galatron MK-II is unconventional. '

When I got the monster light ring, I somehow understood its name, not only that, but the information also contained the monster's ability.

There are two abilities of Light Ring, one is to summon monsters, and the other is to use the abilities of monsters.

The latter has already been used once in the battle with Galatron MK-II, and there are too many unclear points about the former.

At least not until I get an answer from Tregear.

'And Ultraman is an existence that grows in battle. '

This is Nangong's own experience. It's not that he can't practice, it's just the limitation of the earth's environment.

To put it simply, there is no supergravity, there is no object to practice against, and the actual combat with monsters is to familiarize yourself with your own strength and increase your strength. This is the most practical way to become stronger.

The premise is... don't die.

'It was cruel. '

Uniq sensed what Nangong didn't say.

'Is there no such thing as five insurances and one housing fund for Ultraman? '

'No. '

Anyway, he didn't, according to the super ancients, Ultraman is the light from Orion.

So he and Zamsha also went to Orion, and in the end what they saw there was only the endless nebula, and nothing else.

In 3000 million years, during this time, how many civilizations were born in the universe, how many civilizations disappeared, how many stars were born, and how many stars died?

Maybe Ultraman has died with time, or it may have gone to a distant place that no one knows, Nangong didn't get the answer.


No security, no wages, risk of death.

'It's a shame you can keep going. '

If you look at it from a human point of view, this is the same thing.

Take your life to do a white job, is this Ultraman?

Should it be heroic or stupid?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A week passed without incident. During this time, it was said that the monsters who had arrived on the earth from the universe were defeated by the Super Victory Team with Dyna.

Other than that, nothing special happened.

Oh, if I want to say something special, it is probably the voice of a little girl in the school toilet.

There is such an urban legend, it is said that there was once a girl named Hanako, she saw the smoking class teacher in the toilet.

Hanako, who was threatened, never dared to tell the story, but was very scared.

In the end, she still couldn't bear the pressure and told her mother about it, and then the head teacher who smoked was fired.

Of course, it wouldn't be an urban legend if everyone was happy.

So one day, Hanako was killed by the class teacher in the toilet, and her white skirt turned blood red.

The sad mother was dyed red no matter how she changed her clothes. After that, Hanako who was sent off became a ghost looking for enemies in the toilet.

That's about it, and then that 'Hanako' is still a mass of crushed black water.

'Couldn't you settle the matter a little softer? '

Uniq, who recalled this incident, complained to Nangong.

'No, but that's not a real person. '

Simply put, it's just something in a girl's skin, without any self-awareness, just resentment and the like.

What's more...she can really hurt people.

'I'm starting to be thankful now that we don't have any Big Ten incredibles at our school. '

Uniq felt that if there was such a thing, the next day, all of them would be 'extended' by this person.

'Speaking of it, it's so plain. '

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