She put away her briefcase and bid farewell to her colleagues, just as nothing serious would happen when she was a student, and nothing serious would happen after becoming a teacher now.

Of course, nothing happens is a good thing.

It's just that watching too many animations and manga will always produce strange expectations.

For example, it's "prying open the hearts of problem students one after another" and the like.

' But isn't that subsequent development a traditional harem? '

Nangong tried to think about it.

'Won't changing your gender mean you are surrounded by many male students? '

'Why switch genders? '

Yui responded with a surprised expression.

'Lily is by my side? '

In the process of expressing surprise to each other, after going down the stairs, we headed out of the school.

Some people want to participate in different club activities, and some people train on the playground. Of course, there are also many people who go home after school.

For example, the two in front, I remember they were Yan Shanmi and Saito Yuki from the class.

'Um? '

Looking at it this way, it really doesn't look right.

Aren't they friends who stick together all the time?

What's going on with this tandem now?

If you really want to say it, it's more like one person is following another person and doesn't want the other person to find out.

'So you just followed up so naturally? '

Nangong complained that now Yanshan, Saito, and Uniyi have achieved three points and one line.

'Students follow students, teachers follow students' students. '

'You just wanted the tongue twister for the matryoshka on purpose, right? '

Uniq saw through the other party's intentions.

'right. '

Nangong directly admitted it.

'Why didn't I see you ten years ago? '

It turned out to be a fake poker face, out of money you.

While chatting, the two followed the two people in front of them.

'Why don't you just go up and ask? '

From Nangong's point of view, Saito is following Yanshan, in other words, Yanshan is the key to the matter.

Once Saito loses Yanshan, the matter will be over directly.

'Or you changed to follow Yanshan directly? '

'I'm concerned. Tracking is so ugly. '

UNIQI dissatisfied with the correction.

' But you've got a point, I should change the tracking... I mean object of concern. '

She quickened her pace, bypassed Saito from the right, and focused on Yanshan.

Following the student together, Uniform is not conspicuous.

Because besides Saito, there are other students, teachers, and passersby walking in the same direction as her.

The commercial street was established about one kilometer away from the school, which naturally attracted many students besides ordinary people.

The school naturally discourages and discourages love on campus, but boys and girls of this age are always dizzy by the hormones of youth.

What a great situation to be able to hit the strip for dates right after school.

There were people everywhere, and Yanshan in front also stopped.

She took her phone out of her bag and parked outside a fast food restaurant with a billboard featuring Uncle McDonald's in clown makeup.

Just like that, I stopped moving, as if I was sending a message to someone and waiting for someone.

One person didn't move, and the two who followed her didn't move either.

'I think it's better for you to ask Saito. '

Nangong suggested, just wait and don't know what's going on, and don't even know why you are waiting here.

'You have a point. '

Anyway, it has reached its destination.

Thinking of this, Uniform walked towards the students on the other side.

At this time, Saito was looking at Yanshan who didn't know who was waiting there from afar.

These days she has been pestering each other, only today, she was severely rejected.

What the hell is going on?

Look at who's waiting, don't think about it!

Today I want to see who that person who came out of nowhere is.

Free love is okay, the problem is, God knows whether the other party is in free love or what.

Isn't there enough female victimization in the news?



Suddenly being called by his last name, Saito felt that something was wrong.

If you really want to say, why is this voice so...


It is indeed exactly the same as in memory, it is the new world history teacher!

"What's wrong? Why are you following Yanshan?"

"How do you know...I mean no, I didn't follow anyone."

This is called caring, not tracking!

"I saw it from behind."

The blunt speech did not even have the slightest intention of concealing it, it was too blunt.

"As a teacher, you actually follow the students?"

Saito was stunned, is there really such a teacher in reality?

As soon as it's pierced, it's over.

"It's school time now, I'm not a teacher anymore."

UNIQ refuted it with words that made people feel that it was useless.

"Then aren't you still following me?"

"Aren't you following Yanshan too?"


What she said was so reasonable that there was no way to refute it.

"So what the hell are you doing?"

It was the second time Uniyi asked this question, and she wasn't worried at all about whether someone would run away at this time.

Anyway, Nangong is standing on the right side watching, and by the way, 'dressing' with different passers-by

This scene gradually became used to it.

"I didn't do anything, haha."

Saito laughed dryly, of course it was impossible for her to say who her friend might have fallen in love with.

If you report to the school, something will happen.

However, this cover-up is really not credible.

"You should know that I'm standing in the same place as you right now?"

Uniform pinched the ends of his hair, and this sentence instantly made Saito understand the situation.

As long as the other party wants, she just needs to wait here together.

It's like 'I don't know what you're doing, but I just want to do the same thing as you'


Saito's shoulders shrugged and pulled down, she knew that she couldn't hide the matter.


It took 5 minutes to explain things clearly, and people came and went around.

But in fact, more than three minutes out of the five minutes are emphasizing that Yanshan may have been cheated by a bad man.

"That's it, I probably understand."

Uniform nodded seriously, this is indeed a situation that must be taken seriously.

"Girls of your age are most likely to listen to the rhetoric of 'love saints'. When they get a few gifts, they feel that they are the center. The other party spends a little money and can fool you who are not deeply involved in the world, thinking that it is destined. .”

While preaching with his mouth, he also kept communicating in his heart.

'How did you know? '

'Read it in the book. '

And at this moment, Uniq poked his head out from behind the corner, Yanshan's right hand was pinching the phone, and he didn't know what he was holding.

"Look, it's been more than five minutes, and the subject hasn't come yet. There is no doubt that there is a problem."

'No, is it that serious for 5 minutes? '

'At least Kyoko will mock me for 5 minutes if she waits for me for 10 minutes. '

Give it back twice!

'I don't think Kyoko is the normal type...'

Nangong felt so from the bottom of his heart, in fact, Bai Chuan's family is not very normal.

'Excessive speech!But you are right. '

Uniq's first half sentence is criticism, and the second half sentence is approval.

'But no matter what, having a lover at this age is really worrying, 90.00% of them are worrying. '

'You are right. '

Nangong agrees with this point of view. Is the so-called 'love' real love or is it a greedy person and a lowly person?

"Teacher! Look quickly! Someone is coming!"

Due to communication and diversion of attention, Saito was the first to see Yanshan put down his phone and meet people.


Uniq quickly pulled his attention back, and at the same moment, Nangong also looked to that side.

Then, he fell silent.

And Uniform frowned, the other party's attire......

"What's the matter with this dress that has been out of fashion for ten years?"

In the middle of the evaluation of the red heart, the man with black square glasses was also wearing an old coat.

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