No matter how you look at it, you are already past the age to be a lover.

"I think so too."

Saito nodded, as a fashion-loving girl, she felt more deeply.

Let alone ten years, I am afraid it will be 20 years.

"Ah, let's go in."

"Follow up."

Noticing that Yanshan entered the McDonald's with the other party, the two who reached a consensus followed in.

'Uiyi, that person is——'

'You don't talk yet. '


Nangong decided to wait for the other party's mood to stabilize before talking about it. He was no longer worried about Yanshan.

A table is over there.

A table is on this side.

None of them ordered food, and the center was no more than three meters away, so they could clearly hear the conversation and see the scene.

Generally this behavior is called 'peeping'

"Teacher, isn't this behavior a bit unethical..."

Saito, who was doing such a thing for the first time, realized that something was wrong.

"We just happened to be at the same store, there was no problem."

Uniform gave a decisive answer.

"Yes, is that so?"

It seems to make sense and it seems to be just nonsense.

"Yanshan, this is for you."

The rustic man spoke, and what he handed over was something like a briefcase.

Yan Shan took it, and when he opened it, there was a stack of [-] yuan banknotes inside.



A middle-aged rustic man suddenly handed over a lot of money to a young girl who was still in school.

"Just now, did that man hand over the money to Yanshan?"

Uniq's expression is extremely serious, isn't this scene too typical?

"No no no! Maybe this man is Yanshan's uncle or uncle or whoever!"

Saito vehemently retorted that instead of believing that her friend was doing 'this kind of thing', she would rather believe that she made a mistake.

"Generally speaking, do elders give children so much pocket money?"

At least UNIQ has never received so much pocket money. The first one is [-] yuan, and there is another stack below it. No matter how you look at it...

"Maybe there is something wrong with the family!"

Although Saito didn't think of any problem at all, when he went to the other party's house before, his uncle and aunt were in good health.

'Anyway, I'm pretty sure they're not related. '

Nangong, who had been watching, thought in his heart, because he knew that man.

"That's up to you."

Suddenly, the man said so.

"that matter?!"

Uniq looked in shock at Yanshan who had no special expression on his face.

A guy gives a teenage girl money to do 'that thing'

Just hearing the dialogue already makes people unable to hold back their imaginations!

Why is she so calm!

Are you completely used to it? !

Just as she was thinking this way, Yanshan suddenly lowered her eyes.

"I see."

There is also a little sadness in the expression.

'To have to do these things for some particular reason, and though perfectly used to it, is painful...'

Is this the plot!

"No! I can't stand it anymore!"

"Me too!"

The teacher and the students stood up suddenly at the same time.


Nangong sighed, unlike the other two who took a detour, they naturally walked in a straight line.

"Wait for me!"

The conversation was interrupted directly, and at this moment, all eyes collided.

"Old... that's him!"

"Nangong? Are you..."

"Old man, stay away from her!"

"What do you want to do to my students!"

"Long time no see, Kirino."

For a moment, the scene was incomparably chaotic, but at this moment, there was a consensus on one thing.

That is the existence of 'Nangong Lan'.

The person Yanshan pointed at, the person Kirino saw, Yui turned to look at him.

At this moment, something seemed wrong.

'What are they looking at? '

Saito turned his head and saw nothing.

'Why do they watch the air? '

Chapter Nineteen Waking Up Again

This is an embarrassing situation. If you want to ask where it is embarrassing, it is a phantom that most people can't see at present.

The number of people changed from two to four, so a wider seat was replaced.

Now I must speak, but the question is how to speak?

'It's someone who can't see it. '

Kirino sighed for a while, although there are a lot of people who can see, but there are still many people who can't see in this world.

In this case, it will be troublesome.

People generally only believe in what they can see in front of them, just like if you go to the street to tell someone that there are ghosts and monsters in this world, the other person will only think you are crazy.

Since this is the case, there is only one way.


As the only person who couldn't see, Saito looked suspiciously at the direction where the two opposite people's eyes were focused.

Yanshan was stunned, what does this mean?

Did you quickly reach a consensus and let me solve the problem?

or what?Shall I stay away and do a live slaying at this store?

Saying that 'she' is not here, is it okay for you to be alone?

After struggling for a while, Yanshan still stood up.

"Xue Ji, come out with me."


How about giving me a reason?

"Because you haven't told me why you're here."


Speaking of which, it was true that he was quietly following behind.

With an expression of being caught, Saito walked out with Yanshan in a despondent manner.

And Nangong sat on the vacant seat.

Although there is no feeling at all, but in short, such a gesture is given symbolically.


In Tongye's eyes, Nangong is still different from before.

If it was some kind of existence exuding unique energy before, it has become a somewhat vague illusion now.

It's actually an illusion, a unique connection leading directly to... this girl over here.


Noticing Kirino's gaze, Unii moved away.

"I don't know what exactly you misunderstood, but I know you must have misunderstood."

Seeing this, Kirino could only smile helplessly.

Can't think of being so guarded at such a young age... Huh?Could it be that he was guarded against because of his age?

"I'm Mufu Kirino, an acquaintance of Nangong ten years ago."

"Well, he helped me a lot back then."

Without him, perhaps the future cannot be changed.

In Nangong's perception, the future of the Kirielod incident was changed thanks to Kirino's actions.

This is true, but there are some differences.

And Kirino also silently buried this matter in his heart. If he wants to ask why, he thinks it is very important to have the courage to challenge the future.

Everyone has such courage in their hearts, so they can overcome the shattered future.

"Asakawa Yui, it's a safe house for the time being."

Uniq thought about it, and felt that this adjective was quite normal.

In fact, the relationship between the two is probably the case.

"In other words, you are now boarding in this child's body?"

Tongye's final confirmation was exchanged for Nangong's nod.

"Hmm... I didn't expect that."

At that time, what I saw in my dream was only two conflicts, one red and one blue, and then turned into two groups of flames.

He knew that Empat would return to Earth in the near future, but he didn't expect to return to Earth in this way.

"What do you know about the current situation?"

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