Nangong keenly noticed that the other party seemed to be a little different compared with the past.

"Recently, I just came back from Tokyo, and something is wrong. The spirits that had been suppressed began to stir again, as if they were being pulled by something."

The thoughts of the dead will slowly disappear with the passage of time, but some monsters will be bred in this process.

They are presented in the form of people's fears. For example, if a person happens to encounter these resentments when going home at night, at this time, what he is afraid of will be read and formed.

This leads to the materialization of urban legends.

"This kind of incident is difficult for TPC to deal with, because only those who are inspired can see that kind of thing. If even ordinary people can see it, it means that the resentment has been strengthened to a level that people cannot ignore."

Speaking of this, Tongye pushed his glasses, and he recalled the situation at the beginning.

It's just that compared with the pitch-black monster, what impresses me most is the crazily beating thunder.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, Nangong finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Superpower, prophet, now you have changed your job to become a demon slayer?"

What the hell is going on with you, you?

Faced with this question, Kirino suddenly said something that seemed irrelevant:

"Actually, one day I suddenly had a dream. I dreamed that someone was torn to pieces by an unknown monster at home... It doesn't seem to be an unknown, because that thing looks exactly like the alien in the movie."

He subconsciously touched his left hand. When he rolled down the stairs, his left hand was bent into a strange shape.

"When I ran away with that person, an old man dressed in ordinary clothes saved me, and I ended up becoming a so-called onmyoji or something."

"Wait, you're dancing too fast for me to understand."

What about the middle?Shouldn't there be another episode in the middle?

"It's a once-in-a-thousand-year genius or something, but it's a pity that Barbara is too old, and modern people have nothing to do to make horror movies. They really have brain problems or something."

"Okay, then let's jump to conclusions?"

Nangong gave up listening to the plot in the middle, and wanted to get an understandable conclusion directly.

"The conclusion is that after that, not only Japan, but also strange things began to appear all over the world. The nocturnal vampires in Europe, the evil spirits in Asia, and the zombies in America. Although they are messy, they can actually be suppressed. .”

Kirino recalled what his teacher once said. In ancient times, people's various ideas developed into different myths and legends, but now, all kinds of horror movies and ghost stories were originally just for fun.

These fun things have become reality due to special circumstances, and these people who have been abandoned by the times have taken up different weapons.

Holy water and holy whip, mahogany sword, yin-yang talisman, in a word... I really want to retire.

Is it possible that some people really think that these jobs are easy to do?

In essence, it is the same as Ultraman fighting monsters. If you can't even get five insurances and one gold, go to fight monsters, but can you not?

Maybe one day it will turn into the worst case where the wraiths gather to form monsters, and everyone will be finished by then.

"That child Yanshan is a particularly inspired type. I met her two years ago. At that time, she was being chased by the butcher...that triangle head in the famous horror game Silent Hill. .”

Well, it's the thing with the butcher knife.

Compared to Nangong who didn't know anything at all, Unicorn was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help shaking.

It turns out that there are more terrifying things than that girl with a gap.

"By coincidence, I saved her and developed into what I am today. I probably understand why she thinks you are the same thing."

The form of expression is similar, and there are monsters in stories all over the world that "trap humans with good skins". It's not that she has never seen it before, so she feels wary.

That shocking scene where the good face instantly splits open into a big mouth is still very...  

Even the teeth can be seen clearly.

At least two years ago, Kumamoto was no different from Silent Hill for Yanshan, and there were horrible things everywhere.

"She's seen too many weird things."

One sentence is enough to explain everything.

"Strange stuff..."

Nangong suddenly resonated, and he had seen many strange existences.

Whole body discharge, red jellyfish or something tens of meters long, suddenly seeing this kind of thing in the sea really stopped my heartbeat.

"Oh, yes, actually..."

Just when Kirino was about to say something, the figure of that person suddenly appeared in his eyes.

However, it seems that the other party is not kind.

'what. '

Speaking of which, remember her...

One second, two seconds, no response.


With a strange voice that instantly attracted Nangong's attention, he turned his head, and the girl standing there... was no longer a girl.

She squeezed the sunglasses with her right hand and lifted them up, staring at the 'doll' in her hand suspiciously

The little puppet has an off-white body and black patterns, and the two crescent-like horns on its head suddenly turned around.

"Tirino, this is?"

Through a special connection, she knew very well that King Airi in her arms refused to attack, and this was the first time she had encountered such a thing.

"Nishimiya, sit down first, this is... a special guest."

Noticing Nangong shaking his head, Kirino changed his words.

"Special guest? Hmm..."

The youthful face in memory has completely lost its childishness, and the expression that can speak as always reveals doubts.

Half a second later, Nishinomiya Mai looked around, convinced that every guest was doing their own thing, sat down with confidence, and touched King Airi who was acting like a doll.

"Didn't you say that there would be no kind spirits?"

Wu looked suspiciously at this vague figure beside him, it was completely different from the cold ones that seemed to be dripping with water that he had seen in the past, and looked like a stove instead?


Tong Ye has never lied much, and he just keeps silent when facing some problems.

"It's a rather special type."

His rhetoric was simply clumsy.

"is it?"

Fortunately, Wu is not the type to get to the bottom of things. Her inspiration is not very strong, and most of the time she can barely see it.

It's just that she has a very powerful partner. King Airi looks at the world in a different way from humans, showing his power in the form of thunder and lightning.

So after graduation, she became a person involved in such events.

"Then why are you... oh, her friends are here too."

There is another person beside Yanshan, probably the invisible type.

It's better to say that most people in this world can't see it.

"Sorry, I'm Mai Nishinomiya."

Wu stretched out her hand generously, hesitated for a while, and Nangong also stretched out her hand.

It's just that it's not an entity, but it's touched with the power of thought.

Whether in the past or now, there is no real meaning to touch the palm of the other party.

But with the power of thought, some differences can be noticed. For example, there is a scratched scar in the center of the palm.

What happened in ten years?

"Well, the way you shake hands is really weird."

The words to say are wrapped in something, not a normal handshake.

Wu's exclamation pulled Nangong back from thinking, and she refocused on Kirino's side.

"Speaking of which, isn't this Uniq? Why are you here?"

It's not ignoring, but there is such a strange thing here that it will definitely be attracted to it.

"Yanshan is my student, I thought she was with... no, I just saw it and followed."

Almost said the wonderful inference, but quickly swallowed it back.

"It turns out that a middle-aged man and a female student are indeed misleading."


Tongye shouted helplessly, he still didn't want to admit that he was getting old.

At least replace the middle age with the middle age.

He stood up, first looked at Nangong, and finally turned back to Wu.

"Nishimiya, why are you here looking for me?"

"oh oh......"

That's right, Uniq is the type you can't see.

Walking down this slope, not long after, one person sang the red face, the other sang the bad face, and they left just like that.

The two left behind, Nangong and Uniyi sat face to face.

"so you......"


Why not recognize each other?

Subconsciously covered up.

Of course Nangong knew that he hadn't returned to Earth for ten years, and even came back this time to pursue Tregia.

If you ask him if he thinks about the earth, of course he does.

However, there are endless monsters appearing all over the universe, and he is still investigating the traces of Tregia in the process of solving these things. At this time, he can't think of anything about the earth at all of.

The most important thing is that he has been in this state most of the time during the eight years of pursuing Tregchia.

Obviously I will come back from the appointment, but most of the time I can't remember it.

'What a ruthless man. '

He laughed at himself in his heart, and then, Yui who was facing him thought about it.

"Shall I try to write a letter then?"

She tried to make suggestions.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

One of the TPC observation stations in Japan, while the technical team was adjusting and adding equipment, the captured sound wave display issued a warning.


It was the sound of a heartbeat, completely different from the sluggish, low-pitched sound during hibernation.

It was intense, enough to make the blood flow through the whole body of the heartbeat.

A new monster has awakened.

Chapter Twenty

"This parameter is..."

Inside the Monster Observatory, the new equipment that has not been installed shows wonderful readings.

The technicians were wondering why, and the next moment, this parameter disappeared without a trace.

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