that's 'wavelength'

To be more precise, it is the wavelength emitted from the brain. Although human beings have no way to understand the meaning of the monster's roar, they can at least figure out its state by monitoring the brain waves.

Just now, the inside of this instrument captured two different brain waves.

And one of them quickly disappeared.

Is this because the goal has been accomplished, or is it aware that someone has noticed you?

"It's not good, it's starting to move!"

The automatic turrets arranged on the land failed to play a role. This monster was not buried in the ground during sleep, but a monster in the ground that could move freely in the ground.

That direction is where Aoba City is located.

Why go in that direction?

Only monsters know about this kind of thing, and all TPC can do is organize evacuation and counter attack.

The information was quickly transmitted from the outpost to the Far East base, and the monsters heading towards Aoba City were not affected by the terrain, and just moved straight forward.

Inside the apron on the side of the observer, the multipurpose airship 07 takes off quickly.

In addition to the most basic light cannon, it is also equipped with a series of equipment for reconnaissance, the most important of which is the monster tracking system developed by Hori, a member of the Victory Team ten years ago.

When the existence of the "monster" first entered people's field of vision, the winning team could only rely on basic radar to track the opponent.

And gradually, with the increase in the number of battles with monsters, a new tracking system was formed.

The transmitter is naturally the most accurate, but there are also situations where it cannot be used. For example, the monster is directly underground, and the transmitter cannot be used.

So at this time, sonar and heat sources come in handy.

How exaggerated is the body temperature of such a huge monster?

The sound made when digging in the ground is also accurately captured.

One is in the air, and the other is on the ground. During the pursuit, information is collected, passed on, and finally sent to the Far East Base.

"According to this speed, the monster will arrive at a position 2000 meters away from Aoba City in half an hour. No matter what, we must stop it and prevent it from entering the city."

Captain Xibi said seriously, the problem is how to intercept the advancing enemies in the ground.

"We will block at this position. The technical troops have already set out to deploy first. Listen up, especially the birds! Listen carefully!"

"You don't have to stress it out to me..."

Asuka scratched his hair, could it be that his credibility is so low?

Seeing his thoughts, Liang immediately complained:

"What kind of credibility does a person have who has acted without permission less than a month after joining the team?"

It can only be said that fortunately nothing major happened, otherwise your work as a member of the Super Victory Team would have ended here, and by the way, your career as a soldier would have come to an end here. No army would want a soldier who disobeyed orders.


Asuka smacked his lips, knowing that the truth was not on his side.

After that, Captain Xibi carefully assigned tasks. In order to defeat this registered monster, they had to work harder and harder.

At this moment, on the streets of Aoba City, people were walking one by one, heading towards the shelter under the guidance of TPC personnel.

"It's annoying, can't TPC deal with the monster outside right away?"

There are teenagers with bored faces complaining, because now they have the easiness to complain.

The monster is still heading towards the city, instead of emerging from the city, so there is no need to run away desperately.

Listening to his words, the accompanying father stretched out his hand and vigorously rubbed the hairstyle that was deliberately trimmed for 'handsomeness'.


"Just be content, silly boy, I don't think you know how hard it was for your father and I to escape with you ten years ago."

If it was ten years ago, God knows where those monsters suddenly rushed out.

Now you can even notify you to take refuge in advance, which alone is enough to save many people from dying.

"I don't know..."

Who remembers when I was four years old?

The boy thought for a while, and there was indeed one thing he remembered.

"I remember Dad, you were holding it very unsteadily, and you almost threw up on me."

"Are you asking for a fight?"

Calm, yes, if you want to use one word to describe it, it is calm.

"Times have changed."

On the top floor of a certain building in Aoba City, Phantom stands here.

Nangong looked down. Ten years was enough to change many things. What he saw now was the change of TPC's early warning of the appearance of monsters.

In addition to this, there is another point, and that is the reaction of people.

"Very skilled."

Leave in a neat and orderly manner and head towards the shelter.

"After all, there are monster attack drills every month and month. People like me who have experienced frequent monster disasters ten years ago will treat this matter specially."

UNIQ explained this, and the scene ten years ago has always been fresh in people's memory.

Because of the more than half a year, people have experienced too much pain.

"Although the new generation doesn't care much about it."

For the current generation of students, they were just children ten years ago, and they were led to escape even if they escaped.

"Speaking of which, aren't we going to fight?"

Uniq asked curiously, they only started to act after seeing monsters attacking Aoba City on the news.

Then why are you standing here?

"Ultraman is not a babysitter. If we fight as soon as monsters appear, why did TPC develop force?"

Nangong followed the same rules as ten years ago.

Hearing the other party's rhetorical question, Unii recalled a little about Empat's battle ten years ago.

"What if the super victorious team is in danger?"

She responded to rhetorical questions with rhetorical questions.

"Then transform."

So I got a completely unexpected answer.

"Good guy, isn't that half-baked?"

Not really a 'fight to the limit'

Once life is really threatened, Ultraman will appear, which is exactly the same as ten years ago.

At least in Uniform's memory, Empat appeared most of the time before the winning team appeared, blocking the monsters who wanted to destroy everywhere.

"Anyway, I'm half-baked."

Nangong has long seen his own essence clearly. If someone will die if he doesn't act, then he will move immediately, and he won't see anyone get hurt for boring reasons.

The so-called 'non-interference in human choice'

He's actually just on a wobbly sideline, not really non-interfering.

"So, actually, I have something to say now."

Uniq looked at Nangong seriously, she had to say it now, she had to.

"Can I have a fire or something? It's only spring."

What the two of them reached was the roof of a building that was not easy to be noticed, and by the way, the number of floors was the [-]th floor.

Although the sinking sun in the distance is not yet dusk, it does not bring much warmth.

Aoba City, this is a city that needs to be protected, and it is also a place where monsters go. What is it that attracts it?

In the shadow of the city, someone is hiding, waiting.

"The Ultras of this universe... don't know what it tastes like."

The slender tongue was not human-like, and it quickly moved across the lips.

It's a fun planet, and it's 'easy'

With different ideas and purposes, different people came to this city.

As for TPC, the most important thing for them now is to stop the monsters outside the city.

The Super Victory Team is ready. Apart from the automatic turrets arranged everywhere on this field, the most conspicuous device is the device that is more conspicuous than the turret.

Just from the outside, it looks like a triangular iron tower.

"I remember this is called... Tracking Drilling Machine?"

'Not a proper weapon name at all. '

Asuka complained in his heart, just listening to this, who knew it was a weapon.

"That's right, it's the weapon used by the Victory Team in the final battle with Gorzan in the past."

Standing beside him, Captain Xibi nodded, the expression on his face went beyond seriousness and reached the level of solemnity.

Asuka, who was a little aware of this, scratched his hair, but didn't speak.

"Okay, go to α and wait for it. The monster will arrive in six minutes and 12 seconds. Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, and the next step is the decisive battle."

Leaving a word, Captain Xibi took the lead to walk towards the Shengying Shenying, which was still in an integrated state at this time.

"What's up with him?"

Asuka felt a little puzzled, and he couldn't tell what was going on, but the captain, who was always energetic, became gloomy for no reason when he saw this tracking drilling machine.

"The captain was also a member of TPC before, maybe he has a heavy past that he doesn't want to tell others?"


The voice of the third person was startling.

"You... have you been eavesdropping?"

"Be careful what you say! What is eavesdropping? As a correspondent, of course I have to connect everyone's signals to better deliver information!"

Mai replied dissatisfied, and she waved her hand in the command room alone.

This rhetoric is very "appetite" for Asuka

"Then it's not your fault to accidentally hear something serious, right?"

He immediately stated the conclusions he reached after empathizing.


The two hit it off.

"Okay, I'll leave the communication to you, and I should go back to the Shenying!"

Left palm, right fist, snap, Asuka took a deep breath and walked towards the Victory Condor.

After 30 seconds, the Victory Condor was activated and rose to 50 meters into the sky.

Time flowed forward minute by minute, and slowly, the ground began to shake.

"This is the tracking machine. The direction of the monster has not changed, but it is getting closer to the ground."

The multi-purpose airship 07, which followed the target all the way, delivered the information he knew.

"Understood, thank you for your hard work."

"I'll leave it to you next."

The communication was completed, and the standby troops on the ground gradually felt the shaking.

That was evidence that the monster was close to the ground.

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