It is no longer using the multi-purpose airship 07 as a monitor, and the surrounding equipment can accurately capture the information of the monster.

The forward speed has not changed, the distance from the surface is 599 meters, and the ascent speed has slowed down.

From a straight line to a slash, the data is re-corrected.

Members of the tech unit stared at the screens, their fingers clicking on the keyboards.

The standing tracking drilling machine becomes tilted, and the parameters are compared after correction, and there is no error.



The order was issued, and in an instant, holes were burned out on the surface of the earth, and the light that penetrated into the earth went straight all the way, no matter whether it was rock or ore, it could not stop the scorching heat.

Two lines, one forward and one downward.

"Contact in half a second."

As soon as the voice fell, new data appeared on the computer screen.

Hitting the monster with a penetrating blow, it was at this moment, at this moment, that a dull roar was heard.

"The monster is alive!"

The information is passed on immediately.

"It is rising vertically, and it is expected to reach the surface in two seconds!"

"Then it's our job."

After receiving the information from the ground technical force, Captain Xibi raised everyone's attention with one sentence.

The next moment, the tracking drilling machine was smashed to pieces.

The monster rushing out from the ground roared, and there was a dark red scorched mark from its head to the center of its back.

The light penetrating into the ground sliced ​​through the back of the monster like a sword blade.

"Come out, Gu Dun, the first phase is complete! The second phase will begin immediately!"

There are two black curved horns on the head, two black long whips on the front of the hands, black lines on the brown body, and two red eyes that seem to show its anger.

Code-named Gudun, aimed at this monster, and the automatic turrets arranged around it immediately opened fire, pouring special ammunition towards their targets.

Once hit, a translucent white mist gushes out and spreads.

The location of the attack is the enemy's feet, and the surrounding ground is covered with ice.

If one shot is not enough, then ten or a hundred shots.

Unlike ten years ago, when they could only passively meet monsters, today's TPCs have enough time to prepare, and the frozen bombs installed in dozens of automatic turrets are fired from bottom to top like free.

Fix the legs first, and then block them upwards. The piercing ice blocked Gudun's movements, and the mist caused by the difference in temperature spread to the surroundings.

The front end of the automatic turret was constantly firing ammunition. When the first round of ammunition was completely emptied, Gu Dun, who was still showing off his might before, couldn't even shout.

It stayed in its original position without moving.

"It's now!"

Following Captain Xibi's order, the Victory Condor, which split into three fighter jets, aimed at the same part.

Replace the beam cannon with armor-piercing projectiles, and the bullets are fired instantly and hit the ice.

One shot, two shots, three shots, if you watch from the rear, the ice is pierced, and that position is the head.

Chapter 21 The Attracted Monsters

The top floor of the building in the city center, 2000 meters away from the city boundary, even so saw the battle.

Sit back and wait, calculate the monster's forward route, and then use the light to intercept and draw the opponent out.

At this time, the turret arranged in advance completely froze the monster with freezing bombs, and finally smashed the monster's head with armor-piercing bullets.

"It's amazing."

The seemingly simple plan is not simple in essence.

First of all, you must always determine the location of the monster and know where the opponent is.

There must also be enough weapons to attack the ground and enough weapons to completely freeze the monsters.

This battle is based on a complete knowledge of the monsters, however, this is the key.

No matter which planet it is, there is a consensus.

That is the principle of 'know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles'.

Obtaining information and formulating a combat plan based on the information is also part of the battle.

"I can't see anything."

Uniqlo's eyes almost narrowed into a slit, looking at the building or the building, whether he can't see it or not.

"So it's over?"

The monster has already been defeated, right?

", no."

Heat, friction, and scorching heat.

Something is falling towards Earth from outside the atmosphere.

Nangong raised his head immediately, and something that had no intention of slowing down was approaching in the direction of Aoba City.

' It's like there's something attracting them here. '

If it is a coincidence that the monsters have been coming here, it is worth pondering that the two monsters are coming here.

"Sorry, Uniform, it's time to fight again."

The phenomenon of frequent monster disasters was caused by Gatanjae ten years ago, what about now?


What Uniform took out from his pocket was a sparkling prism that seemed somewhat warm.

She holds it in her right hand, draws it counterclockwise and lifts it up.

The released radiance envelops his body, the body is light, and the body is heavy, as if being stabilized by someone in the process of floating.

Once again, it becomes the No.1 perspective. At this time, Uniform provides energy, or consumes the power used to maintain life during integration.

The red giant rose from the earth and left towards the sky.

The energy of that light contained exuberant vitality inside, which greatly increased appetite.

"Just the smell makes me shudder."

"Huh? So you plan to eat Ultraman?"


Turning around in an instant and jumping away, there are two people confronting each other on the street in the empty city.

One is a smiling young man wearing black and white clothing.

One was a weird woman with her neck twisted at an odd angle.

The two looked at each other, and Kirisaki, who also arrived in Aoba City to check the situation, unexpectedly discovered something interesting.

"Bogaru, is the food in this universe delicious?"

He asked this sentence very casually.

And this sentence does not only reveal the identity of the other party.

In an instant, the expression of the woman called 'Bogaru' became menacing.

'After all, they are just pawns. '

The expression alone is enough to reveal a lot of information, and Kirisaki instantly understood the situation.

"Then I won't bother you with your meal, ma'am."

The moment he took a step back, Bogaru disappeared from his original position.

The entangled wind passed by, blowing up the black and white clothes.

"That's rough, I'm not here to fight."

Kirisaki, who was leaning away from his body, jumped straight away, and the place where he was standing turned into a broken cement block.

"You seem delicious too."

Bogaru licked his lips, and the tip of his long tongue swayed slightly.

The next moment, the tongue stabbed out like a sword blade.

The two figures instantly turned into shadows that could not be captured by the naked eye, and only the sound of cracking air could be heard.

At the same moment, in the sky, one after another rocket bomb exploded on the falling monster.

Passing through the atmosphere, chasing the monster's Victory Phantom, the Carlo flying boat continued to attack.

It was a monster discovered from the universe, and its shell was hard enough to bounce off all optical fibers and missiles.

The field of vision changed from red to normal colorful, but soon, a large number of light red light bullets were fired from the sides beside the monster.


Regardless of the orientation of the muzzle, the high-heat bullets with tracking effects flew towards the fighter jets that were entangled in the rear.


Uninterrupted avoidance, but the distance is getting farther and farther.

Unlike fighter jets, even though it does not slow down at all when passing through the atmosphere, this monster does not suffer any damage at all.

The cosmic iron-slashing monster Di Nozoro has arrived on this earth.

The first thing to do is to land at the calling place, it doesn't know who is calling it, but that doesn't matter.

The extremely heavy body is entwined with high temperature, crosses the ocean, passes through the clouds, and reaches the sky above the land.

Without reducing the size at all, a huge meteorite equivalent to a diameter of 70 meters fell towards the earth.

Before that, who is here to meet.

With thunder wrapped around his arms, Empat, who was floating in the air, tore his hands apart, and the dancing golden lightning gathered in front of his right arm while his arms formed an L shape.

The golden radiance erupted instantly, one fell and the other rose, and the high-energy response brought by Zapelio's light was instantly captured.

Has an extremely heavy body, but has not weak agility.

Tinozolu's falling path turned into an arc, and golden light passed below it.

And those red eyes narrowed slightly and opened again, locking on to the target.

Its mouth is open, is it an illusion?

Lines with strange colors seemed to pass through the air, like the combination of blue and orange flames.


Just raising his hands instinctively, a long string of sparks appeared on Empat's arms, and the pain was also transmitted to the brain.

It felt like it was being torn apart by receiving a slash with his arm.

"It's coming!"

Uniform's voice echoed in Nangong's mind, and the falling monster fell like a cannonball.

Empat immediately controlled his body to move and avoid, and when the two sides passed each other, a reddish light appeared in his eyes.

The muzzle on the side of Tinozolu's body released an attack instantly, and the energy generated from the body turned into high-heat bullets, which exploded at a very close distance.

A mass of reddish light and heat exploded high in the sky, and it rushed out of it, and the color wrapped around its body was instantly shaken off.

Half a second later, the scarlet giant also broke away from the inside.

'Much more agile than it appears. '

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