The bulky body did not affect the opponent's flying ability, and the gun ports on both sides of the body fired high-heat bullets again.

In Empat's line of sight, there were a lot of red light spots that gradually became larger. He folded his arms at his sides and accelerated further.

Surrounded by the whistling wind, his approach is extremely simple, as long as the tracking speed is faster than the high-heat bomb.

The next moment, Empat passed through the narrow gap surrounded by red dots.

Tinozoru's long neck allows him to turn his head directly to stare at his pursuers behind him.

Immediately afterwards, what was reflected in the field of vision was a golden light wheel hitting directly.

It immediately swings its head back, and the eight-point light wheel will rub against the face.

This is not the end, the light wheel suddenly stopped halfway, and pulled back in the opposite direction.

Before the head was split in two, Tinozoru's mouth was jammed, and the faint silk thread chopped the halo into pieces.

The attack was carried out at the same time, and the high-heat bombs on both sides of its body were constantly firing.

5000 meters above the ground, reddish dots of light, white clouds and mist, the picture is torn due to the exaggerated speed.

Empat swayed his body, sometimes turning sideways, sometimes moving sideways, avoiding all the incoming high-heat bombs.

At this angle, if the light hits the air, it will hit the ground directly.

Therefore, his left hand is held at the waist, and his right hand is stretched straight and horizontally. The golden arm represents the extraction of energy.

Curved upwards, the throwing action of the eight-point light wheel forms a golden disc with a diameter of 50 meters.

Empat swung it directly, and the rotating 'circular saw' cut the incoming high-heat bullets.

The violent explosion was divided from the center, and the giant light wheel brushed against the sideways Tinozoro.

That route is to hit the city directly.

But before that, Empat's arms combined in a cross in front.

Driven by the power of light, the blue Spitium blasted on the 'blade' of the giant light wheel.

As if the light was cut, one line was divided into dozens, and the line-like light was refracted and returned, hitting different positions of Tino Zoro.

The sudden attack made it unable to react, and one of them even directly burned its left eye.

The roar of the monster echoed at an altitude of 3000 meters, and this was just the beginning. The continuous output of light reflected randomly, continuously ablating its body.

At the front is the light wheel, followed by the light reflected by the fragmentation, the third position is Di Nuo Zoru, and the last is Empat.

In the next instant, the first transformed back into Tinozoru.

The light wheel that seemed to be finally overwhelmed was directly shattered, and the remaining light particles formed two smaller light wheels.

The ear-piercing sound only lasted for a moment, and there were two crossed golden traces on Tino Zoru's body.

Half a second later, it was swallowed by the explosion.

Passing over the explosion with brightness, Empat adjusted the angle of flight, changing from descending to ascending, scanning the entire city with his see-through eyes.

After drawing a final arc, he disappeared into the distant sky.

The earth monster Gudun, the space monster Di Nozoru, and the two monsters that tried to attack Aoba City were dealt with separately.

Who is it that summoned them?what exists?

In the uninhabited forest, a woman is howling in pain. During this process, it changes from a human appearance to a monster, and from a monster to a human. What connects her with Kirisaki are two blue lines colored lightning.

"Are you afraid of electricity? That's a pity."

Even if he does not return to his original posture, Kirisaki is still an Ultraman, and his due abilities still exist.

"Even a scientist like me who has no power to restrain a chicken wants to attack a monster that is said to be a devouring monster, but it is still a monster."

When you see delicious food, you will pounce on it. Can't you control your appetite a little bit?

The bone-piercing pain echoed in Bogaru's body. It was constantly struggling and had no room to look back. It just crawled on the ground with all its strength.

Suddenly, the life-destroying thunder disappeared.

The next moment, Bogaru ran away frantically, jumped and disappeared into the green of the plants.

"This can be regarded as a little lesson learned."

Kirisaki stared at his fingers, his recovery was so normal that he could only maintain this posture.

Light, darkness, and shadow are essentially one thing.

"The future of this earth is really worth looking forward to."

There are many more hidden crises than imagined.

Kirisaki already had a general idea in his heart, turned around, and walked into the purple fog door.

Not knowing that he had left, Bogaru, who was still running away, didn't dare to turn his head back.

'no the same. '

It's different, it's completely different, something is wrong with this earth, the one just that Ultraman?

It's completely different from those delicious Ultramans.

If it's the so-called 'space guard' we've seen before

You can catch them and eat them casually. They are sweet, comfortable and delicious like drinking water.

However, the Ultraman just now was different, and he couldn't even touch him.

'Is it the king? '

That intensity is completely different from normal.

What Bogaru thought of was the king of their clan.

'Can't eat yet. '

Now is not the time, if you want to eat all those Ultraman, you must devour more monsters.

Appetite, fear, and the combination of the two made Bogaru think.

It has to find an opportunity to eat, a good one.

The sun in the distance has not yet turned orange, and dusk has not yet fallen.

Kumamoto City, Asakawa's house, that is a Uniform planted on the bed.

"Hmm...feels like throwing up."

This air battle is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster. No.1 said that it descended crazily from a height of more than [-] meters.

Uniq doesn't think this is a happy thing at all. How can you see it clearly in that crazy moving field of vision?

It's not that I can't see clearly, but...

It feels like Empat already knows the situation just by scanning his eyes.

"It's a shame that you can fight in that situation..."

Lying on the window, twisting his head, he looked at Nangong who seemed to be sitting on the seat but was not sitting.

"Just get used to it."

Nangong recalled the battle on a certain planet. At that time, the air battle was like being thrown into a washing machine. The whole person was swinging wildly. He didn't know which side was up, down, left, or right, but he knew that if he flew that way, he would collide.

"Speak up."

Yui supported himself up with his hands.

"Do you want to write a letter? At least say hello to Nishinomiya and Miss Kyoko."

It would be too much and too fickle to just not communicate with each other like this.

Humans are emotional creatures.

After a moment of silence, Nangong nodded.

"To write."

Half a minute later, the power of thought was attached to the pen, what should I write?

He started to think.

After another half an hour, Uniq, who came back to the room from the kitchen, was stunned, what happened to these papers?

How many letters can he write?

Out of curiosity, Uniq approached and took a look.


A new page, just one sentence.

'There is something on the earth that attracts monsters. Anomaly [-]: Aoba City, Anomaly [-]: Strange stories from all over the world come true. '

The use of thought power requires the use of thinking, and once you think, you will start thinking. Thinking is a spiral maze.

Nangong was thinking about the anomalies on the earth today, and the most anomaly was the fact that 'there are no negative energy monsters'.

Chapter 22 Chain Reaction

It was time for the history class the next morning. Uniform held the textbook in his right hand, and now he was talking about modern world history, about the first industrial revolution.

While talking and walking, her eyes would occasionally glance at the young man standing at the end of the classroom.

The guy just stood there, looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

'Serious face... No, he seems to have this expression usually. '

Probably just a cold poker face with no interest in anything.

'It feels so weird. '

It's completely different from the usual way of walking around.

It felt strange, and she wasn't the only one.

It was a wonderful experience, for Yanshan, it was indeed a wonderful experience that couldn't be more wonderful.

The other students didn't realize it was true. The problem was that she really knew that there was a ghost behind it.

Wait, is it a guardian spirit?

At least Kirino said 'guardian spirit'

Really, is there such a thing in this world?

Why don't I?

If I had one too, I wouldn't be chased by weird things before, and I wouldn't pretend to be invisible.

It's like a spirit pill or something.

Knowing nothing about other people's thoughts, Nangong stared at the clear sky thinking about the current situation on the earth.

As we have known before, the dead caused by Gatanjeh have spread resentment in the world, and people associated with the dead have negative emotions as a result, and the two are connected with the strange stories passed down by people.

This is actually unreasonable. Huge resentment will combine into a powerful negative energy monster. In the ten years since he left the earth, he has seen many similar situations.

However, on this earth, these grievances only constitute ordinary small weirdness.

It's not that it's good to have a large monster, it's just that the current situation is unreasonable.

'Is it because of lack of resentment? '

If the total amount is insufficient, it is indeed impossible to form a large monster. The question is, will there be insufficient resentment?

At least Nangong didn't think so.

'If you want to figure out what's going on today...'

That's all.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Uniqlo on the podium.

'I suddenly had a bad feeling. '

Should it be said that it is a special induction brought about by one body and one heart?

Uniq felt that Nangong must not be thinking of anything good.

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