Is there any way to remove this warning?

A few seconds later, Yanshan, who couldn't hold back his curiosity, quietly stuck his head out again.


The young man standing there clenched his right fist and pointed at the sky, his left hand was bent, and the same clenched fist was facing his cheek.

This action is really...

People don't know where to start complaining.

But Nangong felt a little strange, and couldn't quite understand what this sense of liberation was all about.

Sure enough, if you don't get noticed, you can do some weird things casually.

'What are you doing? '

'Did not do anything. '

Nangong, who was caught by Uniyi, naturally lowered his hands, as if nothing happened just now.

Time passed gradually, and the distant sun began to move its position.

After school classes are over, it is time for school to be dismissed.

Uniq didn't go anywhere today, the first thing he did when he got home was to cook.

Are you going out tonight?

The kitchen knife began to move up and down quickly. At this time, Nangong just watched from the side.

"What's the matter? Do you want to try it too?"

"Just thinking I haven't touched a kitchen knife in a long time."

One thing he had to admit was that emergency food from other planets was really delicious.

You can even choose your own taste, which overcomes the most serious shortcoming of 'unpalatable'.

Then, he couldn't cook either.

At least he doesn't really want to cook with that wonderful vegetable that growls at him with grinning teeth, nor does he want to try and see what some kind of bug tastes like.

He doesn't need to eat anyway, so there's no need to try things he doesn't want to try.

"Then you want to try it?"

"Try this way?"

Nangong took the kitchen knife handed over by Uniform with his Otto power, and then, the blade moved up and down so quickly, cutting the bamboo shoots evenly and smoothly.


After that, Uniyi saw the pot and shovel that he moved, which is really omnipotent.

Chapter 23 Ordinary People Under Attack

After the night falls completely, even if the lights are gorgeous, it still cannot completely dispel the darkness of the night.


The exhaled breath was also mixed with white and choking smell.

The so-called cigarettes are actually not a good thing.

At the beginning, I felt choking when I inhaled it, and I felt a little addicted after trying it a few more times, and finally found that I couldn't stop without knowing it.

Running out to buy cigarettes alone at night is really depraved.

But at least you didn't touch 'that stuff', did you?

The cigarette held in the mouth is inhaled and exhaled, forming a smoke ring.

At 9:30 in the evening, it is time to go home.

Although there is no one at home now, it is still much safer than outside.

It can only be said that no matter how the times change, people will still not change.

The practice of "robbing" is still being done in 2018. After all, hard work can't get you as fast as robbery.


Taking out her mobile phone, the girl opened the forum and browsed for the latest news.

This is a forum that was established ten years ago and is now active again.

There were endless discussions about Ultraman, and the one she saw the most was a certain screenshot.

Inside the TV station, there are young people half kneeling on the ground, and people who are terrified around them.

This is a photo that was dug up about five days ago. It is said that this is Empat's posture as a human being.

Everyone is very interested in this. I heard that Ultraman is actually hidden in the crowd, and maybe we will meet him at some point.

Of course, having said that, the earth is so vast.

'I don't think I'll ever run into it at all. '

Well, actually it's the same as 'saying so'

Like a lottery, say 'it can't be mine, it can't be mine'

But I still think in my heart, 'If only I could win the lottery'

"It's so tall..."

In addition to this, there are other pictures.

Some are pictures of Empat fighting the enemy when he returned to Earth before, and some are pictures of battles from ten years ago.

It is true that there are buildings taller than them in the picture, but such buildings cannot be found all over the city.

In this comparison, the height of the Ultramans is still exaggerated.

'If you look down from this height...'

Isn't that the same as humans look at ants?

A small creature, it is estimated that it will fly away with one breath.

'If only I could be this good. '

At that time, I will definitely be able to do whatever I want, no matter what.

For example, punishing rape and eradicating evil, eradicating the strong and supporting the weak.

'Maybe mind control or something? '

What the girl thought of was a scene she had seen in some comics, the incomparably versatile hypnotism.

She put the phone away and stuffed the half-burned cigarette into her mouth again.

Sucking, spitting, and then other people appeared in sight.

It was an old man with a hunched body. She was coughing and walking on crutches.

Half a second later, the old lady stopped, as if she was too tired.

The girl subconsciously threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out.

'No, it's none of my business. '

Why should you meddle in other people's business when you're not relatives or relatives, and you don't even know each other?

"Cough cough!"

There was a coughing sound, and the footsteps that were about to cross the past slowed down again.

'Tsk! '

"Old man, do you need help?"

Take it as a good deed every day, anyway, I just can't see the old man coughing.

"I'll take you home."

There is no problem with memorizing it, and I still have some confidence in my physical strength.

"Thank you, young man."

The old man expressed his thanks in a grateful tone, facing the gratitude, the girl looked away.

It was at this moment that the aging face became distorted and tense.

"Come on, I'll see you off."

The next moment, the old man returned to his original appearance.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"What do you think..."

"Reject, refuse, refuse, refuse!"

"All right......"

Nangong reluctantly chose to give up. He squeezed his right hand, and this time no black juice came out. After the female ghost was pressed back into the sphere, a hand stretched in.

The interior is just a solid collection of negative energy, with neither a strong sense of self nor any special connection with something.

When the thought power is activated, the not strong negative energy is directly shredded, and the dispersed energy gradually dissipates in the air.

"Is it so scary?"

Nangong recalled the scene before this female ghost appeared.

To put it simply, a barren suburb suddenly appeared on the TV next to it, with a well in the center.

That's all, that's all.

At most, the female ghost with hair draped over her face crawled out of it, and then crawled out of the TV.

"You won't understand if you haven't seen the movie."

Uniform's heart was beating violently, and the midnight bell was reproduced in reality, his legs were so frightened that his legs were going weak.

She now understands why Tongye's teacher said that modern people are just looking for trouble. In this short period of time, the two of them have seen the midnight bell together, the cocoa coconut together, and I don't know which work it is from. Burned woman with pile of spider legs.

what happened?

"When did this city become so dangerous? Has it become such an inexplicable world now?"

Is this the pain that only those who can see it will experience?

"Because it's for these things."

Nangong explained the reason, the two of them appeared just for the so-called weirdness.

However, it was only after three incidents that those demon slayers were really capable.

"So have you found any clues?"

Uniq doesn't want to continue anymore, as expected, there are no ghosts in this world that don't look scary.

"Not currently, it's too weak."

Nangong shook his head, the three resentful spirits he purified were not enough to form a monster.

The only thing that can be known is that they actually exist.

It exists, but it only exists in such a posture.

"I should ask Yanshan tomorrow."

Ask what the state of Kumamoto City was like back then. According to Kirino, there are a lot of ghosts.

This is too unreasonable.

"Yuyi, what time is it?"


"Stay with me a little longer."

"Yes Yes Yes."

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