Anyway, you are born to work hard, right?

The two left from the self-operated TV wholesale store. Nangong could only look for traces of ghosts in one area, so he had to keep moving.


At this time, Yui suddenly spoke.

"Didn't I agree to write a letter yesterday? I still didn't write it in the end."

At that time, it was really not easy to disturb, so I let the other party think about monsters.

After thinking for a while, Nangong asked instead:

"Usually, what do you write at a time like this?"

He doesn't have any experience in this area, how to write a letter after a long absence?

Rather, he never wrote a letter himself.

Regarding this question, Uniform touched his chin, as if thinking about it.

'how could I know. '

Who still writes letters in this day and age.

All kinds of chat software, all kinds of communication means, even if you are far away from each other, you can communicate with each other through video calls.

But of course not!

"For example... Tell me about your recent situation, tell about your experience in the universe, tell about why you can't meet them, tell about your thoughts and so on."


"My experiences and thoughts..."


Nangong fully understands, but some things are really not easy to write.

He can't write where he fought which monsters, where he met which people and then gave them a sword to kill them.

The sudden induction made Nangong break away from his thoughts, and he turned his head to look in the direction blocked by the building.

In addition to induction, there is another taste.

That is.....

"Uiyi, I smell blood."


At the end of the taste, there is pain with blood flowing.

The girl was trying to escape, but when she turned around, there was nothing there.

However, it is impossible to have nothing, and every time she stops, something will be cut on her body again.

'Screw you! '

Is this a ghost?

Or something else?

The old lady suddenly disappeared, and then a piece of meat was missing from her shoulder.

The lungs seemed to be burning hot, and the throat seemed to be blocked by something.

The already slow pace due to exhaustion became even more sluggish, and the girl stopped by leaning against a wall on one side.

It wasn't that she didn't want to run in the direction of someone, but every time she did so, it was like stopping, something was cut up.

'No more. '

Really, I can't move even one step!

Breathe, breathe, keep breathing.

'Come out if you have the ability! '

Shouting like that...was meant to be.

As a result, no sound came out.

'how? !sound? ! '

Can't send it out, not only can't send it out!

The gasping stops and becomes choking.

'why? ! '

The only thing his hands touched was his own neck, there was nothing there, but he felt a tightening feeling.

Compared with suffocation, the pain from the ears can be almost ignored.

The fangs pierced into the flesh, and from the perspective that the girl couldn't see, two black tails were wrapped around her neck, and the black cat's teeth were about to tear off the ear.

The next moment, breathing became smooth again.


Taking a deep breath, the blood from the right ear stays down the earlobe.

In mid-air, there was a struggling two-tailed cat.

"It looks pretty—"

In an instant, the petite body began to swell, the giant black cat's limbs became huge, and the tense face also became fierce.

"When I didn't say it!"

The swell, however, still didn't respond.

The cat found that it had no way to move, no matter how much it struggled, it was the same.

In less than half a second, its entire body was forcibly flattened and crushed.

Nangong stepped forward, and the girl in his eyes was someone he knew.

There were bloodstains on the face and body, and there were two holes in the right ear, which were the wounds left by the teeth.

Not only that, but the connection between the left shoulder and the neck is bleeding deep into the interior, and even bloody bones can be seen.

The moment he noticed this before, the cat was subconsciously crushed by him again.

Unlike the previous situation where no harm was caused, if ordinary people have no one to help when encountering a ghost attack, there is only one ending.

'What are you doing? '

The girl wanted to open her eyes, she could vaguely see a silhouette, who is here.

Yet the uncontrolled body lost consciousness.

On her shoulders was the palm that was placed on it, and the light golden light was scattering particles.

It's not the time to care about whether something will be noticed, and it will be useless if it is later.

While chasing him all the way, Nangong noticed bloodstains spreading on the ground.

"Is she all right?"

Uniyi's hanging heart was half relieved, because Nangong was clearly doing something.

"Call the doctor."

She got this response.

"I see."

So he took out his cell phone and dialed the emergency number.

The efficiency of the hospital was very fast, and 10 minutes later, the girl with only a few wounds on her body was pushed into the car.

Transported to the hospital for registration.

"Who are you from the wounded?"

"I am the teacher of the wounded."

"Can you contact the family members of the injured?"

"I'm in touch, let me register first."

Uniq tilted his head and clamped the phone, and quickly left handwriting on the position that needed to be filled in with his right hand.

'It's better to answer the phone quickly. '

Of course, it is impossible for a simple world history teacher to know the phone number of the student's parents, but Nangong can use data to hack into the other party's phone.

So he got the contact information of his parents.

The problem is that I have called seven or eight times and still no one has responded.

"All right."

After completing the registration, Uniform put down his pen, gave up calling the parents, and began to contact the head teacher, Teacher Li Hua.

"Hello...yes, it's fact, my side...yes, it's Chancheng classmate."

A few seconds later, Teacher Li Hua on the other side of the phone suddenly said something that made Uniyi a little puzzled:

"You'd better not get your hopes up."


Hanging up the phone, Uniyi stared at the phone that had ended the call.

What does it mean?

What does it mean not to expect too much?

"It seems that there is something hidden in it."

Nangong heard some inferences.

"No way."

There was some disbelief in Uniqlo's tone.

How can there be parents who don't love their children in this world.

"Before they come, I will guard here first."

She made up her mind and leaned back on a chair in the hospital corridor.

"It's really cold after nightfall in spring."

Uniq shuddered. After all, it was only April, and summer hadn't come yet. It was said that it would rain in the future.

Sitting on the seat and waiting, and four hours later, Uniyi, who was lying on his side, breathed steadily.

The energy that no one could see maintained her body temperature. Nangong, who was standing on one side, stared at the empty corridor. Chancheng had been pushed out an hour ago.

'It does appear that there are parents who do not love their children. '

Chapter 24

The voices in my ears gradually became noisy, and the thoughts that I had originally had no thoughts gradually became clearer.

When Uniform woke up, there was a nurse walking by in front of him.

"Wake up."


Supporting his body from the bench, he sat up again, not knowing whose clothes were on his body.

After putting away her clothes, she was surprised to find that there was no discomfort caused by her sleeping position or bench.

Of course, apart from this, there is another very important thing.

"Didn't you tell me to wake me up when Chancheng's parents came to the hospital?"

Uniform who shook his head thought that Nangong didn't speak because he didn't want to disturb her, but the truth was not so warm.

"They didn't come."

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