
"They didn't come."

Nangong said this, at least he watched here the whole night and didn't see any father or mother coming here.

The whole hospital was quiet, only the nurses on duty were guarding the front desk.


Uniform remained silent, her movements stilled.

A few seconds later, his right hand scratched at the hair that hadn't been combed all night, making it even more messy.

"Whose dress is it?"

"It belongs to the nurse at the front desk."

Nangong witnessed two things this night, the first was the indifferent parents, and the second was the enthusiastic nurse.

Uniform who got the answer stood up and walked to the front desk.

"Thank you for the clothes, can I go to Chancheng Aoi's ward to have a look?"

"No, it should be, she is now in Ward No. [-] on the third floor, just complete the registration form."

Half a minute later, Uniform who put down his pen walked towards the stairs.

The movement of the nurse who put away the registration form suddenly stopped.

'Wait, how did she know that the clothes were put on for her by this side? '

Is it guessed?

Unaware of the doubts in the nurse's mind, Yui went upstairs and asked about Chancheng at the same time. He was too anxious yesterday to have time to ask.

"Speaking of which, why don't you cure her like you saved me?"

While saying this, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

What is 'Only you are dead'

"Because most of my energy is used to maintain your life now, and she is not injured as badly as you imagined."

Nangong explained the current situation. To heal Uniq, there is also the price of energy loss.

"is it?"

Uniyi recalled the Chancheng she saw last night. Although she couldn't see clearly in the dark, she could at least smell the blood.

How heavy is the smell of blood that even an ordinary person can smell, not to mention the head tilting, as if dead.

But since he said so, it must be just a minor injury that looks serious——

"No problem, it's just a fatal injury."

Uniyi's thoughts were interrupted by words, what did Nangong say just now?

Is it inconsistent?

"She just needed an emergency blood transfusion."

Nangong did not completely heal the injury, and the defect caused by blood loss cannot be easily resolved through regeneration.

He can indeed heal this kind of physical damage through light energy, but it is not without cost.

It consumes a lot of energy, and if it continues, it will in turn endanger Uniq.

It was also because of the energy consumed that Uniyi fell asleep in the hospital uncontrollably.

"Blood transfusion... Shall I take this opportunity to donate blood?"

Just came to the hospital, didn't you?

The journey from the first floor to the ward was not far away, and the two soon arrived at Room [-].

As an ordinary person, Uniyi certainly doesn't have the kind of financial resources to prepare a single ward for Chancheng.

He knocked on the door, and walked in after hearing the sound of please come in.

People with broken bones, old people, people who are still asleep, and Chancheng who woke up.

'It seems to be all right? '

’ So I just said she just needed some blood. '

Communicate silently in the heart, and then approach together.

"Chancheng, how do you feel now?"

At the same time as hearing this voice, Chancheng suddenly turned around.

Her eyes were half surprised and half puzzled.

'I remember what I saw last night was a man...'

Before he fell into a coma, there was clearly a blurry man in his vision, but how did he turn into a woman?

And it's her?

"I was saved by you again, Mr. Asakawa."

This time, Chancheng spoke out directly without any entanglement like before.


Unicorn was stunned, what does this mean?

Could it be that she had met each other before?

Not impressed at all.

"It was that time before school started, Empat came back to Earth, and the harsh noise made the driver lose control, and you pushed me away."


It turned out to be that time!

I don't want to recall the 'only you died' incident at all!

"Thank you back then, Asakawa-sensei."

Chancheng bowed his head to express his thanks, making Uniform a little embarrassed for a while.

"It's not a big deal. Isn't it natural for a teacher to protect students?"

She straightened her body and said this sentence naturally.

After hearing this sentence, Chancheng thought for a while, and swallowed back what he originally wanted to say. Nangong had a panoramic view of this detail.

"As a teacher, it's only natural to arrive at school on the stipulated time and not be late, right?"


It is indeed such a thing!

What time is it now? !

Uniq quickly took out the phone, and when it was clicked, there was no response from the pitch-black screen.

"There is no electricity at such a time!"

"It's already 23:[-]."

Chancheng who also took out his mobile phone gave the answer.

"It's not good! Chancheng, I will explain your matter to the school. Don't worry, I will come to see you after school! Don't worry about the medical expenses, I have already paid for it. You can rest here today with peace of mind, so let's do this first." , see you later."

Hurrying to put the phone away again, Uniyi turned and ran away.

Watching her back, Chancheng's eyes didn't move.

From a perspective she couldn't see, Nangong watched her again.

'Intentionally? '

At least he could see the stiff expression on the other side's face before speaking.

If no one can see him, then he can unscrupulously pay attention to a person's expression.

Chancheng paused for a moment before speaking, as if the words he wanted to say were stuck and then swallowed back.

So why?

What was she going to say?

The next moment, Nangong floated up.


He couldn't be too far away from Uniform, so, while being pulled, he crashed into the ground, passed through any obstacles and was pulled back to Uniform's side in the shortest straight line.

However, he also saw the nurse who was walking into the toilet.

"what are you doing?"

Uniform looked at Nangong who suddenly crashed into the single room and closed his eyes tightly with weird eyes.

"I won't read it."

He said firmly, this must be a toilet.

"Now is not the time to care about this, Nangong, help me!"

All I can rely on now is you!

"Am I Doraemon?"

Nangong couldn't hold back the speech that was too déjà vu.

"Nangong Lanmeng, help me!"

Uniq climbed up the pole in an instant.

No matter how you think about it, it has been 1 minute since just now, which means that there are only about 6 minutes left.

In this short period of time, what to do?

First of all, you have to go home to get the teaching materials and charging treasure.

Then go to school.

The hospital is about 5.8 km away from the apartment.

No matter what car you drive, it's mission impossible.

and so!

"I see."

If there is power, why not use it?

Nangong felt that as long as he did not do evil, it would be fine.

So amidst the entanglement of dim light, the two disappeared from the single room in the toilet.

As for the dissatisfied aunt who was cleaning afterward, she yelled, "There is a psychopath who has nothing to do and ran away after locking the private room." That's another story.

From the toilet in the hospital to the toilet at home and then to the toilet in the school, the whole process was done in one go.

Yui walked out of the toilet while pulling some tangled hair with a comb.

"It's really convenient, as expected of the Almighty Ultraman!"

Simply put, you don't have to get up early in the morning, and you can teleport to school in a blink of an eye.

"You are probably the only one in the world who regards Ultraman as a free ride."

Nangong smiled when he said this. For him, this experience was quite miraculous.

Walking into the office, Uniform refocused on work.

And Nangong also continued to think about things about Chancheng, and the previous smile completely disappeared.

'Parents who don't love their children...'

How could such a person exist in the world? It is only natural that Uniq, who has received the love of his parents, would think so.

However, if it is true that parents all over the world love their children, how can there be abandoned babies?

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