As Daigalen's head is engulfed in the explosion, his arms are folded across his chest, and the crystal in his head glows red.

Strong type switch, dash forward.

The right foot smashed the ground, not an adjective, but the soil really sank.


One, two, the ground was torn, and the short whip was directly wrapped around Dyna's neck.

It wasn't just a monster that arrived here.

"That is?!"

Captain Xibi can see it from an angle just right, and those two blue lights are like eyes.

Chapter 26 Two vs Two

"The first industrial revolution was marked by the widespread application of the steam engine, which replaced manual labor with machine labor, and at the same time—"

In the classroom, UNIQI is explaining the knowledge points in the class. The industrial revolution is an important knowledge point. Today's mechanized industry started from that time.

Not only that, in that technological revolution, not only the labor mode was changed, but also two opposing classes were created.

'Not quite right. '

At this moment, Nangong's words sounded in her mind.

I saw that person who had a very high sense of presence in every class was standing by the window and staring into the distance.

'What's wrong? '

Uniform actually has the answer in his heart.

'The monster appeared, and Dyna was still fighting hard. '

The reason why Nangong used the word 'hard battle' was because it had been 2 minutes since he sensed the other party's transformation.

Based on his personal experience, Empat and Tiga, who have not yet adapted to the current earth environment, can only move on this planet for 3 minutes.

What about Dyna?

Has he adapted to the environment of the earth?

No matter what it is or what, he must go there.

"It's really like a monster appeared during class time..."

Yui sighed helplessly in his heart.

'So what exactly is the way you said before that would not affect work? '

Don't hide it, just take it out.

'so. '

Nangong raised his right hand slightly, and that movement was very familiar to Uniyi.

'Wait, what are you trying to do, why are you raising your hand? '

Every time I see this movement, it means that some ghost is about to be crushed.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.


This shock was immediately noticed by everyone.

The power of Otto made the whole building start to vibrate slightly.

"Everyone! Leave the classroom in an orderly manner!"

As soon as the voice fell, the students ran out of the classroom before they could get anything.

As expected, the hallway was already full of students, who were evacuating towards the stairway.

'So that's what you said? '

You made me an Otter Earthquake?

'In this case, you don't need to go to class, right? '

Nangong's words made Uniyi silent for a while.

'Have you ever wondered what to do if monsters appear in class again in the future? '

'Then shake it again. '


The most incredible campus, the cursed teaching building, always shakes for some reason.

UNIQI has already thought about the next campus legend.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'There is still a monster! '

At this time, Dyna's right foot sank into the ground, and his poor posture made it difficult for him to exert strength.

Besides that, with two whips wrapped around his neck, it was the best chance.

Dai Galen took a deep breath, the energy was released through the organs, and the billowing heat wave spread to the surroundings along with the sprayed flames.

In an instant, this heat bombarded Dyna's body.

Even if the strong type improves the physical ability to the limit, it is not a reason to directly use the body to withstand the attack.

The hot feeling like being scalded was transmitted to Asuka's brain, and at the same time, the 'rope' that locked the neck suddenly disappeared.

Dai pressed the ground with his left hand to support himself, and his red body was soon infested by mud and dust.

He looked a little embarrassed and rolled to avoid the continuous output of flames. On that route, the flames continued to shoot.

Dai Galen did not miss this opportunity, attacking and chasing after the opponent.

So aiming at its open mouth, the α and γ fighters swooped down and fired at the same time.

Yellow, red, like a machine gun, the continuous shooting beams passed through the flames and hit the inside of the mouth directly, and the sparks that exploded caused Dai Galen to stop the attack due to pain.

Dyna on the other side stopped rolling after noticing the disappearing burning sensation, supporting his body into a half-kneeling posture.

He concentrated, using his legs touching the ground, and using his terrifying sense of hearing to search for the existence of the enemy.

Something is moving underground, constantly moving forward, constantly approaching, one second, two seconds, it is about to approach, it is now!

The body protruding from the ground is like a triangular tower, and above the two blue eyes are whips that look like tentacles.

The whip was thrown out quickly, approaching the red giant locked by its user.

But in the middle, a pair of palms clenched tightly.

Dyna's action at this time is like accumulating power for throwing a shot put, but what he is holding is not a shot put, but two whips.

With a deep battle roar, the soil exploded.

The monster that attacked him was forcibly pulled from the ground. Even in such a difficult posture, the strength of the strong type should not be underestimated.

Facing Dai Galen over there, Dyna threw it viciously without even looking at what it was grabbing.

The heavy object collided with the heavy object, and one of the two monsters fell to the ground, and the other remained alert.

There was a low growl, and only then did everyone see clearly what it was that was attacking Dyna.

The two blue dots on top are the eyes?

Or does it have four eyes in different positions?

The part that should be the leg is a strange face, and the sense of confusion that cannot be ignored is unacceptable for a while.

Its name is the two-tailed monster, a monster awakened by the awakening of the natural enemy Gudun.

At this time, Dyna moved his hands forward, lowered his body, and once again made a fighting gesture.

Passing by both sides of him, three fighter jets fired at the same time.

Red, blue, yellow, beams of three colors are intertwined, attacking on the track.

Then the ground began to vibrate slightly, and Dyna's powerful legs supported his running, and his clenched fists aimed at the sparking spot.

The next moment, flames gushed out.

However, Daigalen's attack stopped in the middle, and Dyna, who was bearing the damage, punched out a heavy punch.

It was completely different from before, the heavy blow hit the head, and the pain and dizziness existed at the same time.

Dyna immediately stepped forward, but the target of the attack changed, and the side kick directly hit the strange body of the twin-tailed monster.

After knocking it back for a short distance, he swept the rest of his strength towards Dai Galen.

The dull impact echoed at this moment, and Dai Galen, who raised his arm, successfully blocked the attack.

It threw off the enemy's legs, and blasted straight forward with its clenched left hand.

Fist and arm, Dai Na defended against the attack and then pressed it up again.

His hands grabbed Dai Galen's shoulders from top to bottom, and while pressing the opponent down with his strength, he slammed into the opponent's abdomen with his knees as a weapon.

It is completely different from the shining type, and the soaring physical ability has caused Dai Galen, who was still showing off his might, to suffer a lot.

The raised leg fell, kicking up dust.

Before the dust dispersed, it blasted out again, delivering a loud noise.

The two-knee collision was completed, and the long whip of the other monster was drawn quickly.

Dyna let go of the right hand that locked Daigalen, and used it as a shield to block the blows of the two-tailed monster.

The monster obviously had a strange body shape, but its movements were not slow at all.

Sprinting, whipping, the two tail whips were extremely fast, whipping the enemy's defensive arms continuously.

Dyna let go of his left hand and knocked Dai Galen back with a heavy blow.

Just as he was about to attack, he felt a sudden pain in his leg.

Therefore, it made a sound, and below it was the head biting with teeth. This was the real attack of the twin-tailed monster.

At the same time, Dai Galen, who was repulsed, suddenly moved forward, and his whole body was used as a cannonball, directly knocking Dyna into the air.

The two-tailed monster that let go of its mouth looked at the fallen enemy, and continued to pursue it with another monster.

At this time, the attacks continued continuously.

α, β, γ fighters attack them from different directions, but it is difficult to play a role.

Daigalen and the twin-tailed monster directly ignored the attack, they approached Dyna who was about to get up, and the blue timer on his chest began to turn red, flickering on and off.

2>1, it's just that simple.

If it weren't for outstripping the opponent by more than one level, one against two would basically be a deadly situation.

And, the situation is not right.

There were still scars on the bodies of Dai Galen and the Twin-Tailed Monster. The attacks of the Super Victory Team were not useless, but they locked onto Dyna firmly as if they had no sense at all.

"What's going on? The monster would attack in such an orderly manner?"

Nakajima in the Beta Fighter was puzzled by this. It would be okay if they were monsters of the same family, but these two were obviously not of the same family.

Since the appearance of another monster, Dai Galen will cooperate with the opponent's attack?

They don't even bark now.

At this moment, scorching meteors fell from the sky.

Dai Galen and the Twin-Tail reacted immediately, one retreating, the other... digging a hole.

The ground shook crazily under the impact, and scorched dark red marks tens of meters were pulled out.

With the same color scheme as Dyna, the red and silver giant turned around, his left fist was behind to protect his cheek, his right fist was in front to attack, and he raised his hand sideways.

"It missed."

"did not expect."

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