What Uniyi and Nangong said were of course referring to the previous two-tailed monster. Of course, he was chosen as the target because of his size, which is not the type that can move freely on land.

It turned out that the opponent didn't turn left or right, forward or backward, and just dug down to avoid it, and the movement was fast enough.

At the same moment, Dyna seized the opportunity to shoulder forward and directly repelled the approaching Dai Galen.

One on one, he will not lose.

Empat, the fighter from ten years ago also rushed to the scene.

Two red giants stand on the ground, and there are two giant beasts facing each other here. This scene is like a myth reflected in reality.

Dyna stepped forward quickly, the beeping timer seemed to match his movements, Ming, punched, extinguished, punched, and the rhythmic continuous punches firmly suppressed Dai Galen.

Completely different from his side, Empat's movements seemed to have stopped. Where is the twin-tailed monster sneaking into the ground?

The cyan eyes see through, passing through the obstacles of the ground.

Feel the vibration of the ground with your legs and try to feel the other person's presence.

And the ground is indeed shaking again and again, but this vibration comes from two existences fighting not far away.

Without the hindrance of the two-tailed monster, Dyna gained an absolute advantage.

Heavy punches exploded on Dai Galen's body continuously, and the claws that swung were easily held back.

With a shake of his left hand, Dyna locked the enemy's arm under his armpit.

With his right hand accumulating strength, he punched out.

It seemed that Dai Galen's face was going to be sunken from the beating, and before it could cry out in pain, a forward kick hit the abdomen again.

Due to the force of the impact, his body was lifted a short distance from the ground and then fell, hitting the ground and vibrating.

In an instant, Empat lowered his body.

His way of detecting is not only relying on the feeling of the body, but also the power of the Otto that spreads around the body to form the general effect of "mind's eye".

What about the overlapping of shocks?

The fluctuations when the ground cracked were so obvious.

The strange body of the two-tailed monster pierced out like a sword blade, and the two short whips were also extremely straight.

The timing is perfect, the only downside is the miss.

Its body was immediately hugged firmly, it had no hands, and its head was still buried in the soil, unable to struggle. Its huge body blocked the sunlight for a moment, and then, a more exaggerated vibration than before was formed.

After an over-the-shoulder throw, grabbing the body, Empat lifted the twin-tailed monster over its head and began to spin.

One week, two weeks, three weeks.

The moment he noticed this movement, Dyna clenched his hands tightly at another moment, and slammed it from the side like a heavy hammer, Dai Galen staggered as if he was about to fall.

So at the next moment, it collided with the thrown two-tailed monster, and the two monsters rolled into a ball.

That should be a funny picture, but everyone in the Super Victory team couldn't laugh.

"This is... Ultraman's battle."

When Daigalen and the twin-tailed monster collided, the diffused wind pressure even made the fighter jet shake.

On the left, Empat's hands are from bottom to top. Since he has Tiga's light, he naturally understands the principle of Dillahume's light flow. The surrounding radiance is converted into heat energy, forming a huge fireball.

And this ball of fire was slowly compressed with the movement of the arm, and finally turned into a small fireball burning inside for a moment.

On the right side, Dyna's hands are from top to bottom. If the light flow of Dilla Hume compresses the power from the surroundings, then the Galanet bombardment is released from the inside and then compressed again.

After their energy was charged, one of them took a step forward and threw the fireball with the movement of throwing a light wheel, and the other took a step back and threw the fireball with the movement of punching.

In an instant, two balls of fire collided with the two monsters at the same time.

The fusion of flames and flames forms a more vigorous flame, and orange-red flames fly out towards the surroundings.

Half a second later, the dots of flames slowly floated down along gravity like the afterglow of fireworks after they shattered.

Standing up straight again, Dyna and Empat looked at each other.

'Wow, the eyes are so vicious when you look at them like this. '

Asuka complained about the opponent's blue eyes in his heart.

"Senior, I'm Fei...I'm Dyna?"

The young man who almost revealed his identity called it dangerous.

Faced with this self-introduction, Nangong was silent for a while.

Seniors, juniors, um, what do you want to say at this time?

He has absolutely no experience with this part.

"Do you... have time left?"

"Ah? Ah!"

So say it!

"see you later!"

Dyna rose towards the sky, and finally disappeared in the distance of white clouds.

"What's your line..."

Uniq complained about Nangong, and then Empat's body gradually disappeared into the air, leaving nothing behind.

He didn't have to pretend he wasn't on Earth anyway.

Chapter 27 Harvest

"Hmm... um? Where am I?!"

The president who woke up from a coma found that the sky was so blue, could it be that he had entered the afterlife?

"Don't worry, you're doing fine."

Hearing the young man's voice, he turned his head and saw Asuka wearing the uniform of the Super Victory Team taking out the WIT and switching it on.

"Captain, I'm Asuka, and my current position is——"

Report your location to wait for pick-up, Asuka just hopes not to be identified.

At that time, if he hadn't transformed, not to mention the president and his secretary, even he would have been crushed by the falling building debris.

Putting away WIT, he waited for the arrival of his teammates.

"It's gone all at once."

Suddenly, the president's words attracted Asuka's attention.

Following the other party's line of sight, what he saw was the construction site after the battle.

The facility serving as the control post was smashed at the beginning, and there were several large holes in the ground, which were caused by Dai Galen and the twin-tailed monsters drilling around.

The construction site, which was originally fairly tidy, is now a mess.

Asuka scratched his head. Although it was not his responsibility, as one of the parties involved, he was still inexplicably embarrassed.


At this time, the president shook his head.

"Alright, let's suspend work temporarily, I can't bear it if there are really monsters."


Why did you suddenly change your tone when you clearly opposed it so fiercely before?

What's happening here?

"Monsters are really terrifying existences. Before I knew it, I seemed to have forgotten about it."

Like monsters, no, even scarier than monsters is time.

There hasn't been a monster in ten years, and I don't even forget the horror of monsters.

The president shook his head.

"Now I'm starting to think you're amazing. I definitely can't muster up the courage to fight that kind of thing."

When I was a child, I used to think that ants are really powerful, and they can build such a powerful home.

I also thought about it ten years ago, if we humans could build cities underground, would it be impossible for the evil gods to cause so many casualties.

Now I have forgotten why I want to build an underground city.

"I want to start again. This time, I must build an underground city that will not be destroyed by any monsters. But to defeat the monsters, I still need to rely on your Super Victory Team."

The president said this, although Asuka didn't quite understand what happened, but he still understood this sentence.

"Leave it to us! Keep your feet on the ground and move towards your ideals, there must be something waiting for you there."

"I'm already old, if I don't have it, I'll be in trouble."

The president looked serious, and then suddenly laughed again.

"Ha ha!"


The laughter made the female secretary's eyes move, and she opened them slowly.

Pain followed.

'These two men...'

Why are you smiling so happily?

My ankle feels like it's going to hurt...

The monster is defeated, the battle is over, and the reunited Victory Condor flies in the sky, and they come to pick up their teammates.

At the same time, in an ordinary high school in Kumamoto City, Uniq, who sneaked out of the toilet, found that the class was temporarily suspended, and the students were chatting about the same thing in the corridor.

Hurrying to the office, the teachers were also discussing the inexplicable situation just now.

"It comes and goes quickly, and it seems that only our place is shaking. What's the situation?"

Such doubts existed in everyone's hearts, and the earthquake stopped before they even had time to pull out the teaching building.

In addition, turn on the phone to see where there is an earthquake!

At least from the outside world, the problem is from the perspective of the school?

"It can't be a collective hallucination, can it?"

Someone else scratched his hair in confusion.

What is the strangest place?

The strangest thing is that the teachers and students in the physical education class on the playground have no idea what happened, and they don't understand why the students who are in the teaching building suddenly run out.


There is no such thing at all!

"Is there a quality problem with the teaching building?"


"Could it be that there are monsters underground!"

Talking out speculations in a hurry, the more you talk, the more disturbing you feel.

Uniq felt a little embarrassed, although it was not intended, but is it a bit of a panic to create...

Suddenly, someone suddenly shouted:

"Hurry up and check your phone, the director has sent a notice!"

Taking out the phone and opening the group, the notification is very simple: the whole school will be on vacation for the next three days, the quality of the teaching building will be thoroughly re-inspected, and the Super Victory Team will also be notified to investigate.

"It is indeed necessary to investigate carefully, otherwise who can stay."

Everyone agrees that this situation is really disturbing.

Mass hallucinations, build quality, monster presence, whatever it is is not a good thing.

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